I want to change the world
I want to change the meaning of peace
To something permanent
I want to open doors of everyone’s
And shut out doubt
Oh yes ! I am in confuse
The world is so big and I am so little
to make a big change
Sometimes I also confuse about myself
who I am
where the future lies
sometimes I look at myself in mirror
and say ! am I the real me
is it an illustration of image
a different person hide within my face
or within me
sometimes I feel the world need the
people like me
where people cry for peace but no one
is the true path follower
sometimes I ask myself
what passion I should follow to make
the world a better place to live
sometimes I ask myself where should I
go and I can I touch the sky
Sometimes I dreams of helping others
But In the end I end up with proving
myself wrong
We all live here on Earth together
Together we can find a way; together
we will reach the stars
Together we can dreams better and
together we can erase our fear and tear
Together we can smile and together we
can fight
Together we can do many thing
I always dream about togetherness
Alas ! in d end again I prove myself
I end up with lonely journey and
fighting with myself for making this world a better place
I’m dreaming of a better world where
what we do is care
I’m dreaming of a fairer place where
everyone will share
I had a dream, the world would be a
team with peace and love for all
If only the world could be a better
place for all
Irrespective of color, race or creed
Indeed put an end to greed
That bring me to the world you live
We’ll call for all the other people
Until the world will have a heart that
beats as one.
I wish for global understanding and
That the love of reading will reach
every boy and girl on earth
End up seeing the world in a whole
different light
Equality for all in our world.