Does dreaming high is a big crime in this competitive world?
Dreaming high is a human right and work on that as well. But, does everyone get what they expect in the corporate world? Currently, India’s the literacy rate is high,  so much competition in the job market, there is no problem for getting an employee but yes getting the right employee for the right position is much important where many companies face the problem.
Nowadays ambitious Indian support make in India projects with a full swing – everyone wants to have their own company or startups, having your own startup or company is not a jock, for this so much pressure one needs to handle but after crossing all huddles, still why startup fails?
Is it due to a regional issue like a North Indian starts his/her business in south Indian, is it? I don’t think so, as the company gives proper job opportunity to the local with high priority basis. I saw this strategy, where ever I go, either it’s Karnataka or Maharashtra or Odisha.
Then why start up fails –
Let me tell you my experience: I always have the interest to have my own startup when I was in engineering even during my MBA too but later on, I realized that, this is not so easy what I was thinking before.  Having an idea is OK but execute it in the market with proper set up is quite difficult, no matter how worthy and unique your idea is.  It, not only needs the resources but also money as well. If it is going good then it’s great but if it will fail then?
Why companies fail:
1)      Not having proper resources – I believe if an employee can give his/her 6-7 hours’ time dedicatedly then he/she can achieve his/her target but unfortunately we never ever do that.
So how company and managers should deal with this –
I believe if we will do our work with all pre plans then we can achieve anything, everything should be done in an organized manner and all tasks then it can be done perfectly. When it comes to established company they already have such name and plans but when it comes to the startup, how to deal with this –
They need to utilize the human resource in full utilization as per their capability. Like I have 5 members in Sales and Marketing team.
2 will be for inside sale
2 will be for outside sale /field sale
1 will be for Digital marketing.
I am talking about the company which is just 6 months to 1-2 years old with less revenue.
So these much human resource is enough.
2)      Not having perfect Revenue plans mean where to invest how –
Start-up usually faces problems regarding this, here you need to take decisions with a proper experienced finance person or CA passed. Doing proper financial planning for a company is not everyone’s cup of tea, so better consult before taking any steps and after having a discussion, discusses the same with managers.
3)      Qualitative hiring is better than quantitative hiring –
It’s better to give more pressure to fewer employees than fire the maximum employees and spoil their career. Firing policy spoils the company image and can take you to the court as well according to Indian labor law. So less hire helps the company to move ahead with better training, the trainer should be experienced and well knowledgable person as well, one - who can be a great path shower, not a confused atma, Who spends his/her whole job under the shadow of someone? So be wise enough to hire a good trainer or experienced candidates, so it’s your choice. Where to invest and how.
4)      Create a great work culture –
When there is no hire and fire policy and respectful coordination among all employees then it can create a good environment and great work culture too.
There are so many time due to bad management so many good employees suffer.
One best example ever-
One case study I want to bring to the notices to all –
One company name – ABEL (Just a fake name) started just 5 years before. That was going good, so they planned to expand their company. As it was Research based company so they planned to open another department, so finally, they opened a department for report writing as that has a huge demand in market.
They started with 2 members one guy (AK) who already work there before and he has 1 year of experience into marketing as he was passed out in 2017, another girl (RP) who has 5 years of experience in research but she never ever handled any team before.  They started to recruit people for a big dream and hoping for the best. As both were new in the market with different aspects, they didn’t know what could be the consequences- 
They hired a girl (SS) in first who has quite a good number of experience but all are into different sectors but she was good in research work as that was her core competency, she did so many project work during her academic and internship and for different companies as well but not so proper corporate experience as she also passed in 2017, MBA. Sooner, She also became one of the members in that team and she gave them an idea of where to search the data for research like Research gate and so many authentic sites. This was her initial journey as she was new to that Market Research department so she gave ideas as per her academic project works and few companies’ projects works. They also accept that as well. After 3 days of joining she got a project called “Fertility Testing”, she did the complete project within 7 days which included Geography, Product wise, Company profiling. She did all as per the specimen report, which was a 5-pages project but she need to work as per that template but using her brain. That specimen copy is useless to understand the concept as that was completely a theory paper.
She gave her best then after 7 days, in that group 6 new members joined like AA(Guy), BB(Guy), GG(Guy), CC(Girl), DD(Girl), EE(Girl).
They all are really talented as all passed from very good colleges with a master’s degree but all are fresher just 2018 passed out.  So initially SS helped them how to do the search and what are the data should be taken. She helped each and everyone in her team as the team leaders (AK & RP) always busy in their work, for the corporate meeting to sell the projects. So this girl SS helped them initially. She told what are the data should be put as that specimen copy was useless so she shared her project works with others as well. This thing the team leaders didn’t like and they pick one guy from the team who was from a reputed college with easy going with the team leaders, he usually spend his more time with the team leaders than his work but he was dedicated and ambitious as well.  Sooner he grasps the things. As this was a project which is done with the teammates, the girl SS and the girl EE were in one team, so SS needs to spend much time to make the EE understand how to do the things. She helped her how much she can, her usual work was to collect as much as statics data as she can, she taught the same as well to other members too.
Then after 4 days of new joinee, the team leader (RP) started teaching the members how to do the research and what the modules were going to include there.
Everyone started working with full swing. Slowly SS found she was getting ignored and insulted by the team leaders in many ways, which depressed her mentally even though she gave her best effort how much she can. 
By that time SS was going through some personal life issues, which was another reason why sometimes she did some silly mistakes; even though she had knowledge she did small silly mistakes, which was not that much serious issue.
She usually never ever did any mistake, whenever she did that day the RP take everyone to the conference room and showcase everyone’s work. So that everyone should know she also does the mistakes too.
1st conference room meeting- when SS did mistake in Company profiling but RP corrected the wrong one, not the latest one which she sends in the next day morning. Due to data loss in the computer, everyone need to send everyone’s work to RP on an everyday basis before leaving the office.
2nd conference room meeting: When she put less statically data in her report that was based on the exoskeleton, she didn’t put the static data of as per disease.
3rd conference room meeting: She was working for the opportunity of cast polymers,  She gave a proposal of 2 opportunities, in the first one she put the static data and from there some are irreverent. Another one the answer was hard to find as she was too good at secondary search. Finally the work was given to other members to search about the relevancy of SS work, finally, they found out from a government side and that was a new project was going in future.
She knew her core strength and she knew her capabilities but when it comes to literature she can’t give a guaranty on that, one sentence can be written in various ways and she usually writes in her own ways. She is flexible to work for any industry whether it is automation or healthcare. Even though she is new to the industry but she has confidence that she can do any professional work in a perfect way except speaking too much as she has some internal disease.
4th conference room meeting:
Final meeting about how to progress.
She did some silly mistakes but it didn’t mean she didn’t work. She completely worked on one project, she did 6 more projects in the group too, and she took all the challenges whatever came in her way. But her mistakes were making more noise than rest as she was the one who taught all and who did correction of a few of her teammates and she put more efforts for others instead of her. She knew "Research" is not about writing theory or irrelevant statics data, it is comprised of all. One needs to put his/her heart and mind over there completely then only he/she can succeed. Research is her core competency that’s why during her MBA college SIP project she could impress the director of a reputed finance company. No one in her college could beat her in research which everyone well versed from her lectures to friends.
RP and AK , harsh her as much as they could, finally they gave her only RDs but she was not so much interested to do RD , there they found silly mistakes like a spelling mistake and sometimes sentence making in the writing but all times they end up with 0 plagiarism. That was SS’s USP.
Finally, one day came in her life she did one projects within 10 days like within 7 days she did the complete project and 3 days for correction of rest and adding more data’s.
Still, the team leaders put SS, EE, and DD in PIP( performance observation), it's ok for EE and DD as they both were fresher but they were talented and own master’s degree from good colleges too. What’s SS fault, she always gave her best sort. She sat for overtime to complete her project. They gave her 14 days’ time, within 10 days she completed 2 projects. When she was doing the last project she suffered from fever and still, she didn’t ask for leave as well as she didn’t have any dare to spoil her career and future for simple fever so she continued her work, one day she felt she can’t do more so she asked for 1 hour time and send a mail to all to meet the doctor.  Just after 2 days of this, she was asked to come to the conference room and there they pointed out the mistakes she did in that project which she was handling in last, which she completed within 6 days even though her health was not good, none of them agree with her points, what she was trying to explain but she gave her 100%, finally, her managers put huge pressure to leave the company. Not only she but also on same day DD EE all left the company. Their operational head put one proposal in front of SS to join in another department, as that was night shift and her marriage was just after 15 days, she refused to go ahead with that  and left.
This is her whole 4 months of journey in that company – she gave clarification to all senior managers when they put her in PIP – She send mail to the operation head with justified answers with her all project works to view . As she knew no one in her group do the project like her, as she don’t do copy paste, she really studies the market and went for the research accordingly. Finally, she got such a result in the end. For, which company she gave her best, the company gave her nothing. Finally, she loses her faith in all startups due to the poor management style.
Just after 30 days of this incident, in December the whole department – report writing team shut down, Which also make her feel bad as well. As everyone really works hard for that but no one knew what has happened. Why such things happened, finally, she got to know as they are running out of money, they wanted to cut the manpower, that’s why they did this but what is the fault of these 3 girls, whose career was murdered unnecessarily and especially what is the fault of SS, who was more hardworking and honest.
Like everyone’s life, she was going through some conflicts but it doesn’t mean she never ever performed well or She didn’t have the knowledge, Is it the reason, she faced the problem – She was not from that place and she didn’t complete her studies from that places, Does the companies judge someone based on the region, not the education or talent. From that incident of my friend I realized – KARMA EFFECT IS THERE IF YOU PUNISH SOME INNOCENTS YOU WILL GET THE RESULT AS WELL.
This is completely an example of bad management which murdered many employees' career and experience unnecessarily.
After few days when SS again go to that same company to get her belongings, from there she got to know that the company’s directors are currently in UK.
So from this casestudy, you can analyze so many things –
Bad management –
1)      The team leaders AK and RP are not properly experienced people as per their respective professions. AK is into sales and management team and RP as a team leader but she confused in many things. She couldn’t give proper guidance.
2)      They hired 8 candidates initially without having a huge budget even they did internal hiring too.
3)      They spoiled many employees' careers unnecessarily; a company can’t be closed suddenly as it is preplanned, and so if it is pre-planned then why they spoiled these 3 girls' careers then. They should inform the employees regarding this before, otherwise, they should give a relieving letter to all and save their career. This is good management, where they care for employees instead of using them as the HIT & TRAIL method. No employee is bad if that employee really gives his/her best effort to learn. The problem is with management and Trainers who train them. (I PERSONALLY BELIEVE)
So in this scenario, one should know the INDIAN / OWN COUNTRY LABOR LAW, if the employer sues you, you can sue the company too in legal form.
So before joining as an employee, one should know the following details
1)      Company’s review
2)      Company’s management strategy
3)      Company’s work culture
4)      Read all documents carefully before joining and know the company’s rules and regulations
5)      If you are not aware of all the rules and regulations as a new employee, ask once to the concerned department like if it is related to I.T. then ask the I.T. department rather than your office colleagues.
6)      Know the company's labor law
7)      Should well verse with INDIAN OR OWN COUNTRY LABOR LAW, State labor law and how it works
In this way, you can save yourself, IF YOU ARE NOT GUILTY *As per law if you didn’t do such things which are against the company’s rules and regulations* otherwise no one can save you from this.  
This is the bad management case study I ever know.
This is based on a true event and for some reason, I keep the name of employees and company's name hidden.
So what could be the reason behind the shutdown of the company?
Kindly comment below!

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