Life never stop or  never ends for anyone. It always run like river, so life never ends for anyone or stop for anyone. Sometimes we just pause our life song for some time, but we can’t delete our favorite song from our playlist. Life is like a beautiful lyrics & we always try to write it in a perfectly manner, sometimes it takes one day to choose some words which show our full emotions.  Sometimes through our song we show our full emotion…life is like a beautiful song, if you know how to sing , then you will become a successful singer…life is also like drama, if you know how to act , without any break , then you can be a good actor.

Here I am going to write a  very small love story…where I act as a narrator …I am a successful businessman , I achieve many thing in my life & became a celebrity . But every day I feel something missing in my life. One day I decided to go further my previous life. Means I realize the importance of my lover. Who left me before 10 years……………here the story being…it’s small love story …hope it will touch your heart.

                              I can’t believe how my passed & how I  achieved many things in my life. But now I realize my empty life , I need someone who will fill my empty space with her pure love .i need only one love & my old love . I hope she will come further in my life to fill up my empty space, just  hope for the best . I know, she may not  be with me right now still I  can feel her within me…I don’t know why today my heart says to meet with her ,I can feel her presence right now also .  Whatever I am now because of her. I don’t know why  I need her today badly. I don’t know where she is now & what she is doing. Still I can feel for her, till now many girls came in my life. But no one can take her place. She is one & only one in my life . She was & is mine. She is my world. She is everything for my life. Without her my life is just like hell. No doubt we decided to stay apart .it was my decision, but today I need her badly. I feel I can’t live without her.  I don’t know, why today her image etches in my eyes. I need her…how can I found her & where???
                                                      I don’t know why today I feel that I can’t live without her. I have to get her, by hook or by crook. I know she will agree with me. She can’t angry upon me. I know we apart  from each other nearly 10 years. After 10 years I need her today badly !. But why…now i am success that’s why??? I am so selfish. today I feel like she is calling me. Oh, god please show the way to reach at her.
Lastly I decided to go her home town GOA. Finally I booked one ticket for Goa, I decided means its final’s the I  prepared  myself  for Goa and I reached at airport before one hour to my flight. may be after a long time I pray before my lord form my heart - Just pray before my lord, “I don’t money or anything, I need only her. No Doubt till now we apart but now I can’t tolerate the distance. I don’t care my age”. I know I am  already 35 years old & i am sure she also unmarried  , what  my heart says . How can she forget me? Whatever she did because of me. She is my life.  Many questions are there to ask her. Why she decided to left me, why? I surely ask her  all questions, but before that I have to prepare how I have to treat her, as I after a long a time , I am going to meet her. I am really so excited. I can’t show  the love fire what she burnt in my heart. She is a different flower, whose smell till now in my heart. How much I try I can’t remove her , something is with her, which attracts  me. I feel her in my every success. In my every work. I need her badly now .
                                  How my time flew away I couldn’t understand. my flight was late, still I couldn’t understand , How time passed in airport. Then In flight besides my seat I saw a small kid looking at me & giving cute smile. She nearly 1o years. Her question astonished me; she told me I look like her father. Then I laugh on myself as  “if I marry then my daughter will be in her age.” Then I kissed her face & asked  what’s your papa’s name…she didn’t give me any answer. & then I asked her mother’s name …tear fall from eyes…she smiled & told "my mother died before one week".  After listening this I couldn’t tolerate & then I hugged her & kissed on her forehead. I don’t know what to tell her, her life was also  like me. Then I smiled & she also smiled. Then we both talk a long time. I didn’t know which topic I discuss  still I love to talk with her. She  told me  , she had to go Maharashtra. I astonished how smart that girl was. I really admire her. We apart, still her cute words  & pretty face were printed in my heart. Whenever I looked at her I felt like I am looking at my love /my life, whatever you can say. Then I reached at Goa at 2pm, I was so excited to meet her, I did n’t know what to give her. As she always told me – “I don’t need anything in my life, except you”. That’s why I had no such memory except one - that’s my ring. Still it shows our love   – which she had given in my birthday. How can I forget that day? Oh, god I want my time back. I need that time where we apart.  I called a taxi then I started my journey & she was my final destination. According to address I reached that place, but after reaching that place my eyes filled with tear, I couldn’t understand how I get her & where. As that house was locked. I asked the neighbors  no one can give me their address. It depressed my mind. I pray before my lord, except prayer nothing was in my hand. As I left everything for her,  I only need her.  I can’t think anything except her; I was like mad for her. I break down, and then I saw the photo which was in my wallet & cried. As I felt like only tear remain in my life. As without her my life is meaningless. Suddenly some old memories came in front of my eyes. I rushed to that place where we first meet, that college where we read together. Some old memories left in my life, that library, that old tree, that college canteen. May be she was not with me but her memories were with me, how can I forget how I fall in love with her.

Some memories are still like green leaven in spring season. My memories & love is like that. She was not apart from my heart. She was always present in my heart. Some old memories etched in my eyes. Suddenly my eyes fall on a person, actually I forget his name, but I felt like I know him. When I call him as a general, he shouted “OMG – after long time I saw you. How are you? Now you become a celebrity how could you remember me? You are a rich person.” after saying this. He told me I know you may not remember my name, but I remember. Don’t worry, I’ll help you. “After that we talk a long time. He heard my problems & promised me to help me. He invited me to go his home & stay there for one day. But every time my heart cried for my love, I forget about food, health everything. Only for her. I fully decided to get her . Day passed away & night came still her imaged etched in front of my eyes. Our beautiful memories always etched in my eyes. Which make my night sleepless? The most beautiful memory in my life “how I proposed her”…how can I forget that day…how I fall in love with her…

"I was very naughty in my college time , in my college fest first time I saw her- she took part in song competition . Which touched my heart, from that day I fall in love with her? No doubt she first refused me to make friendship with me, as she too fear to make friendship. I took 2 years to talk with her perfectly.  How can I forget how I proposed her, as she was the reason behind in my every success? We finish our study, but still we were never ever apart, we decided do read together MBA in same college. Finally we do that also. No doubt I have got best college in India LIKE <IIM> but I kicked that for my love. I was too mad for her.  No doubt for this  reason ,she stop talking with me 2 months. Then she further talk with me. I have interest in business but she had interest in song & in social work. She was my back bone of my every work. Whatever I get only for her. When my mother died, I was totally alone. She helped me for my study. She helped me for my further study. She sung & earned money & that money helped me for my study. She did many things in my life.  if she would n’t come in my life then I may n’t be  reach in this position. But I wanna ask her, why she left me. What are the reasons .no doubts we quarrel, but I don’t think it’s the only reason. Till now also I unmarried because of her, as I believe one day I‘ll get her . But now I feel like my whole world is like dark. I don’t get any hope to get her. My night passed away with this thought. Another day begin, today I promised myself by hook or by crook I’ll get her address. After a long time I request people only for her. As she was most important than my ego. Finally I got one address. Before leave goa, I pray from my heart “oh lord, give my love…if you want take my wealth. But give me my old love,  I  need her badly.”

So according that address I reached at Maharashtra, finally I found that home. My heart beat faster when I knocked her door. I did n’t know the response, after two knock I saw that little girl opened the door,  whom I meet in flight. I astonished. I felt like I reached at wrong address. I checked my address twice & thrice. Every time I confuse, then that girl told me in jock, HELLO UNCLE…WHAT HAPPENED …SEE THE MIRACLE. WE MEET FURTHER… YOU DON’T WANNA COME MY HOME…PLEASE COME.I’LL SHOW YOU MY GRAND PARENTS. When I entered into that house, I could n’t believe my eyes. My heart break into pieces. I felt like my whole world is dark. When I saw her dead photo. One side  her dead photo & another side my daughter.  This confused my mind & my heart always asked one question IS IT TRUE???

Then I heard every news from her parents & they told me I am the only reason behind her death. As to save his life  she took all the risks ,no doubt at that time god saved her life. But the bullet which entered into her stomach that became  a stomach cancer in future. She died one week before. Her only wish was to meet her once & she wants tell you about her daughter. She couldn’t inform him as n last moment she was in comma state. After listening everything I felt like my life is  meaningless. For whom I’ll live? Then I saw my daughter & I thanked god to give me a hope for live . I decided ,now  I have to live for her . Only tear drops fall from my eyes. Suddenly I saw my daughter gave me one diary & she told me “ this is my mama’s personal diary. My mom  told me last time, if I ever meet my papa then I’ll give him. Now I meet you papa but you are too late. “

Then I opened the diary:-

13 June 1995
I know I am going to leave him for forever, I know it’s hard for me but I have to do this. As I am the only reason behind his all problems. I can’t see the fall of him. I know my work is different from him, I know for me his life in danger. I can’t live without him. So I have decided to leave him. I know I have not that much stand to talk with him. As he is now a big businessman. Now He don’t love me like before. He might be fall in love with someone. I can’t tolerate it more, it’s better to stay away from him. No doubt it break me, still I love him deadly. I always want his success. So I can sacrifice anything for him.

14 November 2000
Now I mother of a beautiful baby, I know it’s better to hide this news for him. As for me may be the face problems. I can’t see him in problems. It’s better to make distance from him. It’s true except him I can’t think about others. He may forget my love, but I can’t. As in my life I love only one person. Whom I gave everything of my life. His memories will die with me.

20 December 2009
I am going die. For the last time I wanna meet him. But how, he is now in a higher potion. He might have forgotten to me. He may be happy with his personal life. I don’t want to disturb him more. I am happy with my little family & my orphan. These children are now my love & life.

After reading this I felt how stupid I was, how one small confusion kill our life…only tear let in my eyes…

My daughter is now a great singer as well as businessmen, she fulfilled both wishes. Now I can’t wait more. Whenever I saw sky in night every time I saw a star, that star always calls me. Now it’s time to meet with that star………………

.....Peace comes from love…..Love never dies…but sometimes confusion & ego kills it……………

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