The  worst truth of our life
we never know the time period of our life is
It shouldn't be easy to be imagine 
Then everything would be

It's the things you fight for


Struggle with before earning
That have the greatest worth
That is our attitude
The more we realize 
The more impact of attitude on our life
Attitude to me is more important than any facts 
It is much more important then education & money

sometimes we get it from circumstances & failures & success.. 

we should not care 
what other people think or say or do
It is more important than appearance

It may  make or break anything 

This is a remarkable thing 
That is we have a choice for every day 
We cannot change our past as how we were
We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way 
The only thing we can do 
we will stay with our rule 
That is our attitude
Which  is with you... 

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