Oh my dear
I wanna be good.
I wanna be with you!
This is all; I can now
I confess to you.

Stay with me!
Stay forever, if you please!
Just say yes! For me now

someone’s voice came in my dream
In my last night
My night became sleepless
A voice which irritate me
I wish I could forget at all
Still some bad memories couldn’t erase at all
There was a time
Everything went wrong
that was worst time ever
Harder than a silent cry
I didn’t know if I was right or wrong
still I believe as if I was right
I remember our friendship days
How I took you as a good friend
As I had faith on you a lot
                                                       Alas you break it at last             
You break your friendship on a silly matter
Which was a jock which I had told?
I remember I begged you sorry
Still you never ever forgive me at all
My heart always tried to forget all those things
Which you told & which I had told
I remember the rude voice of yours
I never ever forget at all
I wish I forgive you
Still I can’t trust you again
Because at last I reach at the truth
Which you had never ever told
I was mad, yes I might be
Still I was not fake or rude at all
Now I could not believe my eyes
How could it all change suddenly at all
After passing a long time
Why you come further
When I begged for help
I find only some hands
So I care for them only
In those bad days I could understand
Who is mind who is not?
After the damaging harm
my eyes says don’t be apologize
Because I couldn't go back
that’s not how you get back to me
everything went wrong all at once
I don’t wanna to go back further
Now there is no more memory , no way , no chance
I wish I could understand
however the limit is already crossed
You can’t be my good friend again also
don’t take my silence a sign of weakness
the worst fact is that
I don’t care to any of you
something is meaningless
I wonder did I give out the wrong sign
It’s you who don’t like to see the red light
so let’s put the blame on me
Pretend that this fault is mine
still truth is that
How could you cross my line?
Even if I couldn't understand
How you’re so much blind
should I listen to your words or what you think
Becoz now your words don’t get me easily motivate
I am well & happy with this life

Suddenly I listen one voice  
Wake up wake up!
It's already eight o'clock
Finally I understood that 
It was a bad dream ever

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