The time has come to say good bye

 A year of happiness and of sorrow

Yesterdays are ghosts haunting the past

by grace and forgiveness, they don't last.

Oh my lord
I would ask for a world free war
I pray the war will end soon
 So we'll have a better tomorrow.
Oh my Lord,
I would ask for a holy year

Spent in the perfect will

Help everyone to walk in every steps

 Oh my Lord,
I would ask for a trustful year

Give everyone the faith divine

 Oh my Lord,
I would ask for a year of love

spread love in everywhere

Oh my Lord,
I would ask for a year of prayer

Teach everyone to walk with thee

 Oh my Lord,

I would ask for a year of joy

The peace, the joy divine

Be the days of shade or shine.
Oh my Lord
I ask for a year of hope
A year of  joy & peace

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