Yeah , I have decided not to write every day ( as my exam is already over of my head ) but something forced me to write. So it’s  small article …

Yeah, every time I don’t write for any specific person, but sometimes I write, when ever I write I mention…now I am writing for those people. Whose ideology really affects me . I love this line , hope u all also “BEAUTY CAPTURES THE HEART FOR SHORT PERIOD  BUT PERSONALITY CAPTURES THE HEART FOR LIFE LONG, SO BE A GOOD PERSONALITY PERSON & STAY WITH IN EVERYONE’S HEART. IT’S A GREAT WAY TO WIN OVER THE WORLD. A SMALL ACT OF KINDNESS CAN GIVE YOU BIG RESULT. BUT IT’S NOT TOO EASY TO DO.”

I love to judge but I found very few people in this world who really cares for others at least no soft hearten, but who are soft hearten they always win the world in the end of their life. you can take any example like- GANDHIJI , MOTHER TERESA, NELSON MANDELA , DALAI LAMA etc… these people capture the hearts of everyone . So be a good personality person, it helps you to get the thing which is more precious than money.  You can earn money by many different ways, but earn respect & love is very difficult, if you are success in this matter then one day you will surely win everyone’s heart. For wining a heart it’s not needed to have a good looking face & body construction, without this two you can gain more respect & love from whole world. sometimes people think face attracts more , yeah it’s attracts till your face glows like diamond, but when you become old at that time no one will care what you are . Yes, I agree some people always respected due to their good behavior & involvement in good cause. But if you are a good personality person then you can earn respect & love till your end. so here I mean to say, in life age or face always not matters IF YOU HAVE EXCELLENT PERSONALITY. You have got a great power to capture the whole world through your greatness; it’s your main weapon to steal many hearts.  Btw now days it’s very difficult to get a good personality person, it’s not easy to be soft hearten person. till now, I have marked many people are there who neither control their anger nor soft hearten, in this world it’s very difficult to find a person who is kind for others , who really use soft words for others. So your good personality is a blessings for you , as everyone can’t adopt this quality, it’s really too difficult. It doesn’t matter what’s in your heart , if you are good from outside at least behave good to everyone , care for everyone & open hearten then everyone will loves you. Now a day’s everyone are very complicated, even if rude also. So if you posses some extraordinary quality then one day your name will be in HISTORY, so create a name in history is not so difficult, it’s need good heart. So Be a good human being … love everyone as they are…?
You can take many examples of many great people & their life, it’s really heart touching & painful too. So be like them, if you can’t be like them at least try to adopt some qualities. BE AN EXAMPLE FOR OTHERS ….IT WILL BE THE GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT IN YOUR LIFE…

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