Sorry, if my article hurts anyone’s feelings, but I am not telling to everyone. I am telling what’s right, what true fact is & what most of the time happens with me. Most of the time I have seen how people motivates my mind in wrong direction even if I have seen my friends also do. So in that situation I can give strong replay to my friends but I can’t say anything who are in a well positions, I can’t take their name. But it really hurts. When you can’t expect that thing from them, so I wanna say you are very wise person so how can you do this kind of mistake. They don’t know it may hurt others, it always does n’t mean if you love someone their words only hurts you. It’s not like that, sometimes whom we take as our idol & we also follow their path, their words also hurts us. It confuses our mind when we hear that thing from them. So here I wanna say, I apologies for my previous article. So don’t take me in a wrong sense. I am not saying what you people are telling that’s wrong, that’s right. But few girls apply this. So how can you relate all girls, all are not equal, all are not MODELS / all ambitions are DIFFERENT...so before deliver your words think twice, whether I am right or wrong. I am not so wise person or I am not that much capable to give advises to such great people but what my INNER VOICE TOLD, I HAVE JUST WRITTEN HERE. I don’t mean to hurt anyone. It’s ok, if you friends are showing you in a wrong direction but when an adult shows you wrong direction. What can you expect from them?  When you follow their footprint. If they will show wrong direction, can you believe them further or their words. So here I wanna say. I was angry because my personality is different, but most of the time people take it in different sense. I am silent it doesn’t mean I CAN’T SHOUT, I CAN’T FIGHT AGAINST WRONG. My personality & character great mean to me, I never allow others to destroy it. Even if I can’t allow others to show me wrong path which can destroy my personality. I always care for it, HOPE IN THE END OF MY LIFE ALSO I’LL CARE FOR IT. I DON’T CARE   WHAT EVER I’LL DO BUT BE SURE THAT, I’LL NOT ALLOW  TO DESTROY  THESE TWO. WHICH IS MY IDENTITY? So this article is not for some specific people, it’s for all who ever do this. So here I wanna say, BE A GOOD HUMAN BEING.  Be GOOD for all, especially for all women. Most of time I have seen how MINISTERS, POLICE OFFICERS use filthy language for women, and it’s not a new case. But it really irritates me, I wanna say if their attitude will be like this then how you can feel secure. I wanna change the attitude of everyone; at least they should know the IMPORTANCE OF WOMEN IN THEIR LIFE & IN THEIR FAMILY & IN THE WORLD. It can solve many problems like rape, torture to any women; many more…so all wanna live a life as their wish, so love them as they are. Behave them as they want.  Sorry , if my words hurts anyone, so sorry for it…my mentality is to tell everyone BEHAVE WELL … here I am not indicating to any single person , it’s for all …because I have seen how people take my articles in negative sense or drag any person in the problem. But actually I don’t mean it; I don’t mean to hurt anyone. So please don’t take my writings personally. Whenever I write for someone, it’s through poem …when I write an article it’s for all. I love those people who give me good advice but sometimes people drag them also into problem. As I can’t take anyone’s name in publicly it does n’t mean you can blame anyone. So stop blaming anyone unnecessarily, while I don’t mean to them.

I am extremely sorry, if my words hurt anyone.

Sorry friends now i can't give so much time in writing ,  because I have to read for my semester, which is already knocked at my door (24th MAY).  It does n’t mean I’ll not write :P :D. I’ll write once in a week or 3 days gap. Not every time & everyday …actually I can’t live a day without writing, so I don’t know how much I able to success to keep my promise. Still, I have to do this for my semester . After semester further my writing will CONTINUE like before. So till that day I have to take leave from this…yes, I’ll write but LITTLE with GAP : p 

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