Take the step by steps decisions in your life, it’s the wise process to gain something & it also helps you in long term goal . Our step by step decisions can help us to reach at our destination in perfect manner,  not any random decision. Plan & then take a step.  Be wise & be silent! 

We all have dream, it does n’t matter how big it is or how small it is? Your small journey will help you to reach at your goal. So stay in present life, think for future but plan for nearly future  . As we can’t predict our future. We don’t know our future. Our life is a beautiful movie & we don’t know what the scene left to see in our life. We have to cover a long journey, sometimes alone & sometimes with our well wiser, but if we take a random step or if we will be hurry, we will be tired very soon, so its wise step sees your surroundings, see the opportunity, see your potential and see the helping hands. Then plan for next journey. 

Sometimes our planning becomes the main reason of our sorrow  . As some people predict many thing for their future life, when that don’t fulfill they feel frustrated. As their all plan go in vain, even I also experienced this thing. 

So now I am doing whatever I can, I am doing with all the resources I have. I don’t know what’s my future is. May be god has some surprise gift for me, what God is hiding from me . he will give , when my time will come. The surprise gift may be terrific or may be a mind-blowing one. I don’t know about that gift. But I know something he has planned for me. It may bring sorrow in my life or bring lots of pleasure. It purely depends on my future. I don’t know what is going in the mind of My Lord , I only know he loves me a lot, whatever he will give that would be good for me. Still there is an uncertain fear within my heart. There is a fear for not fulfilling dream. 

Sometimes people fear to take any serious step or dream high.  They fear if their dream will be unfulfilled. Everyone fears. But some people dare to make their dream into reality. So according to me dream high, no matter how much problem you face. Even if I also failed to fulfill my dream, I burn many dream in my own hand. Still I wanna say dream again- dream big. Dream is most important part in your life & we all are crazy to make it into reality .

I am going to one step ahead to fulfill my journey; I can’t allow others to say no. So here I wanna say, don’t allow others to demoralize you or pull your leg. No one will cry if your dream became dream. So never listen other, listen your heart only. Listen your inner voice, what it wanna say.  

Your small small steps can help you to fulfill your dream, not a big step. So walk slowly, take steps wisely then proceed further in your life. Your one wise step can make your life beautiful. 

I have a dream & I also don’t know how to reach at that point. I only know the resources present with me; I only know how to utilize it properly. So I gonna use my resources in proper way, with wise step. Hope it can help in to reach at that point, what I dream. I know I can’t handle any big step even if I can’t run fast in my life journey. I only know my destination & the potential present with me.  No one is my competitor, my competition is with me. I know my destination & I know my journey. So I never take anyone as my competitor . As different people have different journey, so how can I equalize myself with them. So it’s my journey, let me to decide what I wanna do.  You people can take me as your competitor, but I don’t take anyone. Yes, some people are there whose ideology affects my mind, I only follow their good qualities, but it doesn’t mean I can follow everyone. I only adopt the good one & try to utilize it. I only select those qualities which will be helpful for me, in my journey. I don’t know my future, sometimes I feel  dark clouds hide my all paths which I have covered & I can’t understand where I have to go. Still there is faith in my God that he will be there to help me to Clear it & show me actual path. I love my god & I know very well he loves me too. He will help me. I don’t fear anyone, if he is with me.  I don’t care people if they demoralize me , I know my god  always motivates me to follow my dream. So why I care & whom? If my god is with me, then why I care for others what other tells? I may not give sufficient time in pray. But I know he is always with in my heart & my good work. So why i need to be worry ???  I am happy to follow my dream, I don’t fear to take any risk. As I have believe in my lord, HE WILL SURELY HELP ME WHEN I NEED HIM.   

So I already start journey to make it into reality, I wanna be calm & cool in every situation. This attitude will help in my future journey. As I am a very short temper, so I wanna rectify it. For all my rectifications , I wanna give a big thanks to my hostel life . It helped me & helps me a lot. now I gonna prepare myself from now HOW TO BE A GOOD PACIFICATOR.                                                     

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