This is purely a
courageous, painful love story. Self made. Tried my best to give life. Still I am
not satisfied with in story, I wanna making it more interesting but I have no sufficient
time to spend here. As it’s my final year, I have to think about my future
career & my dream. As WRITING & PAINTING are my love, so today I decided to take some
break from my study to get involve here. At least one day per month. Hope you
all like this story, I know this is not so interesting, still I feel you people
get pleasure to read this. This is a good story but not too interesting like HIDDEN
& PLANNED JOURNEY ETC…which are I written story, my favorite
also. Because those are quit interesting & suspense type. I love that. I love
to write LOVE
+ SUSPENSE + INSPIRING + MORAL KIND OF STORY. In every story you can
get something inspiring message. As I always set up my story like that. Hope
you all enjoy this.
No doubt my
dream & career is different, but writing & paintings are my love. I can’t
leave it. Even if I wanna be a good writer & want people should know me as
a good writer . I know now I have many mistakes in my writing, but I promise I’ll
try to rectify myself as soon as possible.
So before going
to my story I wanna say what do you mean by true love & how can you find
out that
Have there been
times when you wanted something in your life so much that without any real
effort you could clearly visualize having it? And then sometime down the road,
without any indication, as if you had forgotten about it, you got it?
And yet, it
wasn’t nearly as wonderful as you imagined it would be? Perhaps your
expectations and imagination were so ideal, that nothing could ever hope to live
up to it?
It’s not that
way with true love. Even today, there’s something glorious to look forward to.
True love is special, unsurpassable.
No matter how
splendid, clear and magnificent one’s vision or idea is about true love, the
reality is far and away much, much better than anything imaginable! Modern
Times & True love everlasting
Modern Times
True & l Ever since I have been old enough to understand that life is meant
to be lived with another person, I have believed in the one, the one perfect match in grace and
harmony, the one person to be with forevermore in true love. I have come full circle to believe all of that, but
there have been so many twists and turns throughout my life that there was a time when I believed that true love was only
a myth made up to dream about, but never actually have . I had no idea how
complicated, mystifying and difficult it would be to find the one. I did not
realize that such a belief, that there is one right person, one perfect
companion, is now considered to be an unreasonable fantasy, fool’s gold, in such
modern times as ours.
It’s beautiful
and enchanting being with the one who is absolutely, completely the right
person. It is indeed more than I ever imagined it could be. For all of my
fears, anxieties and incessant ruminating, even though I sincerely thought true
love had somehow past me by, it hasn’t. I have learned that true love never
passes us by; no matter how much we think it has, that we missed it, ruined it
or squandered it. However, as I will soon point out and explain further,
there’s a kind of trick, a secret if you will, to finding true, everlasting
love. Without using this trick, so to speak, then one may never find true love.
Many use it without ever thinking about it, they are the so called lucky ones.
True love is
natural and not measurable. When we have it, the one ever so remarkable right
person makes us better, inspires us to become whole in all that we are, to seek
the seemingly impossible dreams and most importantly to care and love with all
of our hearts. Difficulties and
complexities exist as well, and as with all else, they exist to further the
relationship toward harmony and grace. If difficulties cannot be overcome, then
it is not true love. As one’s true love cannot be lost, just as so, true love cannot
be made from that which it is not.
It’s that simple
and that maddening. Faith, hope, and courage and a true sense of self,
encourages true love into our lives. I
will tell you why I believe we are losing those things in today’s world and why
it is so important to recover them.
True love can’t not find us, nor can we find it.
everything is so fast and instantaneous and the demands for everything to
become faster and better are ever increasing, even in human relationships. Years
of learning about each other and making mistakes. When they were apart, they
wrote passionate, meaningful, inspired
What about our hopes and dreams?
True love
is about sharing dreams and being inspired together, ever reaching, and loving
each other all the while. It is sad when hopes and dreams that people have in a
relationship fade. And yet, we are told to remain hopeful, all the while so
lonely without any belief, or proof that true love really does exists.
Depression, it is so common today, even among the young. We’ve come so far as
the human race, but maybe we’ve stepped backwards at the same time. Nobody
wants to feel alone, we don’t want to feel unwanted or unloved, or that our
hopes and dreams are for not. And yet, so many of us do feel such things.
Despair may be more common now than it ever has been before. With all that we
have in the material world, luxuries even kings of the past did not enjoy, we
still want, and utterly need, true
love’s arms around us to hold us close, telling us everything is going to be
It is going to
be okay. Indeed, I believe it, because I know that true love exists, even in
the modern world. What we need is trust, but where has trust gone? Trust takes
time and we don’t seem to have it in today’s pursuit for relationships. Is good
enough, good enough because it can be replaced by another fish in the sea? It’s hard to find or give trust, if we are
always waiting for the other shoe to drop, or, if we are constantly testing
each other.
In today’s
world, stereotypes and media impressions seem to rule what is supposedly true
love. The moral to our stories come across as if they are none existent or
fanciful at most. No true morals to live by, no code to hold up and too few
resources to truly pull from. It’s all about what someone can get from a
relationship, or another person, and not the heartfelt connection between two
people. It’s a ‘what have you done for me lately?’ syndrome. Being together is
not enough anymore.
The heart seems
to have taken a backseat and trust has become nearly nonexistent, because we
are always being measured. And yet, I believe the heart remains our key to true
love and eventually, when it awakens, only it can make the choice. The heart
still leads, even today and when we forget about it and let our brains rule our
passions, it is no wonder why we are so discontent. So I think, so I believe,
so I have come to learn that what I feel, what I desire and what my emotions
are telling me are valid and now I know to trust them. I’ve always known what I
have wanted and desired in another person. Perhaps I wasn’t always fully aware
of those things, but buried within me, over the years of conformity, they have
always been there. So many of us have come to ignore what we feel and our
heart’s desire, that over time our inner longings seem to lose their validity.
We are getting so many mixed signals, have
A constant need
for approval, and have our future expectations to take into account. Have we
been led a bit astray? We live in a
world where marriages are practically set up from birth. In other words, we
have been taught since the youngest age what we need from someone for
sustainability, for a roof over our heads, the type of person we need in order
to thrive.
If we are lucky,
we will love that person too. Doesn’t it seem that way? And still, or maybe as consequence,
so many remain alone, or divorced or single with children, which is all too
common in today’s world. So what about
connection? What about heart’s desire? What happened to knowing what you want
in your heart and not settling?
There was a time
when I went for what I apparently logically needed, what I believed would be
sensibly right for me, but not what my heart longed for. And yet, as with so
many people in today’s world, I ended up frustrated, confused and so utterly
alone. Even though, I also believe too many relationships lack open discussion
and honest disclosers of what each holds in their heart to be true, in essence
what their hopes, dreams and beliefs are. I believe in today’s world one’s
desires and opinions are held to the highest criticism and that too many want
to control and modify what others believe to match their own. I believe this
lack of acceptance and latitude dooms relationships, friendships and possible
Above all, I
believe in connection. To see what another sees, to feel what another feels and
to join them in their heart and mind, connecting together like two pieces of a
brilliant and beautiful puzzle. Is that so unrealistic? I really don’t think
In true love,
two individuals who come together in heart and mind draw love and happiness
from each other. They overcome the challenges of life together, leaping the
tallest buildings in multiple bounds, together.
Indeed, true
love is about feeling something immeasurable for someone else. To miss them the
moment they walk out the door, to need their company again as much as the air
we breathe. True love is the trust and faith of knowing that wherever they are,
they are always with you. How many people have that in today’s world?
Yes, true love
is as vital to our existence as is the water we drink. We need it to be whole
and to more than simply survive, to ultimately thrive. And still, true love is
not about wanting someone who does not want you. True love is also about
letting go, because maybe it hasn’t truly arrived yet.
True love
though, is not about being judged or judging another, although through our
daily lives in society we have seemingly been taught to do exactly that.
Manipulation of any sort isn’t true love; it cannot create love or take it
away. When we do these things we create a resistance to true love.
love is not overly critical of anyone and finds better in them than bad. The
essence of true, everlasting love is goodness, integrity and pleasure, with
understanding and acceptance.
is known to be an overwhelming, all-consuming, intense passion. But just how
intense can love be? No one knows the answer, and examples of such
a love are rare. But whenever one talks about the
depth of love, the intensity of passion, two names almost immediately come to
mind- Laila and Majnu.
This story is not laila & majnu story. This is a painful love story of a beautiful couple. How they face problems in their life to get their love. No doubt they meet with each other, but alas god further can’t see their love. It just like God also feels jealous to see their love. Their love was pure.
This story is not laila & majnu story. This is a painful love story of a beautiful couple. How they face problems in their life to get their love. No doubt they meet with each other, but alas god further can’t see their love. It just like God also feels jealous to see their love. Their love was pure.
Now I gonna write the story. Here I act as a narrator.
Hope you all like this story.
Begin –
Ah it's 5 o'clock Morning,
but I don’t know why I feel warm in the winter season. Now I can’t feel the
pain of winter or the pain of summer. Now my life is an empty box, I lost everything.
Tear fall from my eyes. Suddenly I found a small little girl weep my tear & told me to smile. Her dimple smile & pinkish cheek always remind me about my love “Sabina”, whom I missed a lot. My granddaughter purely looks like her. Now also I can’t believe my eyes, I lost her. I always feel her with me every day & every time. She present within the oxygen which I inhale, she flow within my blood in the form of love. I can feel her. No doubt we stayed together only for 6-7 months. But that’s enough for live till my last breath. Ah, our love was pure but it quit interesting one.
Tear fall from my eyes. Suddenly I found a small little girl weep my tear & told me to smile. Her dimple smile & pinkish cheek always remind me about my love “Sabina”, whom I missed a lot. My granddaughter purely looks like her. Now also I can’t believe my eyes, I lost her. I always feel her with me every day & every time. She present within the oxygen which I inhale, she flow within my blood in the form of love. I can feel her. No doubt we stayed together only for 6-7 months. But that’s enough for live till my last breath. Ah, our love was pure but it quit interesting one.
I am feeling very lonely & I have no strength to walk alone so I just waiting
when we will meet together in the heaven. Don’t wanna take tea or doing any
exercise. I don’t know why today I miss her a lot.
how can I forget today is her b’day. Today is her 59th b’day. I
don’t wanna wish her,as she break my promise and left me alone to cry.
don’t know how much my life span , but I wanna tell my story to everyone ,
no doubt now I have not strength to explain everyone. But I can tell my
person life with everyone through a story. I want Sabina should live within
everyone’s heart as a moral. I want after my death also our love story should
alive. So I have to complete my life story as soon as possible.
I do not know where to begin but I do know where it ended.
“Sabina” is the only person in my life who taught me the meaning
of love & how to live a life. So I gonna start my story from her. How I
meet with her. All the unforgettable moments spend with her.
So many years together, so many memories. Losing her has changed
my life.
Going back now to an empty house in Kashmir is difficult. There is
no one to greet you. The house with its silence seems to grieve with you.
Each remembrance brings heartache in the darkness of my grief at
this hour. All the high adventures of our life together come back to my mind.
The day how can I forget how I meet with her
When I woke up I
found myself within a small straw house, that may not be suitable for stay but
anyone can sleep there for one night at least, as that house was very clean. I couldn’t understand what is happening with me, where I am. I couldn’t stretch my hand properly, even if my leg
also. As 2 bullets hit my leg & hand shoulder portion. One side I felt so much pain but couldn’t
understand who was my well wiser who saved my life. I wanna know the truth; I
wanna know where actually I am.
I was trying to stand well. like a small kid I was walking at that time, means I needed support for my walk. At last I opened the door & came outside to find out the truth. Suddenly my eyes fall on the masjid , I found a Pakistan flag is attached on the wall. I just shocked for few second. I couldn’t understand how I could reach here. Who helped me knowing everything about me? Suddenly someone hold my hand & drag me into the house. I was just shocked when I looked at her at the first time. her pinkish cheek , blueish eyes & beautiful face at first won my heart. she was near about 18-19 years at that time. She told me did you want to die. Further I felt I get a 120volt current shock. After knowing how she helped me. I just asked her “what you want from me, even knowing everything why you helped me “
I was trying to stand well. like a small kid I was walking at that time, means I needed support for my walk. At last I opened the door & came outside to find out the truth. Suddenly my eyes fall on the masjid , I found a Pakistan flag is attached on the wall. I just shocked for few second. I couldn’t understand how I could reach here. Who helped me knowing everything about me? Suddenly someone hold my hand & drag me into the house. I was just shocked when I looked at her at the first time. her pinkish cheek , blueish eyes & beautiful face at first won my heart. she was near about 18-19 years at that time. She told me did you want to die. Further I felt I get a 120volt current shock. After knowing how she helped me. I just asked her “what you want from me, even knowing everything why you helped me “
She smiled & told me – I don’t want anything from you. You
can’t do anything for me even if I also. What I have done that’s for humanity.
Even if I know in my Quran one thing written there – Allah told if you help
someone then he will help you. So I helped you because he will help me when
I’ll need him. Her sweet talk touched my heart. One side my mind said not to believe her. Of course I am an army man, how can me believe my
enemy people. It may be their plan but another side her well behavior &
sweet talk touched my heart; my heart said she was innocent & pure. But I
always give more priority to my mind, as that situation was also like that.
Then I further asked her how she could found me, means why she had
gone to the border place.
She smiled further
& in teary eyes she told me in the search of her brother. Whom she loved a
lot. He is near about 10-11 years old. He missed from last 10 months. Whenever
she missed him she went that place where they usually come. So she found him
there. Without any second thought she took him to her home, as it may create
problem as he was an Indian, she hide him within a straw house, that previously
used for their cooking purpose. She burn
his shirts, as she didn’t want in future he /she will face problem .
After getting
all sorts of information I conform that she was innocent, still my mind was not
receiving this truth. I was smiling in front of her but doubting from my mind. She
helped me a lot how to get well soon, she even warned me when I can walk
normally at that day I should leave that place. As for him she faced many
difficulties & even told many lies to her parents. She didn’t like these
but she did for me.
Slowly slowly I
felt I fall in love with her, I was trying not to fall in love but my heart
didn’t want to receive it. Her innocence nature, sweet talk already won my
heart. Even if I also felt she also felt something for me. Most of the time I
was trying to know what she felt for me, but most of the time she just trying
to hide it / ignore it. As she knew it can’t be possible. We can’t be together
ever. After knowing this truth also I still in love with her.
Days passed,
near about 20 days passed, one day one of her cousin sister saw us together,
she told this to her family. Her whole family entered into my house &
spoiled my mood. They asked me many question but I succeed to tell them all answer.
But all were lie about me. Thanks god after getting all false information from
me they felt happy. They took me as their family members. But truth still
reveled with me & Sabina. We were trying to save ourselves. I still
remember how much lie we had told before them, even if Sabina helped me a lot. She
was like my right hand.
My days passed away,
I felt so happy there. As her family members behaved very well with me, as they
knew that I am Sabina’s best friend. But they didn’t know who I am?
But another side
I was trying to return my INIDA, so for that I had to communicate with my
Indian army most of the time. At that time I got one news, Sabina’s father was
a late Pakistani army officer. So he knew all the hidden news about Pakistan’s arm force .from him I also got much
information. So I decided to stay there till I collect all information about
Pakistan arm force. I was clever but he was like my master, so that was a big
challenge for me how to collect information’s from him. Another side I love Sabina,
even if she also loved me too. But her family member didn’t know about it.
Sometimes I also
wanted to uncover our hidden love story, but after that what I’ll answer them.
What I’ll say about my family. So this thought always kill me inside. Another
side Sabina’s parents were worry for her marriage. They wanted a good handsome,
talented boy for her. One day they also got, but Sabina refused that proposal. As
she also loved me a lot. So finally we decided that we’ll leave that place as
soon as possible. After going INDIA no one can harm us. It’s a better idea. According
to the plan I told my army officer to send one helicopter to pick up from
Pakistan. Within one night we reached at INDIA. After reaching I felt so happy,
I felt I got my life. Even if Sabina was very happy to get me. We were very
happy. Thanks god I further got my job, we both live happily together in
Kashmir. In my family except my mother no one was there. So we there live so
happily, no doubt I am Hindu but my mom had no problem with Sabina. As her
behavior was very good. All impressed due to her beauty. Time passed, 4 months
passed of my marriage life. One day I found Sabina’s cousin brother in Delhi;
he suddenly caught me & asked me about her sister. Then I told him all truth,
how we loved each other & how we are now living as husband & wife. After
listening this he couldn’t control his anger, he warned me vision he will be punished
for this.
Time passed, one
day from Pakistan court one letter came to arrest me, as I illegally raped someone.
Even if I was involving smuggling also. No doubt this was purely false; still I
had no proof to prove myself except sabina. I didn’t know, even if I couldn’t imagine what will be Sabina’s
life after me. In Pakistan court I proof as a criminal. After getting this news
my mom died, now Sabina is purely alone with a small baby with in her womb, she
came to Pakistan fight for me. But she failed. Even if she got mentally torture
there. But thanks god one of my friend saved her life there & helped to
return India further. She lived alone 25 years. I was in the jail; I couldn’t
get any information about anyone. I forget that I had a sweet family, I forget
my dream. Everything smashed in my life.
1 Jan 1986
It’s time to see
the outside world. 25 years I spend with in the jail, I spoiled my precious
time there. Without any fault. My fault was I was in love with someone.
But where I’ll
go now, many thoughts beats in my mind. I failed to solve my question. One
question I always asked to myself, SABINA! Where she could be right now. How
can I search her? Can I get my get my love further? Oh god please helps me.
I was feel tired
to walk, now I already 51 years old. But I felt like I am 71/81 years old. In
my body there was no energy for fight & cry. Even if my eyes become dry. It
was just like my salivary gland became dry.
Finally I have
decided to return to my INDIA & will spend my life alone with my memories. When
I came to my old house I found “TOLET” board was there, I was shocked what it
is. Who is trying to sell my property? After asking many people I got
information that my son had done this. So after getting this news I couldn’t control
myself. As I thought I lost my family, but I was wrong. My heart was full of
tear with pleasure what I’ll give answer to Sabina. One side I was very excited
to meet my whole family, another side I felt like criminals before my children.
What answer I’ll give them.
After 2 hour journey
I reached at my new house. But when I reached I found many people gathered
there. I felt something wrong is going there. So I rushed to that place & I
found Sabina was taking her last breath. I felt just like she was waiting for
me, I hold her hand & kissed her forehead, after doing this she left me
alone. She couldn’t wait at least FEW SECOND TO
she passed away but her love still alive with in me & her grand daughter.
Who s likes her.
She died but she
left one diary for me where she had written how she spend her days, how she
suffered in cancer. As one day she decided to reopen my case & fight
further for me. But at that time her family protests her & someone shoot
her bally. No doubt she saved, but due to some blood clotting in her stomach,
she loses her life. That blood clotting give rise to a tumor & the tumor
turns into cancer. At that time no sufficed money she has so couldn’t check to
doctor. But she always wants to see him once before her death. Maybe that’s the
reason after kissing on her forehead she left this world.
She couldn’t
wait for few second to stay with me & listen my one word how much I love
This is the
story of my life. Now I feel I have nothing to do more for others, what I wanna
do I have done, it’s time to meet with SABINA. I feel my time is over…