Happy humanitarian day ,
today is very special day for all. So take a promise to work for your nation /
society. Take a promise to make your world beautiful, it doesn't matter
what you can & how much you can. It matters YOU WANT TO DO SOMETHING FOR OTHERS.
Sometimes I heard that people call me fake,
as I always give lecture & don’t do anything. It’s not like that, I wanna
do. Even if I did also. But I belive everything has a perfect time. I am not giving any explanation, I am telling true
1st I am a girl, if I’ll not establish
myself then my family will think about my marriage & I don’t
wanna marry till I reach at my destination. After reaching I’ll think about
that. So I am not sure about how much time it will take to reach at my
destination. It may take 3years / 5years /10 years. so I wanna be free , I
wanna live a independent life , so I belive education is the only way , I
wanna be self independent. Yeah,
painting & writings are my hobbies. I
can continue that after reaching at my destination, but once I skip my opportunities
/ I lose my time I can’t get back. Finally I have to obey my family & have
to marry, if I’ll not able to establish
myself/fail to fulfill my goal. So now it’s big
challenge for me - how to establish myself, establish myself doesn’t
DIFFERENT. For that I need patience
& labor. I am not telling I am a very talented student, but I am honest to
my study , I don’t care for my marks or whatever happened in my past life as I
know failure is the pillar of success. I know my drawbacks & I wanna
overcome all. I wanna achieve my goal in all difficulties. My dream may be BIG
but I am very stubborn, it’s not difficult to achieve anything, it need self
interest & god’s blessings. As in my past life whenever I failed to get
success every time , I had no fault may be my bad luck. I know many time I was
trying to explain , but most of time people criticize me & take my failure
as a silly way. it may be silly for them but not for me, so now I have decided
I’ll not give any explanation to anyone. what I want I’ll do that. I don’t want
people laugh at my failure, I know what I faced , may be it jock for some
people / may they take that’s all my mistakes but I can’t . so now I stop
giving explanations to others & wanna do my work how much I can. I KNOW I CAN , BUT MY GOD SHOULD BLESS ME . So from my past life I learnt LUCK is word present in
our life, now I believe on LUCK
+ LABOR. I can do hard labor than what my god
will give. So I know how to reach at my destination & in which
way, as My dream is everything for me. It’s not easy to achieve anything
suddenly when you wanna do something good for others. so I can’t give my time
for others now , as I know in my future life I can get . If I’ll able to
fulfill my goal. Because I know in this world if you have no NAME & FAME / IF YOU ARE NOT A SELF ESTABLISHED
PERSON then no one’ll care you, ,ACTUAL TRUE FACT ,
so I can get this through my education + SPECIAL TALENT LIKE WRITINGS &
ARTS. I wanna do everything but everything has a perfect time. I wanna do
everything according to time & priority.
So today I wanna request my world to do something for
others many things we can do for others.
Hope you all like these
1) Smile
always, smile at unknown person. One smile can make someone’s day.
2) Care
for everyone, no matter who are they & where they belongs to.
3) Take
everyone as your own brothers & sisters; forget about religion &
geographical area.
4) Try
to eradicate poverty.
5) Help
little poor children financially & make them educated; if you can’t able to
help 10 at least you can help 1. That’s enough. You are educating your world.
There is nothing greater than this.
6) There
are many abandon places are there, help the homeless people to get a home there
& solve all the problems so that they can precede their life there.
7) Love
issue- let everyone free. Let them do whatever they want. There should not be
any religion / regional / cast issue in love cases. As love is blind. EVEN IF I
SUPPORT GAY & LESBIAN MARRIAGE. I support the love, whatever it
can be. God has given hearts to all so who are to protect them. Let them free
to love. Especially I wanna say if a boy loves a boy / if a girl loves a girl
then what’s the problem. Problem is in their gene, not with their love. So why
we don’t give chance to marry. Let them do, let them to live a happy life. I
where they from.
8) Help
a needy person. Help them how much you can. A small act of kindness can give
lots of pleasure …
can be just about anything as long as it is done in sincerity. Even a
simple smile,
"hello," or compliment could lift someone's spirit!
every little bit of effort counts!
out is a great way to make new friends, too. Once people know they can trust
you, they're more likely to help you out in return.
if you are in a bad mood, you will probably feel better after helping others.
though at first it might be kind of awkward, keep trying!
When you are working not for reward
but only from love, then everything will go very smoothly.
We have to help also with social
work. Whatever we can do to help lessen the suffering that is the noblest work,
which will not only be recognized in this world, but also praised by heaven.
When a depressed person with a deep
inferiority complex comes to seek our help, we should help him. Help him to
become a high-spirited and self-confident person with an ideal; one who is no
longer disappointed in himself or wants to jump off a building. This is our
magical power; and this is "giving alms of fearlessnes"
We help others, because when we
observe others in distress, it is like we are in distress. This feeling should
come genuinely from the heart. When we are cold, we immediately get a blanket,
a meditation cloth or a hat to cover ourselves. When others are feeling cold,
we also feel it. Even when we are warm and cozy, we cannot get to sleep if we
think of the people suffering in the cold. First thing in the morning, we will
try to help them quickly. When I help others, most of the time it is because I
myself cannot sleep. So, I am also helping myself. If I don't help them, I will
feel bad. To ease my distressful feeling, I have to help them, the faster the
better. When it is done quickly, I am happy too! This is the natural way to
help others.
When we are thinking of serving
others, we will somehow forget about ourselves.
When we do good deeds the results
would definitely be good. Even if the results were not good, we would be
contented, would not feel guilty, and would not lose our self-confidence or our
When we serve the multitude, God
also serves us. Such is the law on which the universe functions.
We should do things without any
purpose in mind. It applies to any job. Unconditional devotion is the best.
We keep reminding ourselves what we
have done for others; we will be merely doing business transactions like the
worldly merchants, and not truly giving selflessly.
Do not always run around to take
care of me. Take care of our guests; take care of our brothers and sisters or
whoever needs to be taken care of. It is okay. Everyone likes to run around and
take care of me, but you don't realize that I am in all of you. For you to take
care of each other is like taking care of me. I only need a little amount of
attention. I don't need all of you taking care of me, you will run over me!
(Laughter). You will overwhelm me with love and attention, and other brothers
stand around and nobody takes care of them and it is me too, it is me who you
left behind or didn't take care of. I feel the feelings of the person. You
don't feel it, but I do. So if you don't take care of them, it means that you
bother me, because I will know it, and I will be bothered.
and act with honesty. If you always speak with integrity and
believe in your own words and actions, others will also pick up on this and
mimic it, fostering an atmosphere of trust.
others isn’t always easy. It can sometimes derail your schedule and cost you
time, money and other resources. It can even be interpreted the wrong way.
However, keep these tips in mind for some easy ways to show your connections
that they truly matter to you.