Oh oh oh
Ye ye ye
Say I am living as my wish
I am on my way
I am free like bird
I love to be myself

People who have no faith on themselves
Are easily controlled by others
So I don’t let others to control over me
Now life is going very fast
Even you can’t imagine
There is no time for hate & thinking about bad
Forget those who spread rumors
Forget those who have done wrong with you
Love your haters
At least they are the only people who remind you everyday
Rumors are monsoons
They comes & goes
But no one can’t hide the truth
Truth is like a diamond
which dazzle even in the dark
That will show your gentleness
So be yourself
don’t keep fear over your eyes
Look straight & feel proud
Don’t lock yourself in the shoes of your haters
Haters will come & go
Love them & ignore their words
They are the only people who love you more
Be gentle & soft 
A person's personality matters most
Don’t let others to steal your smile
It’s yours & it’s very precious
keep smiling & forget those which hurts 

Oh oh oh
Ye ye ye
Say I am living as my wish
I am on my way
I am free like bird
I love to be myself

Apart yourself from fear
Live as a princess in your own dream empire
Sealing the entrance of hate
Open the doors of love & peace
You can feel the smell of joy in your palace

Oh oh oh
Ye ye  ye
Say I am living as my wish
I am on my way
I am free like bird
I love to be myself

I going to sprinkle my love in the wind
So that it can mix with air, water & sky
It can send my love message everywhere
Ahh, now I feel a hot rain in the winter season
Is it the begin of new season
Or it’s the season of love
Stop the war & spread the peace
This is my only wish
I have started my work
When you will join with me
Don’t worry, don’t fear to anybody
You are in right path
Faith on me
I gonna spread love message in every where
Can you help me?
Close the door of hate
Open the door of love
Love everyone & live united
This is my last wish

Oh oh oh
ye ye ye
Say I am living as my wish
I am on my way
I am free like bird
I love to be myself

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