Now the world is full of competitive, so if you wanna get success then you have to plan for that. Always ask these THREE questions to yourself




Knowledge and skills are not the only keys to success. To be successful, you also need to master the psychological skills that will help you to be satisfied and fulfilled and thus more effective in your work. You have to Know how to manage your mind and understanding how to deal with lack of confidence, stress, anxiety, and depression, is as important as knowing how to handle every situations and challenges.

Sometimes people take success in wrong way – “Success isn’t about money. It’s not a position or power. It’s being happy, satisfied”. But to achieve success in today’s highly competitive and constantly changing world you have to learn to build up your confidence and how to be flexible. You have to analyze your each & every situation in your surroundings, the challenges you get along with that you have to analyze yourself & know your stress, depression, and anxiety, which is most important for you. As it affects you & your surroundings .And most importantly, you have to manage yourself so that you can manage your time.

Self-confidence is perhaps the most important skill which you to built if you wanna win. If you lack self-confidence, you will be apprehensive, frustrated, resentful, and demoralized. Be careful about that , anyone can judge you through your confidence , even it also affect your behavior & personality .if you lack confidence you will be passive, avoid taking initiatives and constantly seek reassurance. Lack of self-confidence can hamper your professional career and your personal relationships.

Self-Confidence is a skill that can be acquired, which is inside you so you have to enhance it.

How you can build your self-confidence:

1. Behave “as if you’ve already done it or behave as you know everything or its very simple thing” At a moment when you lack confidence, because this is the way you can get your confidence back. Ask yourself, “How would a confident person you know handle this?’ your self-confidence, thoughts and actions are the reasons behind of your success.

2. Don’t be afraid of being flexible. Don’t be afraid to choose a new personality.

3. Everyone make mistake, Make the most of your mistakes and then leave them behind. But always try to do nothing wrong. If you make a mistake, learn a lesson from it, and then move on.

4. Don’t stay with your past, kicking yourself for past mistakes & move away. Give time for yourself for the future. Because we can’t rectify our past failures but we can be success in future. Be positive & hope for the best.

5. Be kind & loving to you first. It’s build self-confidence. Too often we punish ourselves for failures like we spend our time “how we got failures, what are our mistakes, if we didn’t do the mistakes then we are now in higher position”, we waste our time in such thing which has no value PAST IS PAST, where as often we reward ourselves for success.

Where Does Self-confidence Come From?

1) Self confidence is never inherited, it's learned. The belief that you lack the confidence genes is just a popular myth.

2) Self confidence is not constant with time; it may change to the better or worse because of the new events that happen in your life.

3) Self confidence may be independent of external factors, like being rich or having someone who loves you back. 

What Can I Do to Build My Self-confidence?

You could be more confident through the total elimination of the dependency upon the opinion of others. If they were satisfied with your actions then they may tell you that you are a good person; if not, they may label you with labels like fool, an idiot or anything else that suits their own faulty perception. Beliefs on yourself because you know yourself better than others so always ask - who I am, what I want.
How to Eliminate Dependency or Others' Judgment

Correcting this problem is very simple: Get a piece of paper and write down your strengths and your weaknesses. Keep editing this paper until you are satisfied with what you've written. Now keep reading it daily until you are really sure that what you wrote down are your real abilities and skills. Now, whenever someone criticizes you or labels you, you can simply see if any of what he said matches your judgment of yourself. If it doesn't then just drop the comment.
 Disregard the Opinion of others is right ?

You should know yourself better than someone who's only known you for few months and so your opinion about yourself will probably be the most relevant. Moreover, in such an imperfect world, you will never be able to get a sufficient answer to your questions and your quest for gathering clues from others will never end. Just like anybody else, you definitely have people who consider you their enemy, people who are jealous of you or people who just dislike you for one reason or another. Such people will almost never tell you that you're great or that you're talented at a particular activity and so you will find it extremely difficult to get an honest opinion about your abilities from anyone. Consequently, the best thing to do would be to depend on your own judgment of yourself.
Self-confidence and Making Mistakes

A human being, mistakes are unavoidable. Everyone do this mistakes are make us perfect, if you have not done any mistake then how could you how much develop yourself. So don’t mistakes in negative sense. Always try to learn from your mistakes. It’s best to accept your mistakes without criticizing or labeling yourself. Always say one thing to yourself - "I must never make mistakes if I want to be great at what I do".
Self-confidence and Inferiority Complex

Most very important thing is people lack self-confidence because of a deeply rooted inferiority complex. This can act as a barrier to building self-confidence and so it is necessary to deal with it first.
Self confidence and love

People fall in love with those who can help them compensate for their weaknesses and those who have complementary personal traits. when you start loving yourself at that time you can love others too , so How to make someone fall in love with you - someone who is confident can increase your chance of making someone fall in love with you.

Something you should care if you wanna get success :

1) Don’t try to hurt the other person’s feelings.

2) People are able to express their anger clearly and appropriately, focusing that anger on the behavior, not the person. Because sometimes our anger shows about our feelings, so please don’t blame that person for their anger try to understand the reasons behind the anger. 

3) You have to the right attitude and the right skills. Right attitude you must build up your confidence and self-esteem

4) You should have vision even you should try to understand everyone’s mind & heart - what he or she wants. You have to believe without any doubt that everyone has the same rights. You have the right to get what you want in life, as long as it doesn’t impinge unfairly on others.

5) You should avoid negative people, negative thoughts & words; Successful people never allow negative thoughts to hurt them. Negative thoughts affect your feelings and negative feelings affect your thoughts & it creates problems in your life even can bring failure & pain .Example – I am telling about myself – when I feel miserable, I think about the things that have gone wrong in my life. I think that I am further going to fail. As my thoughts and feelings reinforce each other, my anxiety, depression, or stress becomes deeper. So avoid it. As now also I learn how to avoid it. We can’t avoid negative people as many people are there in our surroundings that can’t see your success; they always talk negative things about you & hurt you indirectly. So every time we can’t avoid them so its better behave like Deaf for them. Means listen everything like listen nothing & most important is doing argue with them. Surrender yourself or agree wid them what they are telling that’s true & right. It’s the best way to avoid them. WHAT I LEARN FROM MY LIFE.  Because there is a connection between thoughts and feelings, you will be able to feel differently, less stressed, less anxious, if you can make yourself think differently. You may believe at times that there is only one way to view a situation, but this is just an illusion. There is always more than one way of thinking about things. So for this you have to be flexible & try to cope with every environment. Most important is don’t be so close with anyone except your well wiser like your parents & loves people. Who actually want your success? So first find out what want your success or who want to see you’re happy.


* Questions about your thoughts. What other points of view are there? How would someone else think about this? How would I think about this if I were feeling better?

* Questions about the reality. What are the facts of this situation? How can I find out which way of thinking fits the facts best?

* Questions about how to cope. What is the worst that could happen? How bad is this going to get? What should I do if the worst happens?

In “The Psychology of Success” we will look more closely at how to defeat depression, anxiety, and control stress.

Our personality affects your behavior, so does your behavior affect your personality. Both are vice versa, so if you wanna enhance your personality or yourself try to modify yourself know your fault & try to rectify yourself. Most of the time people invest their time in blaming & criticizing others, while they don’t forget they have also got same life, they have to rectify themselves also. So this is my article "WAY TO KNOW YOURSELF". You should know yourself first. I always write inspiring & motivational articles, as I am a self motivator. My problematic life makes me more wise even helps me how to cope with the situation. i have faced even facing many drastic situation. from my family side everything is good even they are my only supporter but i face actual problem from external world . at first whenever i face any problem i scold my God ,But now i am showing my gratitude towards my God as he helped me & made me knowledgeable , strong & wise through my problematic life. what i begged he gave me indirectly. Now i am that much capable to teach someone what ever i learnt from my life , as at the first stage of my life i was very bogus even I didn't have any knowledge about the world & people. Whenever any problem came I always try to analyze each & every situation & find out the way , so these are the lessons WHAT I HAVE LEARNT IN MY LIFE. These are My personal life experience & how I try to motivate myself.  No doubt sometimes in some situations I can’t control my anger but now it's my first job is how to control . Now it’s  a big challenge to myself how I can control on my anger & boy cut all sorts of negative comments & thoughts. I have promised to myself because I know if you wanna develop in your life & if you are a Girl then you surely face many worst situations, but you have to overcome all situations as you have to achieve your dream ~ SWETA LEENA PANDA

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