When you live on a round planet, there’s no choosing sides.” ~Wayne Dyer 

Our earth is round so you can’t find any side , our earth indirectly telling us we all are belongs to each other . May be question arise in your mind- How ? Make a circle & take it as your earth – u are standing in one place, mark that place & start running finally u find yourself at the same position when your cover the whole area of a circle .
sadly now also people all over the world are still taking sides , it’s kind of our foolishness or lack of knowledge , what ever you can say ? They seek to identify with one “side” or another (tribe, culture, religion, politics, nationality). They seek to belong by being distinct from others.
They seek to belong by hating the other side, sometimes by killing the other side.
sometimes our thought & some traditional rules force us to believe that we all are differ , but in a true sense of belonging, a real sense of connection. We are already connected; we are already one. We are all just individual expressions of the same universal energy.
so to make our earth a united we need to work out how to stay united , connected in our diversity, rather than divided by our differences. When we realize that we are all connected, across languages, cultures, countries, and beliefs, you realize that the unconditional love; it does not bind or shackle, but unites us all in a circle of love. Belonging comes through empathy, compassion, non-judgment, and mostly through love.
 “Don’t wait for people to be friendly. Show them how.” ~Unknown

sometimes we don’t have to wait for others as they will come to us to make friendship , sometimes our small step can give us big result in our future life -  but for this we have to dare to take that small step . don’t fear anyone , concentrate on your work only .  
Sometimes I stop to think about how in the world I ended up where I have. I started off with very little, and somehow along the way I have ended up generally happy and on my own two feet.
For a long time through my rough days, I held a sort of grudge against the rest of the world. I had convinced myself that everyone was only looking out for themselves, and I had lost faith in the idea that people were mostly good.
Where was that feeling of community? Or helping out your neighbors? What about equality and accepting others’ differences? The world felt large, dark, and lonely. I felt very let down.
For these reasons I felt it’s better to change myself but there also one fear with in me – “whether my change personality suitable for everyone or not “– so I decided I’ll open myself to the idea that maybe not all people were selfish and maybe they were all, in fact, just like me: feeling alone, caught up and looking desperately for that one person to prove them wrong.
It took a while and a lot of courage, but I began to step outside my comfort zone and behave how I always wished others would. I spoke to strangers ,I listened to their stories, even if they didn’t give me a chance to respond.
I have stopped to check on strangers who looked unwell, offered directions when someone looked lost, given advice, returned and watched strangers’ belongings .So these small steps in my life helped me a lot to make some friendship with some stranger whom I meet in train or any party or anywhere else. I felt that some people still exist who need us & all are not rude or rough.
It’s not so difficult task , I feel we can do . but for this we have to  start our day “Have a good day on purpose.” On purpose - Acting with goodness will bring goodness. Each day you wake up, you have a choice to make. You can either go on through your day, your routines, as you always do, or you can choose to broaden your world.
Opening myself up to these so-called strangers with a positive point of view, open mind, and a helping hand has changed my perspective on life a trillion times over. So rather than waiting for and expecting others to prove me wrong, I began to take initiative and found that what I was looking for all along was always there. I just needed to pull myself out from the negative space I was in in order to see it. I have seen the good come back around to me in so many ways.
Making the first move to talk to or help a stranger can be difficult at first, and I will be the first to admit that it won’t always be received how you expect.
Making the first move to talk to or help a stranger can be difficult at first, and I will be the first to admit that it won’t always be received how you expect. Start with by smiling, holding the door open, offering a genuine compliment, or cracking a joke in passing.
The experience is some as, sadly, kindness is not an action most expect. Just know that no matter what the outcome, you have done something to trigger a positive thought and perhaps make a difference in that person. All of a sudden, I realized I didn’t feel so alone. I felt a deeper understanding and connection to those around me.
All of a sudden I felt - the world is not so large, dark, void, and scary


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