“The final proof of greatness lies in being able to endure criticism without resentment.” ~Elbert Hubbard


Never Be Afraid To Take Challenge
Never fear to take challenge, challenge is something which makes you wise & knowledgeable. Even it will help you for your growth, so don’t fear to take challenge, accept it gladly. May you fail at some point or some time, doesn’t matter, at the end you will see you learn something new. So don’t be afraid if someone challenges you or if you challenge someone, it’s the only way you are developing yourself & helping yourself in positive direction. but to win don’t follow any wrong path ,I have seen sometimes people follow short cut way to win the race easily & within a few time, but I feel there is no any short cut road to achieve anything great or fulfill any challenge. If you are following it may be wrong. Be aware of it, what you are doing. So always compare yourself with your past performance & present, so that you can develop yourself. Take the challenge but don’t take any wrong step to fulfill it.
Surround yourself with people who constantly challenge you.
This world is not bad, so you can see many people also there in this world that motivate you & challenge you in a positive direction. They know you have the potential so they challenge you, so that you will do that work as soon as possible. So if someone challenge you don’t take it in negative sense, everything has a positive meaning try to find out good in the worst. But it doesn’t mean all challenges are good, so it’s our consciousness we can choose “which is good & which is bad”. Sometimes it depends on people also, who challenge you, if you make friendship with good people then you will get good challenge, which will help you to develop yourself in positive direction, like wise in bad people, and you will get bad challenge which may destroy your life. So it’s depends on your friendship & whom you take as you idol or mentor
Some people have immediate family who provides the challenge, but some have to do the work to seek their own challengers.
Play the hand you were dealt and find those people who force you to question your thoughts and behaviors, and who ultimately want the best for you. The work is ours to do, but we cannot do it all alone.
Identify your own Challenge
Based on your goals and aspirations, develop a puzzle. Design what you can; choose the rows and columns. You will not know how to solve it just yet, but you will have the boxes you are working to fill in.
You can then take action each day to discover what number completes each blank box. When the puzzle is complete at some point in the future, you will know that you did the work to manifest what you most wanted.
Lastly, do not be afraid to be yourself.

No one else’s opinion of you can outweigh what you believe about yourself. “Your yeses and nose shapes your future, so choose them wisely.” so it’s depends on you how to take your life, with whom you are making fiends. Everything depends on you. Lastly I wanna say don’t forget that you are the master piece in the God’s creature don’t try to be copy of someone, so change yourself in a positive direction. So be you!!!

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