ACTUALLY TODAY MY TOPIC IS BASED ON GAY MARRIAGE & LESBIAN MARRIAGE AS TODAY – SUPREME COURT says homosexuality is criminal offence, activists disappointed with verdict on section -377

The issues of marriage are very complex, especially when dealing with issues of 
who should and should not be married, and what being married really means. In this article I am going to attempt to cover the issue of marriage from a wide perspective and try to makes sense out of it. I think that a lot of confusion on the issue of gay, lesbian and same sex marriage. In this article on marriage I put my ideas together. That even if you don't agree with me, it will change your perspective on the subject and cause you to look at your own views in a different light.

Most religions consider homosexuality a sin. But I think its wrong, No God has oppose you to love, even I don’t believe such religion” where Love is taken as a crime”. I DON’T THINK THERE IS ANYTHING WRONG - IF A BOY LOVES A BOY OR IF A GIRL LOVES A GIRL & THEY WANNA MARRY EACH OTHER IT’S A CRIME? Sorry not at all, who are you to protect them? I believe we all got freedom to love each other then why not they. They are gay or lesbian it’s not their mistake, I don’t think so, as our gene decides our nature, no one can change us. If a girl loves a girl may be some genetic defect is there otherwise in general “a boy loves a girl & a girl loves a boy”, our nature creates us like this but if some evidence is there we should respect them & accept their difference. WE SHOULD! As they also got a life like us, they also want someone who will take care of them when they will old, with whom they can share their feelings. so I believe if u are think they are doing crime to love each other’s then your thinking is kind of poor thinking , when we take any decision we should take every situations.

Why most of the people take it as crime or illegal 

1) Calling something marriage does not make it marriage. Marriage has always been a covenant between a man and a woman which is by its nature ordered toward the procreation and education of children and the unity and well being of the spouses.

The promoters of same-sex “marriage” propose something entirely different. They propose the union between two men or two women. This denies the self-evident biological, physiological, and psychological differences between men and women which find their complementarily in marriage. It also denies the specific primary purpose of marriage: the perpetuation of the human race and the raising of children.

2) It would weaken the definition and respect for the institution of marriage & it may impact on children. but I think once the society accept this then there will be no problem , in our world many rules & blind believes are there if we can accept that blindly , why not this . This has also scientific proof, how can we avoid it?

Why we should allow them

1) Its not their mistake born in gay or lesbian. It’s the genetic problem. So why they suffer for others.

2) Love is love. If homosexuals want to get married it should be allowed. We all have our own rights; we should be able to do what makes everyone happy, not what makes other people happy. Everyone is Human! It should be allowed.

3) "All men are created equal." Well, apparently not, but that doesn't mean we should still treat them equally. To treat somebody unequally is a human rights violation.

4) Same-sex couples seeking marriage rights are obviously determined to stay together, or they wouldn't be trying to get married. So why make their lives more difficult. So why pass laws that will prevent them from being able to file income taxes jointly, or visit each other in the hospital, or inherit one another's property? Social conservatives routinely speak of their moral obligation to promote legislation that upholds the values they live by. When that becomes a reality, the very kind and loving people who make up the majority of social conservatives in this country will be among those working to help their lesbian and gay neighbors, rather than working to make their lives more difficult.


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