Each one of us has a day when we feel like giving up in general — on life, on our appearance, on our health, our friends, relationships etc. But as a strong woman of substance never gives up is the only option left for us, she holds on, faces the challenges and moves on.
Yes ! I am talking about me , nearly 1 year before my condition was terrific as I was a job seeker due to my own fault , I have a dream to become researcher in Bio-informatics science that’s why I go for M-tech but unfortunately neither i can get my favorite branch nor my favorite college too. I was feeling like lost , again after Medical this is my second time great failure . Again I felt like I can’t grow in my life , my dreams and my life going against me . I tried for job and attend many interviews even got selected in some also but I don’t know from my heart something that drive me crazy not to do job and do something different what can help me to reach at my goal . so I don’t have any other option either study or job as I am not that much rich that , I can start up my own business even I have B-plan ready but who’ll listen me. I was fighting with myself everyday. Finally I decided to join MBA , but where that also a big question before me as I didn’t appear CAT or XAT , all the best colleges already filled up or can say , their selection round has already completed . I was scared with my own scratches of my own failure. Neither I could show it to others nor I can tolerate it , finally in the end I decided to go for join in MBA that also in Sri Sri University , My journey begins with my one decision , I am writing this today as now I am going to complete my one year time .
Today I appeared my 2nd semester exam, now I am preparing myself to go for SIP. I am curious as well as eagerly waiting to explore my idea as well as talent. I don’t have any idea , how it’ll be going on but hope for best even I’ll try my best to give my 100%. My major is Marketing and I got internship in “Business development executive” Intern , that’s really great opportunity for me to grow myself more in my marketing filed. Hope this 2 months , I can utilize fully. Hope for the best !!!
My journey in SSU –
This is quit pleasant and new, I am new to art of living that’s why for the first time I added into art of living circle . I enjoyed all event fullest , it doesn’t matter what role I play and where and what I missed , it doesn’t matter what I got and lost , it doesn’t matter what I faced etc , but above all I am going to leave this campus with full of memories, which is a biggest gift for me . I learnt one lesson from my past that no matter where ever you go , go with your heart and keep some memories with you so that you can remind something what you have done or how pleasant your past was. There was a time I don’t give much importance on memories but now I do as I got to know it’s importance in my life. I love this place , due to some kind of loving and divine environment . I love this campus from my heart , don’t know why ? J
No matter where ever I go I come up with some conclusion and some promise to myself for my future -
   1) More focused to my future goal
Sometimes I feel like lost whenever I see my friends life and they are enjoying where as I live like a dump and sometimes I feel like I lost within my life where there is no exit but in the second moment , I realize I am going to make my rest of my life as best of my life. Better focus on tomorrow. sometimes short term pleasure doesn’t gives you anything , if you have long term plan. Make a plan and move forward as per that.
   2) Live within yourself and feel divine
Give time to yourself for Seva and Shadhana ,
Seva – Working for some who can’t pay you back of your work, that’s why I am going to work for that. I looking for a NGO project, where I can do data analysis and Market research for them.
Sadhana – Do kriya and Yoga. Every time I think even plan to do in morning but end up with saying myself , next day or evening and finally I end up with saying myself – Try for next day. Hope ! this story will not repeat further.
3)  Be Independent
Be a girl with a mind, a woman with attitude and a lady with class , which I am , I never depend in any man till now either for my progress or motivation. It doesn’t mean that I don’t feel anything but I chose my self respect over any relation. I may be a independent girl but always wait for a right kind of attitude of a man , who can tolerate my attitude problem and understand me better .
In our life most of us live in co dependence of others, be it with our husbands, parents, partners, friends or social groups but the truth be said there can be nothing more satisfying in the world than being able to provide for yourself and taking care of yourself. Always choose to be an asset and not a vegetable and not just because it boosts your self esteem and self confidence but because it helps you discover your true potential.
I learnt - The financial freedom, social independence and the feeling of self sufficiency can add a new condiment to the life that you’ve been missing so far.
4) Think with your head , act with your heart
Somebody very wise once said ‘Trust your intuition. You don’t need to explain or justify your feelings to anyone, just trust your own inner guidance, it knows best’. Life decisions need smart thinking, having said that it doesn’t necessarily have to force you into doing things that your heart does not agree with. Our life is a compilation of choices we make, use the head to narrow down your options but always follow your heart when it comes to choosing the final option.
It’s okay to make the wrong choices and learn than to have make the right choices and sulk. I made many wrong choices in my life , it doesn’t mean that they are wrong but I am not right for them . So a person can’t be wrong or right , it’s all about situation and our perception towards a situation. I always knowingly chose the wrong person to learn, how to deal with odd, so that I can be more strong and wise. I know I am different than others , odd man out kind .
5) Always keep a back up plan
I know what I am doing , I am not confused but I make people confuse and they ask me – Are you confuse , this make me laugh as well as silly as I am more focused than they think. I always stick with my goal no matter whatever the situation is.
It never hurts to have a backup plan. When plan A hits us hard and makes us question our very reason of existence, plan B can come in handy and give a new direction and meaning to life. Someone once said that there is no reason to have a plan B because it distracts us from Plan A; well, I say just because it worked for him doesn’t mean it will work for us. So my advice is if plan A fails, remember there are 25 more letters and hence 25 more backup plans.
6) Stay positive and be self motivator
Sometimes I feel like lost as I don’t have any supporter in my life who can help me , motivate me then I take deep breath and tell to myself . I am enough for myself. I am self motivator; each day is an opportunity and not a challenge. I can wake up, look into a mirror and smile or look at my bed side alarm and frown. Staying positive is a choice my make every day. Every morning as soon as I wake up, I have the choice to spend the next 24 hours sulking about how Monday can suck the life out of my or look forward to new encounters with a brand new week ahead. The circumstances of our day are directly related to our early morning mood swings. So work on your mood swings for a better day.
Don’t be people pleasing personality otherwise you will get hurt. Own life lesson.
7) Pain is good , learn and move on
When things don’t turn out the way you expected, that’s okay. Disappointments, heart breaks and failures are unavoidable essentials to lead a humanly life. It prepares us for the worst and makes us come through stronger than before. Learn to work through your pain; don’t give in because that’s how you grow. Remember sooner or later, there is a reward on the other side of pain.
Making changes can take time and requires commitment, but if you put your heart into it, nothing is impossible. Occasional lapses are totally acceptable; just remember to be kind to yourself and try to overcome such lapses the next time. When you eat a cheese cake or feel frustrated about the whole idea of something just because it caused a great deal of pain, don’t give up. Choose to recover and get back on track.
In my life , I learnt many thing through pain , which helped me to grow. It’s not about love , it’s all about my dream , my goal and my relationship with external environment . Still every time I learn something, i forget the pain but never forget the lesson I got , that is life . move forward in your life , career and relationship but never forget the lesson you learnt. Now I am in such position , nothing hurt me deeply as I learn many things from my past life . My past act as my blessings now. I learnt in friendship – if friends cheat , don’t do the same but better move forward , if you fail in relation never look back – move forward , if in your career you didn’t achieve your goal – try any other road map to reach but never lost your path while searching the best one .
This world contain millions of people – boys and girls , anyone can be your good friend , if you forget the bounties made by society . anyone can be your partner if you forget how to move on and try new or can say allow the best one. This world has millions of ideas and millions of road map to reach at your one destination , if plan A fails try Plan B but never settle down with broken heart. People don’t fail as they are fool or incapable but they think they can’t do more than this , lack of self confident .
My friends always say how you can be so energetic – I always give answer – where ever I go I make friends , I love to be friendly with all . If someone loves me I also love them , I see my future with them may be for temporary but if you follow this rule you’ll have friends and one day you’ll get best choice man in your life who is totally fit with you . so flirt but harmless kind like be professional kind of flirt don’t be so close until unless you know that person really loves you , I take whole world as my family and all are my friends , I never settle down with one path , where I failed once , I love to try new . I mainly always try to modify myself as per time and situation but sometimes I keep myself old personality as per time and situation. I am flexible as per time. I check my situation and act accordingly. So here I want to say , be flexible for yourself and love yourself .
THESE HAVE NO RELATION WITH MY 1 YEAR JOURNEY IN “SSU” But now I gonna move with these 7 life principle . I gonna UPDATE myself again.
Carve your lifestyle in a way that it prepares you for the long haul and by long haul I mean the fun, exciting and fulfilling journey that life can be.

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