Does future matters for you - If you ask this question to any hardcore dreamer, he or she would surely say! Yes, it matters like fish without water or in other words - I can’t think a perfect life without this.
So, In which age you realize the purpose of your, in the age of 13 or 16 or 20 – whatever we all have plans for our better future as this can leads to our destination and we move as per that but do our all plans come true or does God's mercy actually works in an unexpected way, very few or I can say only 30% lucky people who can say yes! I achieved something exactly what I was dreaming since I was a child. Some people’s lives changes drastically over a period of time in a positive way or can say positive growth and some have negative growth as well.
So if you are observing negative growth in your life, how can you change it to positive growth as I have seen after a certain age some people can’t ever rise once they failed? As getting success actually helps you to build your confidence whereas failure actually makes you feel like the loser and lose your confidence drastically after a series of failures.
So built up your lost confidence is not everyone’s cup of tea, you need to rise up again above your conscious level and you have to tell one thing to yourself every day that that one day I gonna rise – No matter what?
So how you gonna do that –
Well, start with your short-term goal to achieve your long-term goal.
I am giving the example of my life to make you understandable –
If I start talking about my life, I could say it is quite unpredictable,
I tried for medical get into engineering
I tried for M-Tech get into MBA
I tried for core marketing – fortunately, I am working as a research analyst.
So well – if I talk about the drawbacks of my life, I could say, yes! I have many drawbacks which need to be changed to make a better life for my future.
So where I can start myself – what’s wrong with me so that I failed –?
May b I choose a career which is not fit with my personality, ha! Not at all. I love being a marketing professional but in marketing you have to meet clients and daily communication which is quite difficult for my future upcoming family life (After Marriage) that’s why I quite for a certain time, as per the time I can go back to my real marketing field as by that time I could have handful of experience to develop myself in a much better way, I choose this career looking at my future, so now what I could do then for this - I should wait and try to make a best version of me till I get a perfect opportunity.
How can I make a perfect version – of course, I need to update my skills and experience to get best what I deserve?
So doing the job is not confined to what I always dream of – I have the long way to go make a perfect version of myself –
1)   I wish to become a writer
2)  I wish to become social work activities ( I involved in many social work activities during my childhood to college days - Now i need more perfection in my work)
These 2 are my main goals besides my working schedule.
I know I am not perfect in many skills like, which need to be improved for my future–
1)     I have pronunciation problem while I speak English (sometimes I also feel embarrassed). I have my own YouTube channel as well, all videos are in English but it needs to be perfect, life is all about perfection.
2)    I need to improve my get up
3)    I need to improve my English writing skills.
So these are the main skills where I need to improve if I want to see myself in a better place but I don’t know when I’ll get so much time to do all these. Sometimes I wish I’d be a guy so that my future will have no uncertainty about my dreams. when you are a girl that also in a Hindu Brahmin family – you have to follow lots of rules and regulations and your marriage is another biggest thing which can change your life either in positive direction or negative direction as with your parents you spend only 25 yrs., next of your whole life you gonna spend with a new family and new person whom you never ever know before – the mindset and the family culture etc. A good family means – future is yours, you can shape your future as per your wish. That’s why marriage is very important for a Hindu Brahmin family girl as most of the Brahmin family are conservative and as per culture you can marry once so, of course, it is the toughest decision but I always believe you can’t change your luck but you can shape your future through your deeds. So for a girl, it is quite tough still not impossible. A woman can become a social work activity and a writer as well – about success in the job and in a higher position, that time will decide.
So how I decide my success:
1.      Decisions for my future
2.     Habits
3.     Trade-offs

My future and long-term goals:

·         Responsible person
·         Develop leadership skills in a professional way
People always confuse with leadership skills, there is a beautiful difference between leaders and boss. A leader is friendly at the same time knows his/her position as well. People always think being rowdy or rude and giving orders with the attitude makes you a great leader or people will listen to you in this way but nowadays trends are changing and this is old-fashioned leadership skills, this kind of attitude you rarely find such environment in big MNC companies like Facebook and Google etc., as nowadays everyone has a great importance in the workplace. No one is less either in education and skills – so behave rudely makes no sense at all. Behave professional way and get the things done is the true attitude of a leader. there was a time in school beating culture was there means if a student does mistake teach punish with a stick or different ways of punishment were there, whereas nowadays wicked or naughty students go for behavioural observation and think about how we can change that guy or girl in a better way without any punishment. Now a day’s world becomes like punishment free and I wish to see a world without any crudity as it starts from home, the environment where we grow up. So let’s be a good leader. Anyone can be a leader – it doesn’t mean if someone is great in school or college that person can be a leader in future, in school and college money matters – spend on your friends and juniors they’ll become your pet but in real corporate world and real life you can’t make anyone pet as everyone has respect – if you want to earn respect – it is like give respect and get respect in return. So respect matters.
I am saying about myself – I feel like I can be a good leader whereas I can’t be rude or command loudly but yes! As per the situation, I realized that I need not change as one day world needs those leaders who are good for humanity not for themselves so for that, you need not be wealthy or rude or strong – just be yourself, your true nature will be accepted by millions if it is genuine.
·         Healthy
·         Have a loving, caring and supportive united family
·         Financially independent and stable
·         Ready to achieve something what I always wish for

These are my wishes before my death, wish! God help me to make these true.

I am trying my level best to achieve those short-term goals first. I believe in baby steps. I believe that changing and attaining something bigger than me will take years. It is not like the one-night miracle – it may take years and I may get success after 30 years, who knows, but I should keep doing great work for myself and for society – one day it’ll pay off

Planning for your future shouldn’t be daunting and exhausting. It’s your life, design it however you want to. We’re all just given an empty wall and it’s up to us what kind of art we put on there.

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