Have you ever had a crush in school or college life? How you feel actually…a teen agers love…so cute naa… Were you ever able to sum up the courage to ask your crush out, or tell them how you feel? Here’s one of the sweetest true love story which took a whole new turn in the end….Here  how a simple HARMLESS  FLIRTING turns into TRUE LOVE” & first crush turns into cheat …A strange & accidental   cute True love story …

                    Here in this story 5 characters are there “MIRA” means me, “Raj” means my true love or Love whatever you can say & my parents & friends & my first crush….

                        Today I met him, the boy in the middle of this whole love story.
Back in school grade, I had a huge crush on him. I had a gargantuan crush on that guy. It was like one of those fairy tale love stories which your grandmother would have made up. Some images came in front of my eyes in my every day dream. I believed in love, and him, just as much was so happy at those days .because that was my first crush.
                  In my school the teachers loved chicks like me. We had the best grades, the simplest hairstyles and we were the best-behaved children. But I was also good at writing. Writing was given a lot of importance in my school time.
               If you were to ask me about the whole deal of my love story now, I would call it silly. But then, I never felt silly. It was a serious and dramatic chapter for me in my life.

The beginning of my first crush      
               I remember the day when I first saw him and it feels like it was just yesterday. My friends and I were walking & they were talking about horror movie but my mouth was speechless at that time & one  image came in front of me every time, everywhere I find the same person ,I didn't know why ,just like a cold wind blows over my head, that was a awesome feeling.
                 Suddenly I catch him in front of my eye, He was coming from the other side with his pals but I felt it was may be my day dream. He was so handsome, so dashing. Who was he I knowingly ask my friends, because I had a crush on him but it was first sight .but I didn't know him? Then one of my friend told He was a new guy just join yesterday. I got to know that later that day.
               “Where there is a will, there is a way” especially when it comes to information. Within no time I had collect all the information’s about him. He was the only son & He lived near the city hall. I tried to go with him one day in the bus. He was there, reclining in the back seats, talking and flirting with his girlfriends. It wasn't a pleasant sight. Which confuse my mind whether I would tell him that I liked him or not. But at times, after see this I wanted the secret to die with me. Now I wonder love I was feeling for him. How I could tell him, should I even tell him? I loved him, I was sure of that then. I wanted to marry him and live happily ever after. All this, without ever knowing whether there was a girl in his life or whether he would ever like me. I was pretty sure he would like me. He was supposed to gas everyone liked me. Many thoughts were roaming in my mind at that time.
      The days passed and I passed my school days & my secret become secret. Now I was a big girl who was trying to hide her feelings. I grew my hair. I was beautiful although I wore glasses. I had two Valentine’s Day cards for him and one Congratulations card as he won the Best student of the year. Although I never gave anything to him, and how could I have given it to him, he didn't even know that I loved him.

The first conversation of love   
                        However I felt he knew about my secret love story, how could he not know that I loved him when the whole world knew it? The sky, the trees, the earth, my friends .How could he be so ignorant of my eyes which were so full of love and my heart which sighed every time whenever  I saw him? I never tried to expose my love, but I didn't want to force him to love me.
I made up my mind to tell him in that big hall. I had wear a nice dress for the occasion. I wore it, tied my hair, and my mama’s heels (which were way too big for me). I was ready for the mission.
                He was there as expected in that hall, like a Prince look. My mind was working furiously. I was watching him but no words coming from my mouth. One hour passed & He walked up to me. “Hey, whom are you waiting for?” hay “you…” “yes ,you , why?” he asked in mock surprise. By then I collect all my courage, enough to tell him that it was important to talk to him alone and somewhere alone. So we were walking together. It was a difficult walk, as my heels were too big for me & high heel. But I loved it, the walk with him. After walking a while, he stopped. “What do you want from me?”
               “You” tell me without any hesitation. So is there any function, then why you’re wearing a winter cloth in June. You look like a fool. Didn't you see the mirror before coming here? Go home. Which hurt me a lot & badly L L

The end of love as I knew it

He walked away. I sat on the ground with a funny & sadly face. I didn't know when I got back home. I could never love again. I was shattered. A year passed but my love for him never changed even after his harsh words. I loved him the same way I did the first day I saw him. That love had made me a real girl. At last he realizes .It was done with a purpose to bring him to me. There was a ray of hope at last. At last we fell in love with each other.

                  Time passed by and I really grew up this time. I passed my years with good grades. My friend and he were still together. I was still friends with his too. After completion of my education, I went to the big city where my parents lived. But the memories always there in my mind. Could I ever forget him? I didn't like the big city Becoz I fear to lose him. It was just too big. According to changing time at last I knew that  there were no things such as friendship, everyone was in his or her own life how to crush others………. This hurts me a lots…because I  came to knew from my friends that that he fall in love with someone else ….

                             Slowly slowly then I close to my parents and I too loved it. I was tuned to my studies and made myself forget the whole heart-breaking memories of my teen years. Do you think I could ever make the same mistake of falling in love again? I never did believe I would.

First flirting in my life

                  But I did fall in love again. There was this guy named RAJ, in my  college life. For the first time in my life I started flirting. “Harmless flirting”, that’s what my cousins called it. He was very handsome. So we started our “Harmless flirting”. We would look at each other and smile. But there was nothing more than that. No words. He was good, with words (gestures actually, as we never spoke to each other). I never thought that I could fall in love all over again. I had left everything of my past behind, even if the phone numbers and addresses of my friends. I was happy with my new flirting partner. I would study hard as I always did, then I enter into engineering line & he enter into another line…our line & career were different, but our conversation were remain same. Four years passed & get a job. I was going through a blank frame of mind to another city.

Three month after

I met with my flirting partner again .he asked me “I was wondering if something happened to you , where you were”, he added. “No, I am fine, I got a job in another city”, I managed to say. “Wanna have coffee?” he asked all of a sudden.”Hmm … k….” It was on my first date.

My first date with my True love

            My first date and I was so not ready for it! There I was on my first date. The worst part was that he was looking so handsome & I fear the handsome guys most. And he was talking to me like he knew me for years. I was too busy thinking………….about him as I have already cheated….. After that I came to home, but I promised to contact with him. I wanna just read his mind. What was roaming behind? Because I believe in love & I believe no one is same.

My true feelings comes

                     But today I can tell you that he is the most romantic person in the world. He is responsible for bringing out the lost confidence in me and I am not afraid to be myself with him. He is mine. He proposed to me and it was the best day of my life. Of course, I accepted and we’re going to get married soon.
                       After a long time I meet my old school days crush & he wanted to meet me …I went to that respective place. My feeling was not so bitter towards him. The half hour with him I felt like it was a business meeting. No emotions or fake emotions exchanged. I couldn't even understand why he even wanted to meet me. We were never friends. When I told him that I was engaged, he seemed shocked. “You can’t do that to me, I like you a lot!” he said all of a sudden. “What do you mean by that?” His reaction was a surprise to me. He reminded me, how much I was crazy about him. But it hit me the other way, and the pain of that evening rushing back to me. I just looked at him, blankly. “I don’t want you to live in the past.” …“It was just a childhood crush. Please don’t take it seriously. I am fine with my life and have no clue why you’re bringing this up, and now, after all these years. I am happy with my partner and wish you can find someone nice for yourself too. Please don’t get in touch with me again. Good luck with your life.” I told him & left that place all of sudden.
                         Then I left India for some days for a business purpose…….my life remain same & a blank mind & blank feeling …yeah someone came in front of me some times he was my first true love Raj.
                      I came back after 5 years I found him same, there was no change in his life & I had make up mind to marry with him there for I discuss this things with my parent, but my parents had only one problem with him that Raj came from a poor family therefore my parents weren't too happy, but my parents saw that he was a good man and was worthy for my hand.
             But there was another problem- he was a soldier. Soon, war broke out and he was sent for a year. The year for fight. Before going he asked me “Will you marry me?” & I wiped my tear, said yes, if u can waited for me for 5 years why not me.

Tragedy of my life

But tragedy struck. A few days after there were a major vehicular accident happened. It was a head-on collision. When I woke up I found myself in the hospital, I saw my father and mother were crying. Immediately, I knew there was something wrong’s later I found out that I suffered brain injury. The part of my face muscles was damaged. My lovely face was now disfigured. I cried when ever I saw myself in the mirror.
              “Yesterday, I was beautiful. Today, I’m a monster.” My body was also covered with so many ugly wounds. So I   decided to break my promise. I thought he wouldn't want me anymore. I would have to forget about him and never see him again. For one year, he wrote many letters to me but i wouldn't answer his letters. He phoned me many times but i wouldn't return his calls. One year left, the mother walked into my room and told me with a smiling face, “He’s back from the war.”
But I shouted, “No! Please don’t tell him about me. Don’t tell him I’m here! tell him I dead now, because I knew that he loved me so much & I also but I didn't want to gave him much pain .he was a good person ,so he could find a beautiful girl for him”. My heart beat stop when I found him in front of me. I knew I still loved him may be more than him .but still I had to forget him now. With great sadness, I opened the wedding invitation from him with a half covered face & I asked, “What is this?”

At that time he gave me a bouquet of flowers which I love a lot. & asked “Will you marry me?”
I signed him NO with covered my face with my hands and said, “I’m ugly!”
Then he said, I saw your new photos, I realized that nothing has changed. You’re still the person I fell in love. You’re still as beautiful as ever. Because I love you, I love as u are  , not ur face .then tear fall from my eyes & I became speechless,how my  HARMLESS  FLIRTING turns into TRUE LOVE”….I was just a backed  & thanked to god for this kind of beautiful gift…


Now we are the most beautiful couple in this world as I believe…& we lived happily till now without any quarrel…our TRUST & LOVE is ever green …

We can all fall in love plenty of times, but there’s always that one special time when we come across a perfectly true love story in your own life.

So don’t be afraid to fall in love, and don’t ever give up on it, because romantic true love stories may seem like a fairy tale  but god has already made some one for someone else, that person is the perfect person as I believe .so believe him.

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