I believe- 

That we should care for everyone as we live in a society.

I believe-  

That true friendship continues to grow 

Same goes for true love.

I believe-

That you should always leave everyone with loving words.

I believe-  

That it will  take a long time to become the person I want to be.

Because I believe nothing is impossible. 

I believe- 
That there is no word like Luck

It totally depends on your work.

I believe-

That change only occurs 

When u analyze your small small mistakes 

I believe- 

Miracle only happens 

When you understand your own fault before others.

I believe-
That anyone can keep going long alone 

I believe- 

That we are responsible for what  we do or did

I believe-  

That heroes are the people who do work with regardless of the consequences.

I believe-
That sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down

Still there will be the ones to help you get back up

That is loving God.

I believe-  

That maturity comes  from  different types of experiences you've had and what you've 

learned from from your every mistakes

I believe- 

That it is easy to be forgiven by others.

Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.

I believe- 

That our background and circumstances may have influenced 

who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.

I believe- 

That great people look at the exact same thing what other see

but  see it  something totally different.

I believe- 

That  when a  needy person cries out to you

you will find the strength to help them 

How much you can.

I believe- 

winner never quit or quitter never win

I believe- 
That cruel & rude way on your way
Do not make you a decent human being

I believe- 
That we should not change our life

Life will change for us by our works

I believe-

Life is a poem ,so write your own story

Life is a song,so sing your own song

Life is a game ,so play with different tricks

Life is a full of fun,so lets enjoy it.

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