A friend is a person capable of loving irrespective of whether he/she is being loved or not.  Friendship can exist between the same sex: man-man, woman-woman or opposite sex: man-woman.  It doesn't matter any age and could be between even an old man and a small boy. Sometimes we also establish friendships with our pet animals such as cats, dogs.  Friendship can also be felt in between father and son, mother and daughter, husband and wife, brother and sister, elder brother and younger brother. Yet, more than friendship, love is the binding force in familial relationships. In a deeper sense, love is below friendship. Generally, friendship exists for three reasons - a)   Trust b) usefulness c) pleasure.  It has a magic in itself.  It attracts you.  And it is mutual interaction.  You know that you would even die to keep your friendship for that person. 

A friendship of the second kind is for the utility value.
 How useful so and so is to me? 
What can I benefit from him/her? 
Can I use his/her things? 
Friendship it is useful but lasts so long as the we feel for each other.  Once we away from it need the friendship eventually dies.  It holds good moment and as well as bad.

Friend is a joker, the moment he/she enters; you forget all your worries & never disappoint you.That way.  A relationship started on the basis of usefulness .Similarly a virtuous friendship also could soon impart usefulness and pleasure.  It would be an ideal package to have all the three together.  But you see my friend, how difficult it is to form relationships?

Friendship is formed mostly during childhood, schooldays.  Sometimes later, at college days. Friendship is fantastic for this reason: it lasts till the end of this universe.  

Friends comes with friendships, they are the channel of love and affection. Friends are like child's heart which doesn't know wrong thinking."I believe there is no word like enemy & hate . god has given us a beautiful heart & pour lots of love & care here. so don't hate anyone .keep friendship  with everyone.  love everyone & care for everyone." .When there is a friend with us we feel secure, happy, huge support, and comfortable which you can't get from others.
So Lets get some real friends in this world. and let’s Be Friends..

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