MY LIFE HISTORY .my real experience.

      Our life is like a river whatever the situation comes we have to adjust with everyone & everything. Sometimes we make ourselves as the happiest person in this world & sometimes we feel the we the most saddest purely depends on our mentality & situation, How you looks …<when you are high think about the people who are higher then you & when you feel sad think about the people below then you>. From my life I learn that whatever the situation comes stand up & roar like a lion. Because situation may change but should not be your attitude & personality. Which is your & which will be with you now & forever…….
                      Some experience 
                         of my real life ,
                 which I wanna share with everyone:-

                     When I born my whole family was happy  & I am the eldest  one at that time in my family  , yeah I have two brothers (cousin) who are elder then me & I love them so much…I have minimum 20 brothers & sisters whole & I love them . 2 are elder & rests are younger & I have also a little brother whom I love so much. So as an elder I learn how to take responsibility & share Ur lovable things

       slowly slowly I grew up & reached in my school life, as first I learnt how to share your food & Break up with (QUARREL) your friends in small matter & make a gang…when  I grew up ,I understood the meaning of QUARREL then I changed myself & feel abashed whenever I thought about my child hood quarrel…but at the child time I was so aggressive when any one took my thing…but I become younger I felt  ashamed whenever I think about that matter & sometimes it seriously made me laugh also…when ever I thought about my all childhood  activities & I was so curios to know a new things .many times I faced many  big problems also, but I love to take risk .which nature is with me right now also but a little difference…BECOZ AT THAT TIME I WAS CHILD BUT NOW I M MATURED ENOUGH …yeah till now I don’t leave  my  one nature that is “KEEP PROMISE”.

                           I remember one thing when I was child I was a healthy girl < 7 years old>,so in running race I was always in the last ,so one day one of my friend <NEDHA> who always stood first in running race suggested me to play with her because she wanted to remove the negative feelings inside me that I couldn't stood first ,yeah for her shake I practice a lot…there was running race competition <that was different types means two person run at a time with holding each other’s hand> & I refused  her as I knew I m not so good like her .may be for me she would be the last position .which I didn't want. but at last I kept her promise & at that day I was fully prepared  for running race .we the first competent at in that competition  ,our opening was so good but at the middle movement my leg just slipped & I fall down but I didn't know it may be so harmful for her …she also fall down & she injured more than me …she couldn't stand well for 3 days …which hurt me a lots…from that day I don’t participate in any  running race competition  but yes I always encourage her to run…

           After leave that place I lose my “GAME TEACHER”. After that I entered into high school life where I always stood first throughout in my school life & got 3 times scholarships also , at that time I didn't like to read but I was honest to my study.yeah at that time I too love to do paintings & too love to take part in any debate competition & any writing competitions. I too love to participate in drama also. But in our family participate in dancing competition was not allowed therefore I couldn't participate (but It doesn't mean that dancing is not good …I too love to do dance…but there was certain rules in everyone’s family therefore I couldn't)

                                Slowly slowly I grew up ,  I was little matured to understand the meaning of friendship & I have also many friends .one of my friend whom I loved so much <RITA RANI PALAI>who was my best friend ever, she was my childhood best friend whom I couldn't forget because she deserve this . She is the only girl in my life who never feel me alone , who always with me whenever I need help. sometimes she also beaten by teachers & may be from her parents for me  & hide my faults L L L  it's true ,may be I couldn't get any one like her, but yes I proudly can say that I had also & for her I  knew  what is the meaning of friendship. But it’s true I was “super jealous “ I couldn't see her with anyone because I felt if I lose her L but she always understood my heart so I didn't tell her anything she understand my untold words…that was the most beautiful part of my life because I had a friends & also a true friend. Whom I can say she is mine & she is not only my best friend but also my sister also.

               Slowly slowly my life flew in to a critical way, I lose other friends <not my best frnd> because all become very serious for their study, competition made us jealous & sometimes my over advises made others irritate .yeah I am not always right but I am not always wrongs & I couldn't tolerate if my friends went in wrong ways  <what I feel> …which they don’t like. some of them agree still some of them don’t like. Some of my childhood friends take me that I am the big obstacle, so that  they leave me & some of them thought I like to interfere in others life. But they didn't knew whom I love & care I mostly tell them. Because we all are friends sometimes we do some wrongs but realize when we face any problem. Which I didn't want that my friends fall in any problems. It’s true their unnatural activities hurt me a lot. Slowly I tried to change myself because one side I didn't want to lose my friends & another side I couldn't see them in wrong path…but I learn many big as well as small things from my school life…my school life at last ended & till now also I love my all friends & some teachers who helped me a lot…

           But alas in the final exam my position was not first that time & I lose my best friend also. <Because they leave that place & I had no contact no also>.my bad time started from that time.

                         slowly I mentally weak .some thoughts hurts me a lot “my result” because I never thought that I couldn't get first position .because from my childhood career  to till 10 I was always stood first & I had tried a lot…which made me more mentally weak, at that time other people even if my teachers who loved me scold me a lot for my mark .at that time I really couldn't understand where was my fault??? But I salute my parents who believe me  & tried to make me strong again to fulfill my dream…alas once lose confidence made me a sever down…I couldn't understand & I felt that my all achievements were worthless ???  …slowly slowly I became weak a lot & slowly I became alone & lose confidence & friends also. I became alone…after that I fear to participate in any things Becoz I felt that people may laugh at me  & one day I participate in a painting competition at that time also partiality was there. Which hurt me . after that I decided to focus only one thing…I complete my college life with low confidence & became a great loser but I Salute My parents & some teachers are there who understood me & who tried their best?

                After that I couldn't get medical which was my big dream in my life because from my childhood time I like to help others so I choose this line because it is the best way to help others .save life. After that I felt like hell & I felt there is nothing in my life. for getting  medical I lose my friends …still I couldn't…after that I became like stone…

                              After I enter into engineering with  no dream becoz my dream was different <<<but i really love my college>>>. I read like a normal but yeah something has a limit. My tolerance had also a limit. I felt it’s over. After that my parents also lose hope from me. After coming here I tried myself to stand like before how much difficulties come I don’t care I have to reach on my dream. May be I couldn't get whatever I want I don’t care ,still I will try ,I will fight with this world to reach at that position which I want. once I took promise means EITHER DO OR DIE  because I was so irritate losing everything in my life .when I was child my aim was to help someone therefore I wanted to became a doctor …now also my dream is one but may be work will be different it will be more helpful … I wish God help me to fulfill my dream & I have also told my God give pain how much you can I am that much strong to tolerate anything...but I Salute my IIIT college becoz after coming here my new life begin. my parents & some my family members  who never feel bore to inspire me again & again. Now I feel I have that much confident like before & willing power to do something new . after coming here I really get a new life & hope starts from thing i learn confidence is everything,  may people say many things  about you, but you know what you are so always follow your path & it always should be in well planned.

                           HOPE IT WILL BE CONTINUE…TILL MY DEATH

                 I also give a big thanks to those people who helped me directly & indirectly. I also wanna give a big thanks to Sir @CORY BOOKER  no doubt he is not an Indian  still  I always take him as my teacher because of his inspiring thoughts , which also helped me a lot & help me to move forward & help me to become a good person…teacher may be anyone who teach you something good...btw @ KIRAN BEDI mam who is real inspiration for me ...@PATTNAIK SIR in my school time  who  1st taught me how to service to mankind is important &  many more teachers ...I AM  WILL BE ALWAYS GRATEFUL TO THEM…I wanna give a big thanks those who are involved in my life for move forward in my life .love u all becoz everyday someone at least teach me something special...I AM THANKFUL TO MY LORD & THIS NATURE WHO IS MY GREAT TEACHER.
yeah now I have also a little friend circle like my schooldays whom I love so much but one problem is that now everyone is busy to improving themselves.

1) My god,my parents ,my time 

2)my duty ,my personality,my self respect 

3)my heartily respect goes to those who helped when none wid me to help me <morally support me & make me strong further> or physically help me ...i am & will be always grateful to them !!!

           TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN MY LIFE            


  1. Its a nice story. and yea i know that true story for your life.

    i learnt your story , and just say i with u...............

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