This is purely imaginary story , here i have discussed about the poverty & the reason behind the crimes & terrorism ,hope you all like it ..we need peace ,so stop war ...if you want to stop war 1st abolish the poverty from whole world ,...because poverty is directly proportional to terrorism & crimes ....

A poor couple lived in a slum area & struggling with their life for gets a peaceful life. There was no enjoyment in their life except pain …like god has prewritten full of pain in their luck. They were living a miserable life  because the head of the family was blind means the man was blind & his woman was illiterate & They had 1  son named RAJA & 2 daughters ,one elder & another one was the youngest of all  named NISA.the blind man was working as a “cordwainer” & his wife was working  at someone’s house. They manage their life , many times they don’t even  get food to eat . Still they lived happily with that , as they were accustom in that kind of situations.

         The woman was the only main earning member who was  working someone’s house. There she worked from morning to till night , she took her son along with her. She did her all work & his son also helped her in some work. At the end of the day they return to their home. That owner had a daughter whose name was lovely , whenever RAJA saw her playing in toys & eating ice cream & riding bicycle & going school with her father …  he little heart prayed before GOD “when I can go school ,I also want to read, I also want to play like these small children ,I also wants to eat these delicious food ,I also want to ride the car…oh GOD can you give me ”& he promised before GOD many time I’ll be become good boy if u give me all these. Whole day they lived there. One day RAJA saw that the owner of that house behave very badly with her mother, but she couldn’t do anything. When he shouted at that time the owners dragged him from that place & throw him outside his home & closed the door. He came home in teary eyes & told his all story to his elder sister, as he loved her so much. His sister hugged him tightly & told him  not to tell anything more …this is their painful life ,where they couldn’t shout for help ,if they would shout they would be punish by the rich cruel people. Day pass Night became darker &he could not sleep well as he was hungry &  looking at the sky from the hole of the wall & waiting to his mother when she would come with a hope if she would come with some food.some one knocked at the door he suddenly ran to open the door , when he saw his mother with some food,  he became happy & thanks god. But He became astonished, because in the morning she told him there was no food in their home so today they have to live without food, tomorrow she would arrange money. So where she could get money???When he asked his all questions to his mother  ,his mother looked at him & his two innocent eyes ,which was full of question ,which she could not give answer ,so she left that place & cried alone… he marked it & felt very sorry but he couldn’t understand the reason behind of her tear…

                  In this way their life passed away. One day she came to know that his husband was suffering from serious disease for this minimum 10,000 rupees was needed. But where she could get this much amount of money. She tried her best but she couldn’t get so she lose her husband…their life become more abject then before. Because now there was only one earning member in that house….

                   One year passed another tragedy happened with them. Suddenly RAJA’s health became worst, the doctor suggest her to go for surgery as soon as possible  ,because there was some problem in his kidney,but  for that huge amount of money was required…finally she could save her son’s life …arrange all the money in time. But where she could get so much money .

        After one month he came to his house ,but he couldn’t find his elder sister  ,he cried a lot but he got no answer from anyone & no one was there to weep his tear .he loved his sister so much & loved her more than his mother. He always searches her here & there.he totally broke down. When his mother saw him in this condition she told him that she got married with someone when he was at hospital. She was very far from him so she couldn’t come now .still his little heart always search her here & there…in this way his life passed away…

                   He became young, he was 23 years old. He was working there where his mother was working , but his mother stop working there .there  they gave him very small amount of money, in that much amount of money they couldn’t live a peaceful life. There was one tension on his head how he could do his sister’s marriage & his mother’s health which was going down day by day. another side his love ,he loved the daughter of that owner LOVELY ,whose house he worked from his childhood days .they both loved each other but he was so poor how could he marry her ???,this society would not accept this & he also didn’t want to give her pain. So it’s better to leave her. Many thoughts came in his mind every day. Every problem had one solution earn money.

                                      One day night he he sat in a saddest mode in road side, he couldn’t understand where he  could get money .night became dark & time passed away in its way.3 to 4 young man came near to him, talked with him in a very friendly manner .after that they came to know that he needed money .so they told him that they would help him “how to earn more money” but for this he had to abnegation a lot, there was a young man who abettor him more to do work with them. If he would agree then they would help him. They put a condition before him. he wanted money so he agree their every agreement  & finally he  entered  into the criminal world at first he feared to do this ,but  after doing these kind of work many times  he became habituated with it , for these work  he got a huge amount of money , in a very few days he became a rich person. His all ambitions fulfilled “his sister got married & he also married with his loved once LOVELY  & his mother also recovered from her ill “. Finally they all lived very happily. One day while going to his home he saw his elder sister who was standing in front of a bar. When he saw her, he hugged her tightly & felt like he got everything in his life because he loved his sister so much. He asked why didn’t contact with him. He really missed her every day. While eating anything she came in his mind, every time. After listening this tear drop fall from her eyes ,she could not tell anything to him .she told only word to leave that place as soon as possible, this is very dirty place ,if he would not go then people take it in other sense  .after  listening this he could understand his sister’s  great sacrifice ,her  untold story purely he could read through her eyes .he told her to go with him, but he refused because the leader of their community  would not allow her to go ,so he decided  talk with her leader .but he demanded  a huge amount of rupee for this & that much amount was not with him ..so Before he  left  that place he promised her  , very soon he took her to his own home. He collect all money  ,after 5 days when he reached there he came to know that his sister was no more ,tear drop fall from his eyes & asked the god why he tortured him like this ,one old man came near to him gave him a letter ,when he opened that letter he could not stop his tear from flowing from his eyes “where she had written he killed herself because he didn’t want to pollute his brother’s family ,she was just like a drain ….so she killed herself & she also didn’t want to live more ,she was totally balked from her life  .”

                        Days passed like river flowing ...like that all memories were  printed  inside his heart but there was no Xerox copy  of it …slowly slowly his life further turn into like before  … may be god couldn’t see their happy .one day he got a huge amount of money to kill someone. But He didn’t see his face according to their instruction he reached at that place where they told him to fixed a bomb in a car. The car blasted but he didn’t knew he killed his sister’s whole life, who was newly married & whom she loved so much  .which he did unknowingly but it hurt him more. At that day he realized how much it painful when someone died ,he remind  how he did many crimes ,how he destroy many lives…at that day  he decided to give up that dirty work for forever. From that day he didn’t go there & decided to buy an auto & earn money from this. But he didn’t know that criminal line destroy his whole life & he decided not to go back further. But may be god wanted to punish him badly. So further his dark past called him back..Mean he further entered into that line. …then why he entered as he already promised not to go …???

                          He always woke up early morning & ready for his work. But he didn’t know that day was the worst day ever. He left that criminal work but they people couldn’t leave him. They decided to call him further as he was more faithful than others .that day he accidently met his old criminal gang. They forced him to come with him. They gave him a task, for that they would pay 50 corer rupees .at first he didn’t agree with that proposal & return to his home. Now it’s a big headache in their mind...if he would not do then who could do this work…at last they made a plan for him...next day morning like as usual he  woke up early & prepared for his work…but at that day before going to his  work he listened someone was  knocking at the door & he thought may be any customer ,so when he opened the door he aphasia  ,when he saw that criminal gang ,they dragged  him in front of his gang  leader who  was the behind all the criminal work…they put a condition before him.if he would do this only for them  then they didn’t  do any harm to his family if he would not listen then they would kill his wife & daughter .after listening this he just stand like a stone ,he could not understand how could he do this work… they gave him some time to think. It took his sleep from his eyes . at last he agree with them. Because he loved his family so much. & another side his wife was pregnant, & he couldn’t live without  her.
                According to the agreement he reached at that temple & many people gathered there because of a famous festival   &  he start shooting on innocent people according their instruction where many children died & many family destroyed ….after finishing his all work , he luckily escaped him out from police…but inside he felt like dying , he knew for him “many parents lose their children, many children lose their parents, many wives lose their husbands “ he just prayed before god to forgive him for his work..He did everything for his family …after finishing his work he came his home with his damaged heart. When he entered his home, his wife started crying as her parents & brother were no more. They all died in that festival...&  after listing this no words came from his mouth ,as he knew that he had done all of these but he had no that much strength to tell everything to her wife .he could not control his tear after looking at his wife ,he suddenly  left that place & sit alone in front his home. Finally he decided that he would leave his country for some  days .so he prepared for his journey & before leaving  his home he promised his wife & sister he would come back very soon. No need to worry for him. After telling this he left his home, but he didn’t know where he could go. But he decided because for his family’s safety.

                       But he didn’t know that day was worst day ever. While going on the road all the past memories etched in his eyes. He remind his all past days…

“How he always prayed before god for a good dress, good food, toy…etc…how his sister become prostitute, how his father died without having money, how his mother got torture & how he become a criminal. Everything”...but he didn’t want, what he felt his child don’t face the same thing  , so he choose a wrong line &  enter into  that criminal  life. what he didn’t get in his childhood days he wanted back all those things,he didn’t want to destroy his another sister’s life & couldn’t see his mother die in a simple disease ...while thinking this he didn’t know how he reached at the airport ...he waited for his flight …suddenly a gang of police caught him there but he thought it would be not wise to ran away ,so he planned how to escape him out. At last he did, but he didn’t know police were behind him he thought he escaped but he didn’t know police knowingly  did this…he decided to return his home  ..But on his way police caught him...when he started ran away police bounds to shoot at him …they shoot him on his leg…he fall down &  his eyes fall on his wife & his sister who were in front of him. When he saw her no words came from his mouth, but he didn't know she also knew all those case.she told him that she didn’t want to live a life with his identity..So  she snatched the gun from the police & killed herself there & his sister did also...they both killed themselves after watching this he felt it’s better to die…because from whom he would live ??? HIS ALL DREAM BECAME DREAM ,HE GOT EVERYTHING BUT HE LOSE …
he told everything to police , for him  the roots of that criminal work, all caught …no doubt court gave him sentence to death but he helped the police much more then they aspect….

The reason behind of all the crimes & terrorism was poverty.
so 1st try to find out all the reason behind the crimes & the painful life story of criminals   ,I am sure u surely cry…because no one wants to die…they do because of money …
some do because of money & some do to get power …hope you all understand my story…
…so before judge anyone 1st to find out the reason….
so open your eyes as soon as possible. Make poverty a history .
spirituality makes a person good & humble..so always believe god & his creature…so don’t use ur science in a wrong way.  
never choose any wrong friends in your life & never choose any wrong path.it's very easy to enter but too difficult to return to previous life.

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