Day after day slipped away
Month after month slipped away
Year after year quickly flew away
Our Heroes, shed their blood like tears to give us freedom
to achieve the Freedom and happiness to depth
our fighters struggled their breath to death.
That’s why now we  can celebrate
India won this freedom decades ago
Now we can proudly say
Thanks God we are free today
Can we say this??
Are we all genuinely free today?
We must question this every day
India is changing day by day
One side poverty increasing day by day
Infants are suffering from undernourishment
Their lives are like a dead tree without fruit & flower
Another side corrupted people increases day bay
Sometimes we cry for help & help
Finally we got no true judgment
Can we say this??
Are we all genuinely free today?
We must question this every day
No doubt India is changing
Is our life style changing?
Or we are going down day by day
Can we say we are truly free? 
Where everyday more than ten girls raped
Child labor & child abuse occurs everyday
In this situation
How can you say?
We are free today
We must question this every day
Tortured and fired for no reason
Our lives, our views are totally controlled
We feel like communist country everyday
Inner freedom is chained and imprisoned
We really know about our rights
The laws behind every fight
Sometimes a powerful person
Can do everything with his power
A poor fear to raise his voice
Can we say this??
Are we all genuinely free today?
We must question this every day
But I believe everything is possible
May be late but sure
If we united together
Let us take a promise today
Construct instead of destroying
Let us share & care for everyone in everyday
Let us wake up & come forward fearlessly
As we always still awakes and waits for peace
There is only One solution in every problem is
To build a new country of freedom and liberty.

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