Dream is very big thing for everyone.so dream high & try to reach at high.if u can’t success u learn where is your mistakes which wil help you for GREAT WIN .here in my story , I wanna say to this world that anyone can do anything. God has given potential to everyone. So utilize it. Influenced other also do good work. If you couldn’t at least teach your son /daughter/sister/brother to do right work. Follow right path. This is a small story .hope u all enjoy it & learn something.


A small boy nearly 5-6 years old, named “JOHN” .he was mute from his birth. That’s why he had to listen many things from outside people & his friends. But his mother wanted that he would overcome all barriers, she had many dreams for him. His mother always gave him courage for further improvement .no doubt he couldn’t speak but he was very talented. That’s why he joined in a school there he always stood first. But his one problem was he couldn’t speak, so his friends laugh at him & torture him in different ways.Everyday  He tolerate manythings in school & cried before his mother & told his story 

  “why she gave him birth ,for this she also listen many things from outsiders & he had to listen many things from his friends”....ike this many Days passed away

One day his mother came to know that she was suffering from cancer .she knew that she had only 1 month more to live. Still she never cry & she became more strong  because of her son. If she would weak then  who would give him courage. Like everyday JOHN came from school in teary eyes. At that day she became angry upon him because it was his daily activity. When he started his story before his mother at that day his mother hide his tear inside her heart & talk with him in a normal voice that 

“I had seen may dream for you but i don't think you can fulfill my dream.so if you want to see me happy then  change yourself ,never cry in small matters.your condition is very good then those children who have no parents ,who work here & there for food.can you imagine it???. My eyes always want to see you a great person. Never run after money, handle every one with  your  love & care , which I know you can do. There is someone who is bigger than me & who is friend of all, so don’t worry if you have no friend .you can share your all problems with him & he surely can solve your all problem. So tell him your all stories .from today on wards he is your Best friend .tell him your stories not me” .

After saying this she left that room .cried a lot because she could‘t tell him the worst truth. So she decided to make distance from him & tried to make him stronger. 

“If she couldn't be with him, he could fight with whole world”.

Days passed ,  JOHN loved his mother so much so  he obeyed  his mother’s advice line by line & tried to fulfill all his mother’s dream. As he promised her. JOHN’S mother died .he became totally alone .at that time he was  8 years old. His mother’s all dream & her love always etched in front of his eyes. He tried a lot to forget & concentrate on his study ,alas he  couldn't . Which hurt him every time.  He thought it was most painful then my all problems. Slowly he made himself strong. Tried to stand on his own lag.
After some days his father married, his stepmother tortured him so much .no doubt his father loved him. But he couldn’t do anything for his son. Because most of the time he spend in his office.

JOHN always complained before god “Oh god, my friend, I need you. my mother had told me .you are my friend.you are my best friend , you listen everything & solve everyone's problem .so can you solve my problem.i need one friend , with whom I can play ,talk & share my thought .can you come to this world .to play with me .please …”after telling this he went to his bed.

Next day morning he wake up late so he couldn’t catch his School bus. So he decided he had seen his school. So he could go by tempo. In his way he saw a child was crying & no one was there to listen. He watched him constantly for sometime.after that he  went near to him. Asked him why he was crying. then that boy child told him.

”I am so hungry & my sister is not coming .where she had gone, I can’t found her & she also couldn’t listen anything also “

After listening this tear came in his eyes & he gave his tiffin box   to him. After that he helped him to search his sister. suddenly that child shouted “my sis, my sis”. JOHN'S  eyes fall on some children who were engaged in collecting the plastic bags & bottles from garbage. After looking them he thought that his life was much more better then them. He just looked at them constantly .after collecting those plastic bottles they gathered in one place that girl’s little brother told his sister that this Guy JOHN had given him food & he had so food for them also. After listening this they became so happy at least they got some food for eat.

They thanked him & after that they started to talk with him. No one could not understand what he was telling except that deaf girl & his brother. So they convey JOHN'S message to them .after taking some time he came to know that these children had no parents .they are alone. They earn money from this. After listening this. He gave his all pocket money to them. Whole day he spend with them. He actually wanted that how their life & what they were doing. he remind his mother's words as one day his mother had told him. There are many children whose condition is poor then you. So help them who really need you.

Next day before going to school he gave his tiffin box to them & his pocket money. In this way he made friendship with them. One day he listen that there was a school opened for  only poor children where these kind of children can read .who had no parents, but they had to give an exam for that .if they would pass then they can enter where they could get free food & shelter for live. He told about this to his friends but at first they didn’t agree  but at last they agree with him  for  read. That deaf girl she had more interest in reading. So when told she wanted to read. Her other friends influenced by her .but who will teach them for that exam , that was a great issue. JOHN told them that he could teach them. So he took the permission from his father & got money also for him also. his father  became happy for his Nobel work. He taught them in night. But his mother didn’t like this. She thought "she is so rich what people will think if his son make friendship with those kinds of people who has no parents". She was so displease for his work. So many times she gave him warning not to talk with them. But he never listen her. His all friends got selected there. They became very thankful to John. As for him they got a new life.

Time passed his step mother couldn’t tolerate his improvement. So she decided to kill him for his property also. But when he knew about this. he decided to leave his home  as he had to fulfill his mother’s last wish but where he could go ,as he was a studying now & reading in IIT , from where he got money .another side his poor friends complete their   intermediate exam with good marks.some of them got chance to join as school teacher  in small schools. So they helped JOHN  & encouraged him to fulfill his mother's dream & another side JOHN also decided besides his study he could earn money by doing  tuition. Time passed his all friends joined as different work. Except that deaf girl. Her dream was big & JOHN also helped her as her mentality was same with him. They both read at last JOHN got IAS & there he post her deaf friend as his personal sectary. She was the only girl who could understand what he want to speak. Their main motto was to change his society. After doing work together a long time  they decided to marry . They both work together & did a lot of things for society . Built many school & colleges for poor children. Who couldn’t get money for read? He changed many children’s life. Still there was something he wanted to change. So he thought it would be better if he would  enter into politics .there he could change something. No doubt he could not speak .but his action was so powerful which was sufficient to tell anything to anyone. So he got huge vote & after that he tried to stop the corruption first, because it was the main reason behind poverty.

No doubt he tried a lot, for this many people became his enemy .at last they killed him. In the hospital he recall what his mother had told & what he had done.

He belived that GOD is really present he helped him indirectly
when he need friend GOD send TRUE FRIENDS not RICH FRIENDS.
He always wanted a friend who will talk for him & understand him. At last he got his wife who was his right hand.
His all dreams before god .no doubt all couldn’t fulfilled  still some.
Before his death he just told his daughter to fulfill his dream…..

No doubt JOHN died but his carbon copy was still present who his daughter was. JOHN’S WIFE always reminds her daughter about his father’s dream & his work & also influenced her to work like his father.


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