From my child hood days to till now I learn only one thing about study
Only read ,how much can … u have to get good marks .everybody run after the good marks, sometimes if u don’t get good marks even if u have knowledge people  take u as very  fool…
 From my student life to till now I  feel that there is no value of my education because every time I found one thing that is “cheating” …when I was school some teachers gave their students good marks <who were going tuition to that teacher> but I always get my mark how much I did…but I don’t like this kind of activity of people …Becoz it really destroy the future of students … every time I got good marks due to my own effort ,with out any cheating … because I  believe in my study & labor rather than cheating … that’s why I always stood first position & I can proudly can say that ,because that was my own effort.
But when I  grow up ,I find education means how to get good marks ,either by cheating or by any way ...in exam time in +2 career I found many question papers declared ,which really hurt me a lot. Because I always believe in study not in mark…but now I realize I may be wrong now a day’s people need marks not your knowledge… nobody will listen you if you don’t gave them their expectation result .
When I preparing for medical , I tried my best. Once my papa call someone to know about “Karnataka PMT” but that person told if you will give me 50-60 lacks then if she has low rank then also  she could enter & now a days most of the people are doing like this , it's a common thing "he said " …after that I realize education is not based on knowledge it based on money & labor & corruption. Everywhere I found corruption...now I am frustrated .i could not understand the meaning of education till now…
No doubt I enter into engineering line ,here also in every semester many question papers leak every time , sometimes even if you have knowledge you can’t do anything more. If you are honest not body will see how much honest you are, everybody will see how was your performance. Nobody will see your knowledge or anything.
Now seriously I am telling I could not understand what I am doing actually, either I was doing right things or not. Sometimes you are going in right way as you feel but your parents or any outsider  will not see. They will never understand you also. They will see your performance. I understand  the meaning of failure ,but  sometimes I feel happy that how much I have got that is my own mark ,but there are many things are happening like you are getting  a unexpected result, your performance & your result is totally miss match. At that moment I fell like dying.
I have seen my rechecking copy in my "+2 exam" I found one 5 mark question in math they have not seen & in biology  one page short question answer  was not checked .I was astonished after see this, only tear remaining in my eyes .sometimes this type of checking destroy the life of children but still some lucky people easily escape & some punish by their unluck …& I am one of them <UNLUCKY> … sometimes I feel shame what I was & what I m now . Still some hope remaining my eyes that  HOPE FOR THE BEST. I wish one day I’ll get the result according to my labor & my talent.

I could not understand the meaning of education till now also. Whether I m gaining knowledge or what …????

but according to me now a days we people running after the mark that's why they do wrong thing but they  always forget that education means the whole development ...


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