We give more importance to faith, as it plays a great role. We faith on everything which are related with our life. As we can’t live a life without faith. But a blind faith can also make you can also break you. Always remember these words. Faith has power to make impossible to make possible & it has also power to destroy you completely. So we should take wise step before faith on someone. It’s good if you doubt on someone. It’s the big sign you are intelligent & you know the world. My dear, this world is not like a kid heart, so never take everything beautiful. So I gonna write the positive & negative sides of FAITH.
Napoleon Bonaparte once remarked, "That the word 'impossible' is found only in the dictionary of fools". In this world, everything is possible on the basis of will power, dogged determination and sacrifice. To accomplish the most difficult tasks, you need to put in a lot of hard work, extra concentration on a single objective. You should have patience and faith in yourself. You should have determination, dedication and devotion to attain success. Never bother about the results. Keep on going even if the pace is slow, you are bound to face obstacles to get success, but with courage and perseverance, you can master them. Your positive attitude and clear frame of mind determine your future. In this world, there is no such thing as CHANGE. By your own ideas, will and ability, you can create a number of chances, circumstances and the desired atmosphere to achieve the toughest goal. To attain your desired goal, you have to laugh at your trouble and have to forget it. To gather the fruit, to register victory, to score success, you require unwavering faith in yourself. Faith, works like miracle. It looks beyond all boundaries, transcends all limitations, conquers all obstacles and carries you to your goal. Therefore have faith, take courage and march ahead, onward and upward, till you attain the goalie believe -Nothing is achieved without great enthusiasm and effort. You can take many examples of our historical leaders & their faith. There are so many examples, which show that the word 'impossible' is not present in any' dictionary but what is present is 'faith'.
A person with faith blows away the word 'impossible'. He is an optimist. "Faith believes in things when common sense tells you not to." "Never, never run you down. Never express yourself as being inferior, for if you do, you will believe what you say.""Rome was not built in a day". This denotes that success comes through hard work, perseverance and perspiration. Years of hard 1 made Rome a beautiful city in the world.
Nothing is impossible in this world. This implies that you can do anything, if you have willed to do it. But for making everything possible you need little bit faith on your self. Be faithful still doubt on everything. As in this competitive world no one is your well wiser, always keep this thought in your heart. Keep it in your heart & move on. Be wise whom you faith. Still believe some good people still present in this world.
Sometimes our blind faith becomes a great reason of our failure. Be careful whom you believe. As most of the time people come to your life to gain important information & tend to harm you. I believe this word - an honest enemy is better than an unfaithful friend. As you don’t know when & where they can harm you, as it totally unexpected. So i don't believe anyone blindly. Don’t feel   you are not a single person who doubt, many people are there in this world who can’t believe on anyone. So never feel panic, if you doubt others. Strangely enough, doubt need not impede action. If you really become friends with your doubt, you can go ahead and take risks, knowing you will be questioning yourself at every turn, no matter what. It is part of living.

Lastly I wanna say keep faith in your lord & yourself. As these two people can’t cheat you.

Always say one word to your lord: - Dear God I know I’m a sinner and I can’t save myself…show me the path & show me the clear scene. I am blind, deaf & innocent child for you. I am bowing my head before you & praying for peace .I really don’t know anything. Who is which type? You know who is better for me & what is better for me. As I have only faith on you.  

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