Money cannot buy lost time or lost pleasure moments.
After time pass nothing can be happen. As each day passes, it is lost and you
can never get it back .When you miss that chance to say, “I love you to someone
special / show your love towards those people who loves you like your parents,
your brothers, sisters. Etc doesn’t miss any opportunity that knocks your door
& invite you to join with them & spread peace everywhere. No amount of money that you make in the future
will get that day, that moment, back.
Money can’t buy true happiness. Yeah it can give you what
you want. But actual happiness hides within your heart. What you want actually,
in this world everyone need little care & love. Which money can’t buy? Always
remember. It can buy you some fun and fleeting joy-a cool vacation, a big TV, a
fast car-but it can’t buy the true happiness that comes from liking yourself,
having stable relationships, and good a familial support system.
Money can buy healthcare and medicine, but it cannot
replace health once it’s lost. It’s far better to take preventative action such
as watching what you eat, exercising, not smoking, and getting regular
physicals than to rely on money to save you once your body has started to fail
you. Money also can’t buy back your youth. No amount of money you make in the
future will replace those days when your body could do anything easily and look
good doing it. You can spend thousands on “treatments” to preserve your youth,
but it’s an illusion. Once your youth is gone, no amount of money will get it
Success comes from hard work, applying your gifts in
the best way possible, and paying your dues to move ahead in the world. There
is very little that money can buy you to help you succeed. It might be able to
buy you some training or equipment, but the majority of your success is
determined by the work you put in, not the money you spend.
People are born with certain talents. Money can
certainly nurture a talent. You can buy music lessons or coaching sessions to
nurture your talents, but money cannot buy a talent. You can learn to do
certain things well-I’ve learned to play the piano after years of lessons-but
the true gift to do it well can’t be bought. Even after years of lessons, I
don’t have the ability to make the piano truly sing, whereas others in my
family have had that talent from birth.
can‘t buy any relationship through money. You can’t buy a good friend or true
friend in your life. You’d do better to focus your energies on making
yourself valuable to those around you. Being a good friend, a kind and helpful
person, and someone who excels at what they do will go further to gain you
acceptance than the stuff money can buy.
There are plenty of rich people who are rude and crude
and plenty of poor people who demonstrate perfect manners and respect for
others. And vice-versa. The amount of money you have doesn’t determine whether
you behave well or poorly. Manners behavior is not bought, they are taught.
Money doesn’t confer good behavior. Money can buy you entry into a better class
position, but it cannot make you behave with class
character is very important. No one can buy it. How much you try. There is a proverb
if money is lost then something lost if wealth is lost then something lost. If
character is lost then everything is lost. I believe these precious lines. If you
have money then you can buy people but not the true respect. I believe for a
girl her charter is most important, if your character is lost then society will
not accept you. That’s the true fact. Why parents fear & don’t allow their girls
to go outside in night & don’t allow them to go any unknown place. That’s
the main reason. Now days I think it’s very easy to gain. That’s why now a day’s
rich people are close the mouth of poor people through their money. After rape
they give huge amount of money to victim & release from jail. Recently I
heard a case how they. this is not the first case most of the time I heard this
kind of news - ‘Take
the Rs2,000, keep quiet, and thanks god your girl is alive’--this cannot be
India in which we want to live. It is obvious that whoever thought that by
merely making laws we will solve these problems was not close to reality. Police
needs to be trained differently and also their responses to social problems
need to be monitored differently. They must be taken off from VIP duties in
majority of cases and put on the road
for policing duties. Political interference in their appointment at various thanes
must stop and a lot more ideas are there in police and Dam Reform reports. We
also need to increase social vigilance and show zero tolerance to the cases of
teasing and harassment of women. Youth will only be able to bring about this
change. Children deserve better. Thankfully more oppressed women are coming out
after social awakening created by the Delhi Case, but situation in thousand of
villages, brick kilns, farms and other places is still very tragic. But no
party is promising implementation of police and adm reforms in their manifesto
yet. Hope things will change. but even if they do, social vigilance and change
in attitudes can not be substituted by any other step. Any other concrete ideas? STATUS UPDATED BY ANIL GUPTA SIR … can money buy character or someone’s self
respect. So before giving money to a victim think twice. Which you have done
with her. Thick twice before doing such kind of evil work , if this type of thing happened with your daughter or sister …think
people think…money can’t buy everything…
True Love
No one can buy it. Even if the richest man in this
world. It something very precious in this world. Can u buy a son or a daughter
from a MOTHER? If you propose her that lady will kill you. So it’s not a business
or don’t have any prices. It’s a very precious which money can’t buy. Money can
buy initial attraction or even lust, but “true” love comes from mutual respect,
caring for each other, sharing experiences, and growing together. There’s a
reason that people who marry only for money rarely end up happy. Love at its
best functions regardless of whether you have a lot of money or very little.

So Money is important, but maybe it’s not the most
important thing in the world.