Never ever say you're not important
Never ever say you are worthless
Never ever say your life is meaningless,
the fact that you were born,
Is proof that God has plan for you
His plan is better than yours
Believe him as he is your only path shower
The path may seem unclear right now,
But one day you will see
That all that came before,
Was truly meant to be
God has already written the book of your life
stay calm & believe on him
Each day you are living
your each day is your new begging
It’s possible only for him
God is your story writes
& he is best sellers,
so be proud of who you are
As you is a part of his story
Your story is complete here
It will continue
Just wait & keep faith in him
May some wonderful happen with your life
Just bow your head before him
& say I believe you my lord
I don’t need a lead role
Give me an important & noble character
Oh my lord I need it
Can you give me?

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