Sometimes I have seen people dwell in their past which
make them sorrow, even if I also. Most of the time it made me cry whenever I
think about my struggling period - how my one after one dream broke & how I
further try to stand & strong myself , Everything. Yeah, till now also I am
struggling, now I am struggling for my dream. Sometimes people suggest me
concentrate on study only, but I wanna say -how a person can live whole day
without talking with anyone & a person can’t read all time. Sorry I can’t,
read whole day, I love to read but I can’t sit at one place before my text book.
That’s why I choose my best ways which can peace my mind as well as help me for
my self development, In real life also I don’t like to talk more & I too
love peace & I know peace will come when I stop talking. As I don’t like to
discuss about others & I can’t tolerate any wrong things or bad words.
Sometimes what I think & say people don’t like that. I am not saying
everyone should agree with me in every matter, it’s not like that. But most of
time people take me as a BORING
true, I am full boring & I have some personality, I always try to keep it. For me my personality & character
matter a lot. I have a dream & I know for that I have to make myself also
like that. Sometimes I become
crazy & do much stupid work. But most of time I am very conscious about my
all work & activity. So it’s my life & I love to live it. But it’s true
that people don’t like it. That’s why they comment me whatever comes in their
mouth, as if I am a dustbin for them. But I believe it’s better to be silent
sometimes. As you can’t fight with everyone. It’s not their problem if they
can’t understand me. That’s why I pray before my lord “OH GOD, GIVE ME TOLERATION POWER
HELP ME TO FULFILL MY DREAM”…so this is my life. But now I gonna tell
how people spoil their life dwelling in past:-
Time & tide waits for none, if you dwell in your
past then how can you think for further proceed or miracle in your life. I
really don’t believe in miracle, but yes I believe miracle happens when you
work harder. Every successful people have painful history. It’s true,
they success because they learnt a lots of things from their past, still they
never give up. They always search for truth, they don’t believe in anything
blindly. Their personality was different that’s why we take them as our great
idol & we follow their path. Many of the people were well-known
personalities including Franklin D. Roosevelt, Helen Keller, Albert Schweitzer,
and Gandhi. And Einstein—all of whom were brilliant in their field of
expertise. Their life teaches us great lessons it always make us surprise and
encouraging us for further proceed. There also people who Physical
handicaps, such as blindness, deafness, or crippled limbs, still they can make
a great history in their work.
So we have to analyze what has influenced our life more than any other single thing. We should focus on that, so that we can improve, We can’t do everything, but for doing one thing we can choose many different fields , like I am trying to be good in every field , as I don’t know my future, it may bring poverty in my life. Now my parents are with me & I fully depend on them & I don’t think about money as they are earning. I don’t know my future if any condition come where my education or my qualification does n’t work. At that moment how I live ???People suggest don’t think so much, but I think it’s necessary for me. They suggest me because I am girl, like what every girl do they also expect that thing from me “Well educational background & then marry & handle a family” . Sorry, I can’t be like a prison . I am not saying I’ll not marry, but my dream is also important for my life. That’s why I give up my present enjoyment & for that reason I never choose any wrong decision in my life, which can be big obstacle in my future life. I know my dream is different, it’s not too easy to do, which make me worry sometimes. Sometimes I think I got a precious life , I wanna utilize it fully , sometimes I think , what my life?? It has no enjoyment . then I further think “SOMETIMES IT’S GOOD TO GIVE UP SOMETHING FOR SOMETIMES WHICH CAN GIVE YOU LIFE TIME PLEASURE” , I can’t give you guaranty that I’ll success but I can try my best from every field. That’s why I wanna do everything, how much I can. As a daughter I have to fulfill my parents DREAM first as they play important role in my life & I wanna give them a life time respect through my success. Then my dream, I don’t know how I can reach & in which path, whether I can get any supporter in future life or not. That’s why I set up one thing in my mind; I’ll walk alone till I get any supporter or any person whose mentality match with me. My dream is not for any destruction, it’s for construction. But in today’s life very few people come to help you & very few are really wants to see your success. That’s makes me worry sometimes. I don’t care which stream I belongs to or what was educational background , I believe every time your best grade certificate mark doesn’t matter, as most of the time people have excellent grade still they have no simple commonsense & I believe A PERSON HAVING EDUCATION WITHOUT INTELLIGENCE IS LIKE FISH WITHOUT WATER . when you have burning desire to do something u can achieve anything , I am also saying I am not too talented student , I also suffered a lot . My dream also broken & even if I became unsuccessful & I taste many failures. Still I believe I can do something, that’s my spirited. Whenever I tell about my dream people laugh as they think I am a girl & start commenting me & realize my capability through my failures. No doubt it makes me worry sometimes, but I have promised to never break & I don’t care for my past ,as I know everyone has a past , many people’s dream also broken , it’s not like that whatever you dream or want every time you got that . but I seriously saying from my heart -I am very honest towards my study. I am happy with it. as it’s purely mine & I can’t say about my bad luck …sorry my bad luck loves me a lot . Still I believe in miracle & believe I can achieve my dream, it’s not too hard, and it’s not too easy also. If you have no interest. So it’s not what we have or don't have that matters in life, but what we do with what we have. God wants us to acknowledge past hurts and grow through them. In so doing, we don't allow our past to determine our future.
It may be true that I have been a victim in the past, but if I remain one, I am now a willing volunteer. No matter what our past was, when we trust our lives daily to God, and work through our past hurts to resolution, we can and do have hope for the future. It's up to us what we do about the present. So I set up one thing in my mind I’ll do my work & I don’t allow any negative thinking into my heart. If I am saying I can do then no one is here to decide my future, everything is temporary in this world. So why should we worry for. No friends & no relatives <EXCEPT YOUR PARENTS & OWN BROTHER &SISTER >will help you when you are in lower position .so why should we worry for what other think & say to us. We should focus on present & walk towards our destination path.
So lastly one prayed before my LORD :-
"Dear God, help me to realize, that while I wasn't responsible for my past, as I had tried my best. I am totally responsible for what I do about resolving all past hurts and for becoming, with your help, the person you have envisioned for me to be. Lead me always on the pathway of truth and responsibility. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer”
So we have to analyze what has influenced our life more than any other single thing. We should focus on that, so that we can improve, We can’t do everything, but for doing one thing we can choose many different fields , like I am trying to be good in every field , as I don’t know my future, it may bring poverty in my life. Now my parents are with me & I fully depend on them & I don’t think about money as they are earning. I don’t know my future if any condition come where my education or my qualification does n’t work. At that moment how I live ???People suggest don’t think so much, but I think it’s necessary for me. They suggest me because I am girl, like what every girl do they also expect that thing from me “Well educational background & then marry & handle a family” . Sorry, I can’t be like a prison . I am not saying I’ll not marry, but my dream is also important for my life. That’s why I give up my present enjoyment & for that reason I never choose any wrong decision in my life, which can be big obstacle in my future life. I know my dream is different, it’s not too easy to do, which make me worry sometimes. Sometimes I think I got a precious life , I wanna utilize it fully , sometimes I think , what my life?? It has no enjoyment . then I further think “SOMETIMES IT’S GOOD TO GIVE UP SOMETHING FOR SOMETIMES WHICH CAN GIVE YOU LIFE TIME PLEASURE” , I can’t give you guaranty that I’ll success but I can try my best from every field. That’s why I wanna do everything, how much I can. As a daughter I have to fulfill my parents DREAM first as they play important role in my life & I wanna give them a life time respect through my success. Then my dream, I don’t know how I can reach & in which path, whether I can get any supporter in future life or not. That’s why I set up one thing in my mind; I’ll walk alone till I get any supporter or any person whose mentality match with me. My dream is not for any destruction, it’s for construction. But in today’s life very few people come to help you & very few are really wants to see your success. That’s makes me worry sometimes. I don’t care which stream I belongs to or what was educational background , I believe every time your best grade certificate mark doesn’t matter, as most of the time people have excellent grade still they have no simple commonsense & I believe A PERSON HAVING EDUCATION WITHOUT INTELLIGENCE IS LIKE FISH WITHOUT WATER . when you have burning desire to do something u can achieve anything , I am also saying I am not too talented student , I also suffered a lot . My dream also broken & even if I became unsuccessful & I taste many failures. Still I believe I can do something, that’s my spirited. Whenever I tell about my dream people laugh as they think I am a girl & start commenting me & realize my capability through my failures. No doubt it makes me worry sometimes, but I have promised to never break & I don’t care for my past ,as I know everyone has a past , many people’s dream also broken , it’s not like that whatever you dream or want every time you got that . but I seriously saying from my heart -I am very honest towards my study. I am happy with it. as it’s purely mine & I can’t say about my bad luck …sorry my bad luck loves me a lot . Still I believe in miracle & believe I can achieve my dream, it’s not too hard, and it’s not too easy also. If you have no interest. So it’s not what we have or don't have that matters in life, but what we do with what we have. God wants us to acknowledge past hurts and grow through them. In so doing, we don't allow our past to determine our future.
It may be true that I have been a victim in the past, but if I remain one, I am now a willing volunteer. No matter what our past was, when we trust our lives daily to God, and work through our past hurts to resolution, we can and do have hope for the future. It's up to us what we do about the present. So I set up one thing in my mind I’ll do my work & I don’t allow any negative thinking into my heart. If I am saying I can do then no one is here to decide my future, everything is temporary in this world. So why should we worry for. No friends & no relatives <EXCEPT YOUR PARENTS & OWN BROTHER &SISTER >will help you when you are in lower position .so why should we worry for what other think & say to us. We should focus on present & walk towards our destination path.

"Dear God, help me to realize, that while I wasn't responsible for my past, as I had tried my best. I am totally responsible for what I do about resolving all past hurts and for becoming, with your help, the person you have envisioned for me to be. Lead me always on the pathway of truth and responsibility. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer”