I'm not telling you it's going to be easy - I'm telling you it's going to be worth it

“I'm not telling you it's going to be easy - I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.”  Art Williams

I love this line & believe this also. In this world nothing is easy, yeah if you wanna live a general life as usual schedule then you need not to be worry, but if you wanna do something worthy then you have to pay for this. Most of the time people confuse with it, they take it in various meaning. I believe that it takes hard work to achieve something worthwhile. It is important to work as hard as possible in order to experience great things. I feel that it is crucial condition to pushing yourself above your own limits. When I realize how much hard work I put into reaching a goal, it makes that feeling even more worthwhile.

Sometimes people take everything in a jock, I believe the people who take it in a jock those have no vision. what ever i think right i just write it down , frankly speaking i am very open & i don't wanna be a complicated person. i hate being complicated & liar person . for me right is always right & i can't allow any wrong things which disturb  my peaceful mind. i am not sure about my future , but i can give you guarantee about my labor.i am not saying i will get what ever i wish , as till now what ever i wish i never get. still i am not hopeless , some hope present in my heart & have  faith in my god that he will not break my heart this time .I AM THE ONLY SAILOR OF MY BOAT , I HAVE TO REACH AT MY DESTINATION ALONE. YEAH , IT'S TRUE ....MY GOD & MY PARENTS BLESSINGS  ALWAYS WITH ME WHICH ALWAYS MOTIVATES ME & SOME OF MY WELL WISHERS BEST WISHES ,I LOVE U ALL WHO MOTIVATES ME ALWAYS  .So think positive & move forward towards  your destination . I think everything is possible in this world. But it’s not too easy to pursue them. Like I am giving one example – to get independence our great leaders worked hard even they gave their life for their brothers & sisters, they tolerate a lot still they never ever give up. Like Mahatma Gandhi - I love his non violence moment & truthfulness , which always influence me . He tried his best  & in the end he won , for this he became Father of INDIA . Like that mother Teresa- she gave her whole life for serve the poor people finally she got a golden reward “Nobel prize for PEACE” , if you look into 
Gregor Mendel’s life then he was a priest as well as mathematician as well as botanist . That’s why he is father of GENETICS . Leonardo the Vinci was all rounder. His early life was not good. Now he is in the heart of everyone for his art world famous art – Mona lise . So their life style was so perfect, now they became ideal person for us.   So here we get one idea that you can’t get anything easily .

I am also not saying whatever I dream I’ll get that, sorry no not at all. I am not sure, but you can’t say I have not  tried. I don’t know how much time it will take; it may take a long time. So success path is not so easy – it’s just like thorn in a rose plant. If someone gets success without doing any work then I take that as LUCK …because success comes when your tear & sweat will be one. This is MY VERSION OF SUCCESS. I don’t know what other people take it, the perception is different from one person to another. when you do something from your heart & after a long struggle you get it , you become a history. You can see the life cycle of different great people whom we take as our ideal. Their life was really painful, it was not easy. Their personality was also different – They were not jealous / conservative  / complicate ,they were  open minded , truthfulness , spiritual person …if you study then you can mark their good qualities…I love the read auto biographyof every great personality  & write down their good qualities .as I wanna make myself a good person & their life cycle is my great path shower .which really affects me, I know I can’t be like them as they are  great sprite , I am a general girl …having no supporter in my life except my parents & god. They are my great supporter. So it’s my life journey which I have to complete alone. I only complete 20 milestones, I don’t know how much milestones I have to cover & how the road will be …I am just like a blind person & following the path what my god want. As I have only believe on him. He is my path shower & great supporter. In my heart there is no difference between any gods, all are equal. So I pray only one super natural power. He may be lord Shiva/Krishna/Jesus /Sai baba/ Buddha etc. anyone may be…for me god is one. So I love all.

I gonna share some of my favorite quotes –

believe these lines too ---

“In my life I don't believe people die from doing hard work. They die from stress and worry and fear, the negative emotions. Those are the killers, not hard work. The fact is, in our society today, most people don't understand what hard work is all about." Art Williams

"You can give in to the failure messages and be a bitter deadbeat of excuses. Or you can choose to be happy and positive and excited about life."

Winners just do it. But what do they do? They do whatever it takes to get the job done. They do it – and do it – and do it – until the job gets done. And then they talk about how great it is to be somebody they’re proud of. They talk about how great it is to finally have achieved something unique – how glad they are that they didn’t quit like everybody else – how wonderful it is to finally make a difference with their life. We need leaders in America who can “Do It!”

"My dreams kept me trying when I could have quit."

"I believe you can overcome every problem in life but an attitude problem. I've spent a lot of my adult life studying men and women and why most of them lose and only a few win. It took me a long time to really understand what a big part attitude played in success."

"A total commitment gives you the extra ounce of courage that it takes to win."

"Life is 10 percent what you make it and 90 percent how you take it."

"Most people can stay excited for two or three months. A few people can stay excited for two or three years. But a winner will stay excited for twenty or thirty years...or as long as it takes to win."
"People won't follow a dull, disillusioned, frustrated crybaby."

"More than 90% of winning is being excited."

"If you don't have a big dream, you're dead."

"Inch by inch, it's a cinch."

"What's popular isn't always right, and what's right isn't always popular."

"A great leader always gives his people credit for his success."

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