What should define you as a person ?
Your personal name  & work .
Your brain power .
Your extracurricular  activities .
Your position .
Not the place you belong to, how you look &the money have in your wallet.
Do you think these things should define you, no never? You have not seen someone’s future then how can you predict, it’s not easy to predict anything about anybody. As I have lots of examples like- start from lord Jesus whom we take as our lord, whom we always pray -   he born in a an unclean place where donkeys and other animals resided was where Mary gave birth to the Lord Jesus Christ.  He is our great path shower , even if I believe him too . Then lord shiridi sai  baba – he was not a rich person. But we worship him for his work & thought . Do you think money helped here to define them? No, not at all. Money only helps to get the power & live a comfort life. It can’t help you to become a person you always wish for. Forget about lord...we can’t be comparable with them. They are holy sprite; they teach us great lessons of life. 

Now I gonna give examples of many great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa , Abraham Lincoln , Galileo, napoleon Bonaparte …etc…so these people have no sufficient money still they win in the battle field of life & win over our heart for forever & became legend for us  . So can you judge someone through their heavy wallet? Do you???  No never, u can’t, as you can’t predict someone’s future. A person’s future doesn’t define where he/she belongs to & how heavy his/her wallet . It’s not…yeah, now we are living in  such world where we all need money to show our dignity, still I believe it always don’t work.  We all live in a fashionable world, where we all badly require money. But can you say money can buy someone’s brain, not at all, you can’t buy someone’s talent & knowledge. A person can use it as his/her main weapon to show their dignity. Your own talent & brain will help you to define you not your money or your status . If you have brain & creativity  then no one can beat you, as you can utilize this to get money as well as this will help you to become the richest person in this world.
If you read the autobiography of different great people you can realize how much they suffer,so from their life we learn one thing  "you can’t get success easily". After struggling a lot they finally reach at their destination. So be aware of your words what you tell about others, because you can’t define someone’s future by seeing their present status. It can be reverse. So never compare yourself with others.

I hate when people make so much difference between one people with another. They don’t know we all belong to same world irrespective of language, our birthplace, our culture.  Sometimes I have seen people comments you about your birth place, even if I heard from my grandpapa- he told me many things about it, how there is dissimilarities between one states with another. He told me everything.  How people comment him when he identified  himself as ORIYA in WEST BANGAL .  Finally he wins over everyone’s heart using his brain & quality.  He told me one thing NO ONE HAS POWER TO DOWN YOU, IF YOU THINK YOU ARE NOT. SO NEVER SURRENDER YOURSELF BEFORE ANYONE, TRY TO PROVE YOURSELF WHAT YOU ARE & WHAT YOU CAN.SO EDUCATION IS THE BEST PLATFORM FOR THIS. Showing others your capability is the best answer you can give. My papa never told me about this matter as he always give me one advice WHERE EVER YOU GO & WHERE EVER YOU LIVE…RESPECT THAT PLACE & LOVE THAT PLACE..BEHAVE LIKE SELFLESS… it’s the greatest thing one can do… but I never felt this kind of discrimination , yeah I felt once in my life - in my train journey I talk with a person whom I identify myself as ORIYA , he told me ARE YOU REALLY FROM ORISSA…then I defined my ORISSA how it is ???.. people have many false believe about ORISSA…as because of some people  & here the main drawback is no strong bonding & selfish..Which kills ORISSA?  I don’t know when these people will realize their mistakes & here the corruption kills the people. Here many resources are there if you utilize it properly then you also can make it NO 1 RANK. But for this we need strong bonding as well as selfless mentality. The another  main drawback is 'here  all old people are in politics , no any young people get chance  & here if you are a girl then you have no such facilities' … so to make our state into fashionable & modernize as well as economically strong we need young intelligent  people , having knowledge in everything  in our politics . but I think it’s a false dream of mine, which will never fulfill… I am not worry for myself, if I'll study more then I have go outside & I can’t stay long time in ORISSA …but It gives me pain when ever people give bad comments about our state … I wanna see it’s improvement, may be it can’t help me, but it can help minimum 4-5 million people.  I always give priority to mass of people not a particular community or any particular people.  I can hope , dream & pray... except this, as I can’t do anything … yesterday I also heard some remark though face book which hurt me.  Still I hope for the best & wanna see my state in top rank in one day, it's only possible when all  will work in together & selfless way. My pray & great wishes always with my people. I love one beautiful line - MOTHER & MOTHERLAND IS GREATER THAN HEAVEN... 

But sorry, I am helpless, here I can’t do anything. Neither I can enter into any politics nor I can get any scope to work. As I know how people treat women here. I wanna change the mentality but before changing the mentality we have to make our state economically strong. here if you are a woman IAS officer / IPS officer & you are strict, then be sure that you will transfer from that place very soon…as most of the cases I have seen how the strict officers can’t stay here long time. So it’s not too easy to change the mind. If we wanna change then we have to change the whole scenario  & we have to take wise step. It's  only possible for politician & any IAS OFFICER OR ANY GOVERNMENT OFFICERS <MALE>...but now a days all are like pets of government. So it’s not easy, but I don’t think it’s hard, it hard for a woman not for any man having strong determination. So my best wishes always with my people, so my request to all raise your voice agonies any illegal work & corruption. It hampers our development. So please stop this….


So lastly I wanna say you can’t judge someone’s talent through their birth place, it never defines anyone. So please stop using your bad words for any state or any country or any people or any place … IF YOU WANNA GET RESPECT THEN TRY TO GIVE RESPECT… I hate how people see themselves as different, but for me whole world is one…we all are one…no any difference…when god has made us at that time also he didn’t separate us so why you. Try to love everyone then you can feel peace in everywhere…

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