Don’t worry my dear
Don’t worry my dear
Keep faith on God
He has some secret plan for you
What my heart says
Can you say why you come this world?
What you born as human
What god world wants from you?
Can you give me these answers?
Oh my dear
I know you can’t
So why worry for silly matter
Keep faith on him
Life changes like spring
So never worry for bad time
It’s is just like guest
It will come & go
so always remember
Life change according to time
Don’t worry my dear
Don’t worry my dear
Keep faith on God
Never worry about the behavior of others
never worry for what other thinks about you
Everything gonna be alright
Keep faith in him
Troubles come
Still it can’t break you
Unless you accept
when you are alone
He'll take you unto His own
so don't be discouraged
He won't forsake you
He will always be there for you
Don’t worry my dear
Don’t worry my dear
Keep faith on God
God will be with you
The battle you'll fight Now & future 
so don't you worry 
when the everything going tough 
don't you give up 
God has a plan for you 
It doesn't matter what are you
 who are you
Everyone child for him
So don’t be worry
Don’t worry my dear
Don’t worry my dear
Keep faith on God
He is the only person who can save you
So never ever worry my dear

Keep faith on him

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