Do you follow your heart or listen to your mind ??
The smartest and the wisest thing we can do in life for ourselves and for others is to be true to ourselves. We should at least true to ourselves - True to our inside, our inner voice, our heart and our loved people. If we dare to ignore what the heart is trying to communicate to us, we will get into a lot of trouble. Heart never tells you wrong things, always remember. Take a serious decision in your life by taking your heart you will never face problem, if you take your brain with you then you will never face any problem.
Why we should listen our Heart. ~

You see, people who love and care about you would want to help and would always want to offer you all kind of beautiful opportunities for you to grow & when their presents might be something the mind wants as well as our heart needs.

It is so important to listen to your own inner voice and to constantly do whatever you feel/know deep down inside is best for you without the fear of being judged or labeled as being ungrateful. If these people really love and care about you, they will understand and they will allow you to do whatever you feel is best for you.In Life, when you get into trouble; don’t get nervous. Just close your eyes and listen to your Heart. Because the Heart may be on the left…But It is always right. I have seen whenever you ignore your heart & follow your mind many problems come in your way like - I started feeling stressedanxious and all kind of negative thoughts would run through my mind. That’s why I face big troubles; my real SELF was upset with me. Deep down inside I knew what I should be doing in order to make things better but somehow I chose not to, not yet at least. Everything I knew about the importance of being true to your own SELF and the power that comes your way from doing just that was completely ignored by me. I was acting like a totally different person. After going back and forth for days and pretending I don’t understand what’s happening and why was I feeling the way I was feeling, I knew the time will come for me to stop with the nonsense and go back to being me. I decided to just go ahead and pay attention to my work , even though it didn’t make my any work perfectly  and refuse the give my best performance either in study or other work . the moment when I say to myself, I tolerate more & control more .& now I gonna end all & finally I decide to follow my heart - I felt so relieved. All of my anxiety, all of my frustration and all the negativity disappeared. I immediately went back to feeling calm and at peace with myself and with the whole situation. This is really happens. So do what you love. Never listen others, what other suggest you, as most of the time what people suggest you our heart don’t accept all, what our heart accept may they don’t accept. As I know in this world very few people exist who truly wants your success or truly care for you. Most of the people are there to confuse your mind & love to make noise . AS I HAVE SOME PERSONAL EXPERIENCE -Even if most of the time people suggest me please come back to your previous stage – we wanna that previous  SWETA –not today’s SWETA…. Then I smile on myself, yeah it’s too difficult to go back . I tolerate more that’s why I decided to change myself & this is my heart’s order & I can’t disagree with it. Yeah, you people love my previous life as I was too calm & very stupid & very innocent behavior & failure was my best friend. & it’s too easy for anyone to cheat me & tell me whatever they want. that's why you people love to make friendship with me ,That’s the main reason why I wanna change myself.  now also i am same as before , just little change . now  you can make friendship with me, i open my arm & invite to all of you to make friendship with me & i am eagerly waiting .yeah little bit change with in me  that's my personality & way of thinking only, except this everything is like before, now also i am calm & always feel  silent & peace is the best answer of every problem . As most of the time people use my name & me for their work. My friendship was advantage for them. As I neither scold anyone nor wanna make anyone cry. That’s why I tolerate more. But what I get in last ??? for those friends, I beaten by teacher, for those friends I fight before teachers. My prestige was down but when my time came everyone was silent. So now I am silent & I feel it’s the best decision I ever take. Now I am wise how to handle the situation , i am not that much stupid like before. now i can understand everything & reasons behind everything . In my past days  I cut my own leg by my own hand. My teachers loved me too much but sometimes due to some false words , my prestige was down & I could n’t explain more. But now I am wise & don’t allow anyone to use me. Sorry, my friends I am not saying to all. It’s not for please don't take it personally  . It’s for those who wanna suggest me to back to my previous life. They need explanation & I gonna give them. I don’t wanna hide anything. I have all answers of every question. Now I am better SWETA, hope tomorrow will bring some new change within me & I wanna change myself wholly. I don’t wanna go back to that stage where I failed lots of time. Due to my own mistakes & my stupidity .I don’t wanna do the same stupid work further .I am happy with this life…too happy , as now  i can feel here I can built a good future & I am waiting for a good future. This is possible because now I am taking my all decisions from my heart along with mind.
Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart. ~Martin Luther King, Jar

Our heart & mind is not separate they work together-.
The main reason we suffer from this illness of indecision, is that we’ve mistaken the purpose of heart and mind. The heart is like soft cotton - its purpose is to guide the direction our lives should take. Our heart takes a mother's eye view on our life and says “this is where you are and this is the direction you need to go” & our mind, on the other hand says, is n’t right decisions. The nature of the mind is conceptualizes, organizes and compare. our mind always says for do work for yourself , it’s a very selfish type. But our heart says do work for yourself as well as for other also. Both are right in their way, that’s the reason we’re so troubled by this conflict of "Head vs. Heart". The same voice in your mind that told you to act is the same voice that tells you later for making that choice unfortunately the same voice come from your heart. So choose your heart always but not forget to take your mind along with it. Because when both work together they never give you bad command.  

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