Who Are You Trying to Prove Yourself To?
Sometimes we need to prove ourselves, I believe IF A PERSON FEAR FOR SOMETHING MEANS HE CAN'T  TAKE  ANY FURTHER STEP  IN HIS/HER LIFE . that’s why I wanna conquer my all fear, I don’t wanna fear anything . I wanna take challenge & wanna to show my capability, it does n’t matter WHAT PEOPLE SAID, I believe be true to yourselves & show you are not weak EXPLAIN YOUR ABILITY & DISABILITY. Raise your voice till your last breath but never ever quit.

I believe in luck & bad luck  It’s really work for some people. But my version of luck is WORK IS DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL TO LUCK.I wanna turn my disability into my ability  There is nothing you can’t achieve or do. Everything you can do  but it needs mind set up. You are not too old to do miracle. God is with you if you are honest to your work. If God  is with you no need to fear, he will help you directly or indirectly. Sometimes he helps us in different face like through some special person. Actually God don’t come from heaven to help you, but he sends someone to help you. Like your parents or your any well wiser or your loved one. That person may be anyone who helps you. All are God gifted.  So never think you are alone, when ever this think comes in your mind remind someone somewhere is there who always care for you & pray for you. So never worry for anything. Be happy, if you set up your  mind to be happy then no one can demoralize you.

I was no angel as a child; in fact, I was far from it. I was a good student, but my time was worst, which was a big deal in my family and even most of the time my parents reacted just like any other parents. So it was no surprise when they decided that I was going to have a hard time in life. Still they never give up even if I also. Though I was merely a child, I understood exactly what they meant & I was so lucky to get such kind of parents who understand me & encourage me. Their support always gives me a new hope, a HOPE FOR THE BEST & MIRACLE.

Sometimes bitterness clings on even when you know you should let it go.

As I grew older, I started to immerse myself into the arts, painting and writing. I always wanna to make them proud; I want to prove them wrong and maybe even erase their belief that I’d never amount to anything great & I am trying my best also .I am trying from all the ways.

When ever I started to look back, I saw that there was nothing I could have done to stop what had happened to me , it always tell me keep going, I don’t know about my success but I can’t stop my journey in any place. I’ll continue till I reach at my destination. I am not mad or I am not a kid, I know everything what I am doing & what I wanna do. & I make up mind for every worst situation. Because a little hopes within me I can do something different. I don’t care for any words or anything. It’s my journey so I never let others to suggest me YOU CAN’T DO.  that's why now I let go of the memories that made me feel so small?

I always ask question to myself & got an answer. As my papa always tell me you are the best teacher of yours. No one can give you best idea except you, a person knows him/her better. So it’s better to ask every question to yourselves you will get best answer, we know you but you know yourself better than us. So be a mentor for yourself, you will get a best idea or best path where you have to go. So I spent most of my life correcting myself and scolding myself for not doing better. I would remind myself of my past to encourage myself to overcome my weakness, but I’d end up hurting myself and blaming those around me for shaping who I’ve become.

 It’s hard to let go of the past, especially when it haunts you and makes you feel like less of the person you actually are. But if you learn to accept the past instead of wishing you could change it, it will no longer control you. You may also find that the person you want to prove yourself worthy to be you.

I used my past as a weapon instead of a helpful guide. All this time I thought me always Waite for my parents to be proud or to see myself as someone I can be proud of.

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