Sometimes in our life when we wanna proceed many drawbacks comes in front of us , which push us back in to our past failure
life. So I wanna say never allow any drawbacks which can destroy your inner
peace, which can show you that you can’t do anything…
I never allow, yeah
sometimes when I wanna do something at that time I realize my past mistakes as well as my past failure..Which become obstacles on my way .which sometimes show me my
capability. Still I wanna overcome it, I don’t know my future. Sometimes I feel
is it my great drawback as I am a girl? Then I take it as blessings. I wanna do
everything what a boy can.
I never take other words in consideration , when my heart says No ! I can do. sometimes I feel like MY DREAM IS GOING TO DIE BEFORE ME .as whenever I dream high many obstacles as well as many drawbacks comes in front of my eyes. Then I feel little bit nervous & feel totally insecure. The insecurity for my dream. Then I pray before my lord as in this world I know he is mightier than everyone, so he only who can help me in this matter. So everyday pray I beg only one thing. – I don’t need many people know me or I’ll be famous. I wanna be a good human being & wanna do something.
Before entering into engineering career I don’t have interest
in technology, as my dream was different. But after enter into engineering
line, I feel a kind of fun to create new things .sometimes I feel this line
really fit for me as here I can create many different ideas.
Now I gonna share my new idea. Which is on laptop .
But I have many drawbacks - Neither I am too rich
nor I am belongs to any research background .so that it’s not easy for me to
show this new product in public. As in computer most of the parts are very expensive,
so while experiment you have to be careful.
But I never take anything negative way, I am always positive
.so I am waiting for good opportunity as well as time .which will help me to
explore more & make my dream project
into reality . My ideas are always original, as most of the
time people call me copycat as well as search engine GOOGLE .it’s not like
that my friend. What I think right & new idea, I always share with everyone. if you have any
doubt then search it also in Google or any site .so this is my new hot idea. now
it’s not possible for me to research on this more, as my semester is a head, I have
to read for this .but a long vacation is a head, hope I’ll invest my time here.
It’s really a hot idea , which strike in my mind & I am crazy to know more
things about it .but now I am not much eligible to invent something . but yes, I
can gain some knowledge & preserve it with in my brain , when require I’ll
use it. As brain is the best place where you can store anything without any
tension, it’s memory status is unlimited .so I am waiting my perfect time &
I don’t know when it will come. As my time never walk with me & always act
like evil. Still I hope for the best.
I am praying before god to help me .I need your suggestions as well
as feedback , which may help me to move forward in future life . so please pray
for me .thanks a lot for reading my article…