Now we all are living in a modernize world. So my question is what you mean by modernize.??? I studied many people , after that I get many answers... different people &,different perspectives & different views .some people take it as stylist world , some people take it as business matter , some people take it free mentality. So I find many answers. But I feel so funny when people call them modernize by wearing nude type dress, but very conservative mentality .means no free mentality, disparity between two people. I hate such kind of modernization.

Modernize does n’t means showing your cleavage or abs. it’s all about modernize your mind & your way of thinking , maintain peace , being polite & gentle .
I have seen now a day’s people call them modernize who wear shorts & extremely extrovert , but I think it attracts only opposite sex ,sexually , it doesn’t make you modernize if you can’t change your mind . I have seen If you wear full people call you dump or nerd person , as I always face this , I believe modernize doesn’t mean wearing shorts & show the world your external beauty , a guy who attracts towards your physical beauty & your age he doesn’t deserve for your love , yes ! You may be his entertainment part not become his love-life-partner, as I have study many cases in my school & college life, break up actually happens due to this. How guys actually takes girls , even you may mark either any company or any work place some girls selected based on age (18-25 or max 28) & external body figure. This is fact, so sexual harassment is slowly increasing day by day in work place ,but who allow this for their success no body know about them but who fight against them they become criticize before all & blamed , here simple girls mainly becomes more victim. So here I wanna say if we wear full & selected based on our own talent is there any problem? I am not against those who wear shorts like film actress they need as they are working in that field, still slowly nudity becomes a general issue. Our wearing style based on our professional work, but some take the advantage of their look & body for their success. It’s the fact; this is actually happening in society ,what many girls are adapting now for their success.

But I have seen , those from well educated family even good family background their dress up style quit good , examples are British queens to all educated family , all presidents/ prime ministers wives & rich family children .  I have judged , but now a days I found out nudity is becoming a custom to get success , even nobody cares how you get success , even now a days if your partner is like you he will also not seek your loyalty , as he need a successful girl. But how easy these things seem these are not like that, it’s quit complicated. Now a days This kind of cases you will find everywhere , even it starts from primary stage means school & college days , how many of you have seen a guy run after a girl who wear full , those who run means he loves her truly . Otherwise everyone run after who wear minis & extremely extrovert? they are just means to time pass for all guys even you can mark our own actress , most of them are second or third wives of their husband , very few are first wife , you can check it out too (Sorry , don’t take my words in negative sense but this is true).  So now a day’s love & marriage is a kind of business for everyone, which actually destroy the word like love, one wants money wants fame, when both collaborate then where the love actually comes from.

So now the modern society destroys the word like love & character, no use in present world. As everyone run after success, still I believe there is some value who give it. 


Most of the time people call me boring as well as old mentality girl, as most of the time I am very conscious about my character as well as dress matter & I can't do everything what others do, i follow some special people & take them as my idol  but seriously telling for me my dressing style as well as my character matters most, I don’t care what ever people call me. but for me it’s my first priority , as a daughter my parents respect is in my hand, as an eldest sister I am an idol before my younger sisters & brothers. So whenever I do something I think twice & it’s drawbacks

For me modernization means

1) Free your mind from all sorts of dissimilarities, hate.

2) Modernize your brain like be creative, be innovative, be flexible.

3) Be educated

4) Economically developed country

5) Technologically developed country

6) respect all religion as well as each & every person

7) Don’t be so conservative from your mind

So these are my thoughts, what I actually mean.

But some time I astonished the thinking of different people, how they look it.

1) Some people take modernize means nude or dress up like nothing wear.  

2) Going bar & dance there.

3) Drinking   cocktail, whisky etc.

4) At least every time one boy should be besides you means like pet.

5) Changing boyfriend or girlfriend time to time.

6) Friendship mean time pass.

7) Doing sex before marriage.

So most of the time it astonished me, especially the young people think like this. It’s not their mistake ,actually in this stage children more attracted towards the bad things rather than good things. So it’s the society effect as well as friendship effect.
But I think it’s not modernize, it’s the way to hell. It’s the way to cut your own leg in your hand.

I am not saying wear shorts or jeans or something which you like is bad. We all wanna wear something different, sometime our dressing style makes us unique. But I don’t think wearing like nothing   or wearing dress on that place ,where you should not or comments them who wear full. It’s not the quality of modernization .

Sometimes people like to mock others, like my type of people. Means little bit introvert type. Yes, I deserve for comments, I am agree with it. As most of the time I love to  stay silent & I feel it helps me to create more idea.  My papa told me one thing when I was child but now I am following that & I am also getting good result. So I prefer to be talk less, but it doesn't mean I can’t say in public or I am not educate.

Yes, I am also saying seduce like behavior is not call as modernize. Sorry it’s my thinking, I am not talking about others.

 It’s not my principle.      

My Final view points  on modernization  –

1) Modernization looks at how new technologies and systems are leading to a more greatly homogenized world.

2) It encompasses the world of globalization, where cultural mores and ideas are easily spread throughout the world, leading to a sort of universal culture that serves as a one / base for all cultures.

3)  Societies in the world modernize further technologically, it hold that those cultures will also become more like one another.

4) Modernization looks at the positive benefits of nations modernizing. New technologies often bring with them advancements in medical care, food production, education, and disaster protection. Increasing per capita income, greater equalization of income, declining unemployment, greater integration into a national economic system.

5) Modern communications can lead to a homogeneous culture; it can also help spread social ideals of greater liberty and freedom.

6) Societies that modernize tend to move towards more free and open systems of government, greater equality between genders, religions, and races. bring peace & more gentleness . 

Now It’s your work how you take it - modernization is a good or bad thing.


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