Now we already reached at 20th century, now we become well developed mind & we do every work on priority basis.  We think about future then we start work, we are not that much conservative minded we all wanna be open & wanna to make this world beautiful. For making a beautiful world we need to train the minds. It’s not easy to go back & repaired the world. But now we all can do it by our work. We can’t teach our conservative elders but we can change our future by doing one work. If we give importance on children & train their mind in a good path then we can hope for a good future. They are our future. They can make our dream true. But for this they should be well trained & we should teach them their responsibility towards society from the beginning. It’s the sign of our development. I believe-  Fool always busy in solve the argument but wise always think about the remedy .As the Wealth of a nation is not so much in its of economical and natural resources but it lies more decidedly in the kind and quality of the wealth of its children and youth. It is they who will be the creators and sharpers of a nation’s tomorrow. The Children of today will be adults of tomorrow. Today’s leaders and activists. Their quality and personality will determine the kind of destiny that became the nation

How we can change our future:-

If we focus on children. All are equal in brain but work may be different, they may be scientist or politician or mentor or businessman etc. so if we teach our children their responsibility from the beginning then we can wish for a better society. I am not saying giving presser to any child; I am seriously against of this. Let them play or enjoy still always remind them their duty as well as make them ambitious, it’s the best way we can change our society. When a child become 12-15 years at that time he/she become well known about their interest.  So according to their interest we should help them for their development. Whatever path they will choose that surely give a big impart of our society. If we think it economically, we can’t push every child in one line, we have to train their mind to choose right from wrong. So that they can help our society. So when we going to teach something to a child we should be like their friends, as they are very soft hearten & they mark everything. So always try to be good example before all children, once something print in their mind they will never forget as childhood time is the best time to teach a child & construct a good future of any nation. If you wanna see the development of your nation gives importance on children & be friendly with them. Teach them right path & their responsibility. It’s the great thing you can do.

So we take various steps to change our future like:-

             EARLY AGE                          

1)    As Today’s children is tomorrow’s future. Teaching of science at an early stage is required for children to understand nature and its principles. In place of dropping science, we have to change our way of teaching means, children are fun lover so focus should be on teaching it in a fun way. Emphasize on experiments as it make them more fundamental clear & this would make it more interesting and easier for children to understand. The children of this century are much smarter and grasp things faster. They can easily keep up with the advances in science and technology. Now a day’s Children as young as five years can use mobile phones or play games on laptops. They love gadgets, in an early days give them the choice to pick the subject at a higher level where they can develop more idea and the extra curriculum becomes more extensive. So here I have explained about science as well as in other subjects also we should give emphasize to make our nation healthier.



2)    The backbone of any strong nation is its students. Students who are the youth of a country help the nation in times of emergency, drought, floods or any type of riots. Whenever the honor and freedom of a nation is facing danger, it is students who come to the fore front and protect it at the cost of their lives. 
Students are full of energy and have sufficient time for their studies. Student life is not very long. As such, it becomes the duty of students to acquire as much information and knowledge as possible during this short period. Students must learn from the very beginning of their education life the lessons of self reliance and sacrifice & sympathy towards the causes of nation building. Even in the classroom, they should live with love and co-operate with their class fellows.  A nation with indiscipline youth is always in the danger of extinction and can never prosper. Indiscipline can play havoc with the social life of a nation.  Today’s students will be tomorrow’s citizens. As such, if our students today start learning and following a disciplined life, then tomorrow they will be matured and disciplined citizens of the nation. These students can pave the way for building a strong and progressive nation in future. Disciplined students become literate citizens of a nation. Students should also try to follow the path of non-violence because violence leads to terrorism and loss of public property. Students should participate in reforming and contributing towards political stability but not at the cost of their routine studies. It is first education. Which is essential for them to help do something for nation building? They have to prepare themselves today for the bright future of the nation. Students also learn the whole nation’s diversified cultures, people, languages and ways of living under different environments. As such, these students will be best agents of national unity and integration. Students learn to adjust themselves to new conditions under various hardships and, therefore, they can play better a role towards nation building.


3) sometimes I have seen society is careless and carefree about its youth and fails to educate them in a productive manner, so the society is in danger of facing a destructive and violent youth. Our children are like a little seed if we don’t give the perfect nourishment then how we think about a good healthy tree having flower as well as fruits.


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