I guess the answer to that one is simple - praying works. There are so many people in need everyday of prayers. Life today isn't easy and there is only so much we can physically do for others....but we can always pray. That doesn't cost a thing....and it does work. Read the poem on prayer and see what I mean. Praying for others also shows you care and caring for others is a big part of who we are and who we please pray for those in need of prayers.

Ah , I am standing before my lord
Begging something
One wish before my lord
One pray before my lord
May all be happy.
May all be surrounded by loving family.
Oh my lord can you keep it
Lines may be small
But it's create a great impact in our life 
Can you give it
Oh my lord
This is My pray for all
I am a true believer of  love
believe it exists
Then why we hate others
Even though that it shouldn't
This world should be great
through our great love
We should live in a world
Filled with love and with peace
we all need this
oh my lord
My only pray before you
one day We will all come together

 join our  hands in hands
The world is one now
Together we'll stand
this world will soon scream
Oh my lord this is my pray before you
can you make it into reality
May  all find peace.
So we should Pray for ourselves

 For one another
For our prayers are most powerful,
When we lift up one another
This is my only pray before my lord
Oh my lord 
Please open your eyes & see the world
We all need you 
Oh my lord 
This is my only pray before you

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