Oh my friend
What you are searching
Oh, I get it!
The meaning of life

One suggestion never search
You get confused
You’re not that much old to imagine.
So live in present & enjoy every moment
Don’t worry about the future
As you can’t predict anything
Miracle can happen anytime
U know worrying has power to change our whole life chemistry
So never mix your entire problem together
Separate everything & see the result
The real troubles in your life
We never allow flushing the thing that makes us worry
Don’t put up with people who are reckless with yours.
Don’t waste your time on jealousy
It’s the great way to waste your time
                                          Be strong & look forward     
Look only at your goal 
the race is long, and in the end, it’s only with yourself.
So forget anger & flush out hate from your heart
Remember the compliments you receive, as it gives you courage sometimes
Don’t feel shame if you don’t know what to do in your life
Even if many wise person also don’t know it
In this earth ninety percent people can’t give of this question
As all follow the same path
No one wanna be unique
Whatever you do, be glad for it
Still don’t congratulate yourself too much
As your overconfidence may be the reason of your defeat
Enjoy your life, enjoy every way you can
Don’t be afraid of it, or what other people think of it
It’s your life so never allow others to take decision of your life
Understand that friends come and go,
But for the precious few you should hold on
Those who helped you in your difficult time
Never forget them who helped you in your different situation
No matter where they belongs to & what they are
So work hard to balance everything

Oh my friend
Hope you got it!
What I mean to say you about life

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