Our life is a great school, which teach us lessons after giving exam. Some people’s lives are so struggling & painful, you can’t imagine. Some struggle till their end to get true justice. some get & some fail to get .but some problems are common to everyone. Some evil characters hide within us, some show that some don’t. If we behave like monsters then what’s about the monsters, there is a real monster character hide within us. Some show that , they just wait  right time & right people to show their actual face. In actual life we all are monsters, we have some qualities match with them, but we just for right time & right people.
Today in this story, I am going to write about a girl’s life, how she torture mentally & physically till 30 years. In every step of her life she met different monsters , finally she broken down but  three angels came in her life to help but monsters killed them , finally she die but after her death God came to this earth take the whole case & gave her true justice .

STORY NAME IS 35 YEARS LIFE SPENDING WITH MONSTARS - because at the age on 30 years she died but at the age of 35 years she got the true justice . so i have counted years till she get TRUE JUSTICE.


A girl named “zania” belongs to a normal family, her father was a police officer & her mother was a house wife & she was the only girl of her parents. She was very beautiful girl, so many times in her school days she got first prize in fancy dress.
one day one car accident she lost her mom & dad, at that time she was near about 7 years old, her mother died on the spot but her father got severe injured, he hospitalized but he died, but before his death he told his elder brother to take care of her child, who was also a same police officer rank in Delhi.


She started her life’s journey in her uncle’s house; she was 7 years old when she came to her uncle’s house. She got one elder bother & one sister in her age. She tried to forget her all pain, so she always concentrate herself on study. even her uncle helped her to move forward in her life, her uncle was the only person who helped her to move forward because her aunt was purely jealous lady she couldn’t tolerate her as she looked more beautiful than her daughter & she was more talented than her children, even her sister couldn’t tolerate her & his cousin brother took her as a toy, except her uncle no one behave well. she was very small  so she couldn’t understand her cousin brother’s monster mind , his cousin bother  always told her to play with him , but she never played such kind of game , at first she didn’t like this , she felt pain & kind of fear . But her cousin brother always told her not to tell about this before anyone otherwise he will beat her, so she tolerated everything. She got too much pain at the age of 7 years but always hide within her, she tolerated more than her age. No one could listen her inner voice & tear, time passed away & she became younger, but one day her uncle knew about this. He beat his son & told him to say sorry his sister for his great mistake. Even he felt guilty as he couldn’t give proper care to his brother’s daughter, he felt like killing in his heart. finally he decided to send her Borden school , she felt peace there as there was no brother who will play nasty game with her , no sister was there who always torture her , no aunt was there who will tell her to do all the works , she was so happy . When it’s time to go home she always fall in ill due to fear, mainly Christmas time holiday, because it’s a long period holiday. But after coming hostel her all pain & sorrow vanish like nothing was happened in her life, she was a very brilliant student among all students in her school.
Time passed & she became 13 years ….


That was a young age time, now she well matured girl, she could distinguish between right & wrong. But in this teen age everyone fall in one disease that is love .there was a boy in her class he loved her so much but she always ignore him as she promised her uncle she will not involve any wrong work & love in teen age is not good. What she thought actually. But his good behavior & love towards her forced her to fall in love with him. Time passed she reached 15 years, it’s her 10th board time. she fall in ill & vomiting , at first she couldn’t understand what’s actually happening with her , when she went for check up doctor , doctor told “she is pregnant” . This news spread all over her school, finally her principal forced to rusticate her from school although she was a very good student. This case may affect others & her presence also , so they didn’t want to take any risk & didn’t want to spoil the innocent minds of others. when her uncle heard about this he couldn’t believe this , at first everyone blame that boy whom she loved , but she knew she didn’t do anything with him. she told many times before her principal that he didn’t do any mistakes still her principal didn’t listen anything rusticate both of them. But her uncle doubt this case & he asked Zania about this, she cried a lot & told his cousin brother had done this. In summer vacation time when she had gone, one marriage time no one was in there in home & his son (her cousin brother) raped her & told her not to tell about this to anyone. He felt great sorry for that & he tried his best to save her life. Finally he planned something how to save her & he succeed , Zania & her friend allowed to give her board exam & his boy friend also.
But after this case, her uncle decided that “she will not come his home, he will send her money & she will stay outside it will be better for her.”

she was the topper in her school in board exam so she got a good college for her further study , she went Delhi for her further study , there she was staying happily , even her uncle always send her money to stay there . but she always save that money for her higher study as she wanna be a scientist in her future life even that was her Father’s dream which she wanna fulfill, she was a very good student. So she didn’t want money would hamper her further study , so she kept those money in the bank account & use that when required even she was teaching small kids & she earned money from there also. She was an electrons student. She loved to research on different things, she was very curious, so every teachers loved her but one teacher was there, who always looked her in different sense. He was her English teacher. She was a good writer; even she always maintained her diary, as she couldn’t tell her pain to others so she always wrote what was happened with her. She astonished when she saw her bad mark in English, she asked her teacher about this, but he answered her “come to me if you any doubt, but you never come, truth is you are really very poor in English. You should improve as it will help you in your future life. You should care for it.” she thought she might be wrong, how a teacher could lie about a student. So she asked him , when she will come for doubt, he told he will inform her when she will come as he is a busy person. She told ok & left his office. One Saturday day after finished English class her English teacher told her to come tomorrow, but she told “tomorrow is Sunday. How?” He told her if she had any problem then he couldn’t help her; she will get benefit from this. After that she thought, “if English can help me in future then how I can ignore it”, so she told “yes Sir , I’ll come”. morning 10 o’clock she reached at her teacher’s cabin but what happened with her there that changed her life totally , her condition became like coma patient , even no one can case against that teacher as he was the HOD of English & he had name & fame in that place. Who will dare to case against him .when her uncle heard about this case, his mind didn’t work & he decided to come Delhi in that day, but in the way due to a car accident he lost his life. One side RAPE CASE + HER UNCLE’S DEATH changed her life. She purely brook down from her heart, she couldn’t know what she will do & where she will go now. Now her aunt blamed her for all these cases, she couldn’t understand where she would go. She passed 12th but she couldn’t forget all the blood marks & scratch marks in her body & her uncle’s death, who died only for her.  Each day she felt like dying, but every time she strong her heart more & more , she decided one day she will punish all who ever done these with her but for that she had to read more & have to reach at that position.


She got good rank in engineering so she got a chance to read in IIT. she was happy that her dream gonna be fulfilled , she saw many girls are there from high profile , her room mates were from very rich family , but she was reading there on scholarship even she was teaching other 12th board students in her extra time. Her room mates never talk with her properly as she was very poor. She also never talk with anyone. In first semester she was the topper in her branch even in her college, no one could reach her position. All teachers praise her, but her room mates feel very jealous. They planned how to down her, they start talking with her nicely and they try to motivate her mind from study. They told her they will buy dress for her, as they feel inferior when she wear such kind of old fashioned dress, it’s a modern world. She should go club & should drink, have boy friend & enjoy life like others. Its engineering, don’t be silly. We know you are very cleaver, you know what we mean. But she always ignores all words, but she couldn’t avoid all time, so she started to listen & obey their words, at first she feel happy. but she didn’t knew slowly  slowly she was entering into their evil plan , one day they told her they couldn’t afford her , she should earn much amount of money & it’s easy to earn . They also earn like this, even they don’t like to take money from their parents, so they adopt this plan to earn money. Its easy way to earn lots of money. After listening this Zania became so happy even she also wanted this, as she also needed money for her future study & fulfill her basic needs.
one day her room mates took her one place & told her it’s your destination , she become astonished , as that was neither any office nor any shop where she could work , it’s just a home which was placed in a lonely place. At first she afraid to go but her room mates told her “not to fear , task is very easy, after entering into home, she could understand” .She entered & she found one woman was sitting on a soft & staring at her, finally she couldn’t control at her & told “wow, she looks like angel. Her prize will be more than 30, o00. My customers will be happy”. At first Zamia couldn’t understand what she mean? Then the women took her another room & told her to sit there & close the door. She couldn’t understand what is going there. But when she realized her mistakes everything finished, she shouted but no one was there to listen her voice. She begged before that person to leave her but that person told he had paid 30,000 for this. How can he left her & that monster spoil her life. Night passed but she didn’t know how she will go her college further but she had to be strong; if she would break then she couldn’t fight with anyone. She was absent one night in her hostel & when she came back She was in this condition. After looking at her everyone just shocked what was happened with her. She entered her room & slapped her room mates but they laughed at her condition, this news spread all over the college within 2-3 hour. Her principal called her to know all the cases & she told the whole cases but he didn’t believe her as how can her friends do like this, how they can be like this. He thought may be due to some internal quarrel, she falsely blame them. so he advised her to go her room but she didn’t listen him & she told “if he will not take any action she will case on them in police station”, the principal further warned her “if she will do like this then she will face problem as no college wants to spoil their name for one student, they have to care other students. It’s her problem, so no any institute & students gonna face problem for her. It’s her problem, so she has to sort out without harming college reputation & students career”. He warned her as she was a brilliant student in her branch & he didn’t want her life will be spoiled. but she was not in the mood to listen anyone & she complained about this in police station , no doubt they wrote the report but didn’t do anything as they both belongs to very rich family that also from politician family . She was not in the sense to tolerate anything more, so begged help before everyone but no one dare to help her in this case. One month passed but her friends & that woman & that house where such kind of works are going all were there & everyone living happily & doing their work independently too. She astonished how police don’t do anything against them, as it’s purely illegal.  She further went the police office but police officer told her to return her college as she has no capability to fight with them as they were very strong, they have power & money. She astonished how money is bigger than humanity & loyalty. She just told one word to the police officer “son of bitch” & left that place in anger. But when she came her hostel she heard that her principal called her to his office, when she came her principal gave one letter & told her to leave the college. As she spoiled her college reputation & she didn’t listen him. He knew the result so he warned her still she knowingly spoiled her career & dream in her own hand. Now he also can’t do anything as it’s the order from the senior officers. She requested many times everyone but no one listened her. But before leaving her hostel her superintendent told one officer want to talk with her, she felt may be everyone understands I had no mistake. she ran to the office , one senior  officer nearly in her dad’s age , she was sitting there & he told her “I knew your all past , now you have only one option to save your career , I have that capability to change your future. You have that capability, I just saw your whole career, you are a brilliant student, I want you should study for that you have to do one work, you have to please me. I have a wife but I want someone else in my life, if you don’t mind,  can you be mine”. Now her frustration had no limit & she just told “fuck you, son of bitch, monster. No! Way”. After listening such kind of words from her she just signed on her certificate & gave her. now she couldn’t study anywhere, her condition became more painful than previous, she didn’t know where she can go, she saw a church & she had no energy to walk & talk , she felt it’s secure place for sleep , so she slept there . In morning “father” saw her & asked her what was happened? Why she slept there? She told him her full story & she told him to help her . She just want to sleep in the church in night till she get a new place to live, she just wanna surrender herself before god now, now it’s the only option left in her life. He smiled & told “bless you my child, almighty God listen everyone. One day all will punish. don’t worry , do your job honestly.” she went here & there to get a job but she couldn’t get , one thought came if she would read law then she could punish everyone easily ,so she requested “father” to help her here , he told he knew someone who teach in a law school, he suggested her to read there. She completed her education there. She now a part of that church, whenever she get pain she came there, she asked herself “why she didn’t came before, why she didn’t surrender herself before God”.


She got a job, she got a job to work under the main justice in Supreme Court and she was working peacefully & with a hope that one day she will get true justice & her aim was to work for those who also face problem like her. She was working hard for that, but one day one case further spoiled her life. one day main justice invited her to his home to discuss on a important topic , but there further the same case repeat , he misbehaved her .this time she couldn’t tolerate , she saw a flower vase & beat him with that but unfortunately he unknowingly killed him. But after killing him she came to know that she killed someone, that incident changed her whole life. After this case she became mad, mentally disordered. So she sends to Pune mental hospital.


She was in mental hospital, she was behaving differently than others, she was an educate mental. Means she never shout ,she always begged one paper daily to write something & she wrote in a different way which no one can understand , what it means actually . but one thing everyone mark she fear men , whenever she saw any man she shouted “monster is coming , somebody help me , he gonna kill me & eat my flesh . Somebody help me please”
Every doctor try to know what was actually happened with her. one woman mental doctor was there who loved her so much due to her well behavior , she always tried to know about her past but she was not in the mood to go father to her past life . She always avoid whenever she asked her about her past.  One day one journalist read her case on new paper, he felt something actually going wrong with her, she may be need help. So he came to the mental hospital to know about her past life, but she was not in the state to listen him. He came again & again but couldn’t get any information. One thing he marked, she always wrote something. So he felt if writing is her habit she must maintain dairy, where he can get many information about her. So investigate on her, he had a police officer friend, he begged help to his friend to help him in this case. He tried to find out all the cases happened with her; finally he got her 20 diaries, where she had written about her life fully. She hides all diaries in a box as no one can see them. After reading her all diaries he couldn’t control his tears. He felt too much injustice happened with her. It’s time to help her. He was not only a journalist but also a social worker. He tried his best to give her justice, but how can he fight with them alone, he need Zania’s help and another side Zania’s health condition was improved. after a long request Zania agreed to listen him , he told her he wanna help her here but for this she have to be strong & have to help him in his way.
But it’s too difficult to fight with them because all are in the higher positions…

“Now her cousin brother is in IPS officer rank.
Her English teacher is now the principal of that college.
Those two girls are now placed in a very good company & already married, stayed in foreign.
That woman is now very powerful & all politicians are now her friend as she gives beautiful girls to satisfy them.
His college officer is now retard & doing social work & running a company.”

It’s not too easy to fight with all…still she decided to fight & they made a plan how to catch them.


They fight according to plan. That was not too easy but still they fight, now their group consists of “one journalist, social worker, lower, police officer & a doctor”. All are involved to fight against right. they all fight , one step they win , one person they lose .the journalist cum social worker was the 1st person who killed by the monsters , then the doctor then Zania , finally the police officer was send to jail in non bail , but he didn’t do any crime. all most all monsters got punishment for their work , some left but one thing is true which we can’t ignore , when evil start to rule over the world God come to the earth to punish them . same thing happened with them , no doubt they all died but after 5 years, some government officers further re start their cases & finally all got true justice & after that government changed some rule . Now for them every girl can live happily.


So through this story I wanna say in our life we all face at least one monster in different kind, all is not same type. So I wanna say fight till your death, God is not so blind he will help you when he saw No! I have to help my child. We should n’t tolerate injustice & crime against happened with us. MAY THEY HAVE POWER & MONEY BUT WE HAVE MANPOWER, NO MONEY & POWER IS GREATER THAN THIS. SO FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHT. DON’T FEAR THE MONSTERS, ONE DAY EVERYONE WILL DIE, SO DON’T DIE BEFORE YOUR ACTUAL DEATH.



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