Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves”. LOVE THIS !

Love is something wonderful.

Love decides everything in this world. It doesn‘t have any conditions or boundaries. We don’t know exactly what love is and where it comes from. But one thing is sure: we are nothing without love! There are times when we feel shy and timid, when we are afraid of expressing the love we feel. Being afraid of embarrassing the other person or ourselves we hesitate to say the actual words “I love you”. One can say “I love you” in many ways: by means of nice presents and little notes, smiles and sometimes tears.
Sometimes we show our love when we are quiet and do not say a word, at the other times – we speak loud to express it. Sometimes we show our love by impulsiveness. Many times we have to show our love when we forgive someone.
The problem with our world is that people don’t learn to listen to each other. They hear the words, but they don’t listen to the actions that accompany the words and do not mind the expression on the face.
We have to listen to see love in and around us. If we listen attentively we will… 

IN THIS STORY; I ACT AS A NARRATOR . IT’S STORY OF A HONEST WOMAN WHO FIGHT FOR RIGHT & FINALLY BECAME ALONE TILL THE END. Hope this story touches your heart. Please read this story fully. I have tried to give life to my story.   Don't take the characters or place seriously , it just a story .

Date – 15th / March / 2010

Oh, it’s Monday. I hate this day, busy schedule further. I wanna sleep, but I have to go college” . Then I turned my head toward my roommate “MARIA”  I found my friend “Maria” has already packed her books in her bag, but I didn’t know why I don’t wanna go college. Suddenly my eyes fall on my project paper, “Oh my god! I have to submit it today. Gonna ready as soon as possible.”

Ohhh , it’s too late, I have to be fast” I just wear my dress & ready for my college. After reaching at college I remind I forget to brush. I couldn’t understand what to do, one side I had to submit my project & I have to give my presentation, Another side my dress up was not so formal. I  blame myself for my laziness, but what I can do now? I found mouth freshener with me, feel – “yeah! God knowingly help me, because he knows I am the most stupid creature”. no doubt it was late , still my teacher allow to enter , as it’s kind of my daily routine .Now his punishments are like meaningless for me . But what to do in Project class, he so scary. Finally I submitted my project & presented my presentation with full confident, that day I was smiling like monkey as nobody can know I didn’t brush. Finally my project work & presentation finished peacefully. I feel I am the most lazy one in the whole college. Most of the time I didn’t take bath & do brush even I forget to comb my hair properly , my parents send me hostel at least I’ll change myself there. But no change. I am a girl but my all activities are like boys . Even my hair also. I love that actually. I love it when my friends call me TOMBOY. Ha Ha !

My days passed like my life & time were doing running race. but my time had no power to change me , I was doing the same stupid work , same way of talking , same mistake , even same appearance.  No change within me. Whenever I go home, my mom always told me “I can’t see any change within you, I don’t know your future what you will do. Think from now, Now you are 20 years old. After 2 to 3 years you gonna marry, what you will do at that time. At that time also you will keep small hairs” in this way my mom constantly scolding me , but at that time I just plugged the ear cord & listen pop songs to avoid her sound, when she finished her words , I tried to make her smile. That was my regular work .she actually love me a lot but sometimes she get tensed when she think about me , as I am belongs to typical Haryana  family that also from conservative family ,  so my mom always fear for me. My parents are very highly educated so they gave me chance for higher study .But my mom always cares for society, how society will blame them if I can’t marry any good guy or if I can’t marry. Of course it’s INDIA that also I am from Haryana; here all girls must marry otherwise their family will face lots of obstacles. but what I can do , I don’t wanna marry any INDIAN guy , all are very conservative mentality , no husband can see his wife’s success. I too hate such kind of people. I don’t wanna marry, TOMBOY style really suits me. I wanna be like this till my death , but I can’t understand why I can’t fall for any guy ,most my friends are now committed but why I can’t be . most of the times I ask this question to myself, even my friends also ask  me “why I don’t have any boy friend”. Sometimes I feel may be boys don’t like my tomboy style. Still I am happy with this, I am happy as I am. I don’t need any guy in my life. I am happy without love.

Time passed away …. 2 year passed

Date- 20th/November/2012

I feel so happy, I am the only girl who selected for science project, I have to go POLAND for a science project which is based on “HUMAN PHYSCOLOGY “. At first I was so curious to know everyone & everyone’s culture, no doubt I had many friends from different countries in facebook, but it’s a kind of different fun to meet some people in real life. I was so excited, after reaching there we all divided into one - one group. Our group consists of 5 members, in our group 2 girls & 3 boys were there. I was from INDIA; others are from JAPAN (CHENG), USA (HARRY), AUSTRALIA (EMILY SOHN), and AFRICA (JODEN).  Within 2 days we became good friends. We enjoy a lot, our group was the strongest group among all and there were no racial feelings within us, we all behave like we know each other from a long time. Our project was on “mental illness” on human psychology , there we studied many criminal cases as well as we study many old cultures & blind believes, how it affects our society. our camp was with in a dark forest (a peaceful & amazing place).one day one case break us  & our group , JODEN found dead , we became shock who had done this . Most of the officers & guide tried to hide this news from media & suppress this case , but we lost one of our close friend. How can we hide this, we planned how to catch the murder. We wanted our friends should get true justice, we didn’t worry for our project, as for us FRIENDSHIP was greater than our CAREER. We made a plan how to catch the murder but the way was so complex & it can harm anyone. Still we didn’t fear we divide our group – I & CHENG were within one group & our another 2 friends “HARRY & EMILY SOHN” were in another group. But we both specially face most drastic situation, as we both also called as Racial, finally we found out the murder. One of the students did this, as he couldn’t tolerate him, as our friend (JODEN) was very talented among all , he was very brilliant  , obedient & strong among all. But with in this journey I & CHENG fall in love with each other. We faced many painful situations together, but we didn’t know within this time we fall for each other. We fall in love even we had decided to live together till our death. We both cross all limits of love & freedom, we had physical relationship also. At first I couldn’t say him No, but after doing this I felt my great mistake. As I am belongs to INDIA & that also belongs to Haryana, from a conservative family. Here if you lost your virginity before your marriage then u cross your all limit & no freedom to live. I told him about my culture & my background, if he will marry me then I don’t have any problem. He also promised me to live together till death. So he gave me one suggestion to come his country, after that we can marry. So after returning to my INDIA, I didn’t told about this to anyone even if my dad also, my dad is my best friend, still. I knew this thing will hurt my dad badly & I didn’t wanna hurt him. So I kept this thing with in me, even I didn’t know what I can do. How I can save my parents from society & how save myself. At that time I felt tomboy lifestyle was better than this but why I change myself. Why!

Within 3 months I finished my study & it’s time for apply for job & I apply for research on human psychology in Japan, Thanks God I got an excellent job. But after going to JAPAN I came to know the actual truth about CHENG, which break me inside. I came to know that he has a girl friend , whom he love very much & I was just like time pass for him. After this case I  start hating boys as at first I hate INDIAN boys as all are very dominating type & domestic harassment , at that time I felt Foreigner are open minded not so conservative but the case is different here , here feelings have no value .I felt really very suffocating there, I couldn’t concentrate there. I just wanna leave JAPAN , I wanna return my INDIA , but how can I leave JAPAN before 1 year , as I have already sign in the agreement . I have to continue my job, so I decided to concentrate only on my job. I tried a lot but always fail. Finally one case forced me to concentrate on my job. I was famous for my honesty, so this job submitted to me. So I tried my best to keep their faith on me. This case was very complicated – this is a case of a soldier cum terrorist. Who was from “YEMAN”, he lost his memory due to a severe accident but its very important to know everything about his past, as he suspected as a great terrorist. So it’s quite hard for me to handle this case. I tried my best to talk with him & I became so busy , I forget my painful love life & CHENG. Now that case was very important for me, I found some development & I tried to know everything. I was the main psychology specialist & he was my patient . So it’s very risky work as well as I had to keep their faith on me. Days passed & I felt so happy that I found some development but after knowing his life story I felt that he claim to be terrorist but that was false. He tolerated many things, many injustice happened with him, he actually didn’t do any mistake But no one try to understand him. I tried to clarify everyone’s doubt & I tried to convince everyone that he is innocent & he act as a medium. But I failed, now I can’t understand what to do, one side my patient who was a nice person but he claim to be terrorist , Another side they don’t wanna listen me & they want to hang him for the severe crime , so it’s very hard time for me what to do. Finally I decided to follow what is right. So I decided to save him from this pain even I promised him I’ll free him from this, but he refused me to take this step as he knew if I’ll help him then my life will be in risk , so he told me if I’ll help him, my life will be in danger. “Either I will die or you will die or Both ”. So finally we decided to leave that place together, it will be better for both of us , as I can’t let a innocent person to die. So we left that place together, but we didn’t know where to go. We finally reach at ICELAND & try to start a new life there. We try to live together, we didn’t have any love relation. yeah , we had a relation that was  humanity . we try to understand each other, I knew he was very nice person but it’s very difficult for me to love any guy further. As I already cheated once. Still my heart always told me try to faith on him. we started a new life but still there was a problem - he was married but his enemy killed his all members (he was a honest soldier , one day some terrorists forced him to obey their order . he simply refused them. so they make him target & put him on problem ) except his son who is now 3 years  , he hide his son in Turkey, after that he faced this incident & he lost his memory , even he lost one of his important sexual part. Still I was happy as I had no relation with his past or physical relation, I only give priority to heart & he was a very nice person for me. I promised him to rescue his son from Turkey. That was very difficult task for me. So I decided to do this work alone, as he was very famous for his crime which he didn’t do. Still he had to hide himself. I got his son in Turkey, he was so cute, his name was KABIR, at that time he was near about 4 years, but when I reached ICELAND I found him dead. I found a letter was there “take care of my child, now his life is in danger”. So now it’s a great task how to save his child, now KABIR is my responsibly & like my own son, so I decided to return my INDIA. I came back INDIA but it was too late, I lost my parents even I couldn’t see them at the last time I felt shame on myself. Now no one is my life except KABIR, purely alone , I lived there as a normal life. I struggled a lot, many people talk many things about me and I ignore everything & move forward with my pain. My love journey was very painful but I was not a dishonest girl, I always follow right path. That’s why now I feel proud on myself , now I feel more proud as my son is a great SCIENTIST IN USA. He fulfilled my aim…. Now I can die happily … feel peace !

End of the diary

This is the end part of my mom’s life. But I can say she was not more than any angel for me, he showed me how to live loud, how to fight for right, how to be a strong person. if I am going to get NOBEL PRIZE THAT ONLY FOR THAT LADY – MY MOM – I CAN PROUDLY SAY SHE IS MY MOM  .IF SHE DIDN’T COME MY LIFE SCIENTIST WILL BE MY DREAM & I’LL BE IN TERRORIST GANG. She changed my life. This above story was written in her diary, I wanna tell her story before everyone, as I wanna say good person still exists in this world. Love always doesn’t mean to stay together or doesn’t show any physical relationship. It’s between two hearts. If you will true & fight for right then you may face lots of struggle & there may be chance to b alone full life. Still always follow what is right. Today I am near about 70 years (2070), now we already reach so develop world but some value always very precious & some relation. That’s between one human with another. How much we will develop ,we should not forget we belongs to each other , truth, honesty & love always will be in superior.
PS :- Friends this is a story purely written by me. My all stories are purely written by me ,my own thought. if you wanna see – go & search in Google , if my story match with anyone. so I can say proudly that it’s my own thought , NOT COPIED … yeah , now I hv no capability to write any book & publish it but it doesn’t mean I’ll copy. so please friends don’t hurt me by saying I have copied , it’s my original. I can bet you here also. Extremely sorry , if my words hurts others .


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