Have you ever ask these questions to yourself ???

What is life actually?
 Can anyone define me?
Is there any exact definition of life?

Life is explained in many ways, I feel

1) Life is a game & we all are player here. My game started from my birth, I know I have continued my play till my death.
2) Life is a like a movie & we all are actor & actress. No one’s face is pure, everyone wear the mask over the face. It’s the bitter truth.
Still we have to live; we have to finish our story in a beautiful way.

How we should take our life

Our Life starts once we created, but once we enter this world, that's when the adventure begins.

I am saying life is a blessing even straggling, live your life, put yourself out there and make mistakes, learn from them. Do what you like & dream big. Life is full of obstacles but, you have the power to conquer them. Many people think life has no purpose, you are born, you grow old, live a crappy life with many regrets, mistakes etc. with a face full of sadness that doesn't seem to end each day of your life, than you die. I think what you are thinking that’s wrong , life is what you make of it, not anyone else, don't blame anyone else for your misfortune in life or the pain your enduring when in reality you let it happen. Whatever knocks you down, it's your chance to get back on your feet and start over and get through that tough obstacle you’re facing. People make mistakes, losing many thing, even some people punish without doing any kind of mistakes still they smile like baby smile .let them go what you can’t do or what’s not in your control, don’t think over again & again, life is mixture of “Struggle + misfortune + pain + success + gain + happy ending” so stop regretting, start working say “what the Lord has given me I am happy with that, a life full of wonders and blessings." "It's time for me to start my life." 

Life is not all black and white, there are colors in this world, we have to pour the water color in our life & paint it how we like. So do what you like, we should find different ways that make us happy or we have to go after such jobs which can make us happy. Another obstacle in life, judgment and doubting. Don't let anyone let anyone bring you down by their hurtful words, you do your thing and they'll do theirs, remember to LIVE, LAUGH, and LOVE. 

Our life is like a game  - 

Sometimes it’s like being in a casino. There are moments of winning and losing and moments of ups and downs.

Life is not enjoyable if you play alone. Like in life, it would be more exciting if you have two or more companions instead of being alone.

Life is such a game whose scenario changes time to time , Sometimes we have to use our mind to win the game , sometimes we have to play united to defeat our competitor , sometimes we have to play alone to reach at higher position. Our game depends on our situation & which game we choose.


 If it’s mind game then you don’t have to work more you have to use your brain more , like in chess – you have to make a master plan how to kill the king , in which way . don’t be fool, your competitor also make a master plan to win the game as no one wants to defeat, so be flexible if you see you gonna defeat just change the game or play in such a way that he can’t come near to your king but you can kill his all solders, so in mind game you have to focus on your goal only, like in chess your goal is to kill the king. Once you reach at your goal means you win, this is mind game. Here you have to plan a lot but don’t sure or don’t be overconfident that you will be a winner. Anything can happen as its mind game, be like a GAME CHANGER.


In football game there should be unity in a group, otherwise they will fail. here it need more unity than brain , yeah in every game you have to use your brain even you have to make master plan , but here your first priority is unity. If everyone wants to give a goal or there will be no co-ordination then they can’t win the game. So we have to take decision according to time, here there is no work like “I” exists; here “WE” is the first priory. When I become WE at that time you can or your Team can win. Even you can see every good Team has strong unity. Likewise in our life also many works are there where we have to work through unity. We can’t do all work alone, if we wants to do something big challenging then we have to work united. If you wanna make your world interconnected then you have to work united. If we wanna bring peace in this world then we have to remove one word like SELF-DEVELOPMENT from our heart & mind then only we can bring peace in this world. Sometimes we have to sacrifice you to do something great or worthy. Like this many works are there where we have to work united to win in the game.


Sometimes we have to work alone like writing or painting or any artistic work, where you need a peaceful environment to complete your work. When we wanna develop our inner strength we need to be alone, as if we work united we can’t analyze how much strength we have.

So our time will say HOW WE HAVE TO PLAY

In life, we don’t know how it would end but we know how to make it better. Like an excited yet breath-taking game, we ought to know when to end so as not to lose everything. It is not bad to make some gambles in life because it is inevitable. We just have to play our strategies well and accept what the result may be.

·         Life is a game of cards (you have to play the hand you are dealt).
·         Life is a race.
·         Life is a marathon.
·         Life is a battle.
·         Life is like a seed. It will never grow unless planted and nourished.
·         Life is like a river. With all its bends and rapid falls, one must follow the right path or else you'll lose your way to the sea.
·         Life is like a box of chocolates. You'll never know what you're going to get.
·         Life is like a jigsaw puzzle, but you don't have the picture on the front of the box to know what it's supposed to look like.
·         You bet, check, bluff, and raise. You learn from those you play with. Sometimes you win with a pair or lose.
·         Life is like a novel. You are the author and everyday is a new page. Life is like money. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once. Life is like an onion. You peel off layer after layer and sometimes you weep. Life is like a whisper. If you only try and stop wailing you'll suddenly realize that it is there
·         Life is like a pencil. You can be sharpened, you can correct mistakes, and you can leave a mark. These last two are not really

Life is crazy, but only for those who have no plans for it. Life is unfair if you don't have the wisdom to understand it.

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