Today My question is what is most important for you ?
Education – anyone
can be educated & become a successful person. If you have money
& brain then you can go for higher studies & you can read in good
college. But education without self discipline is like fish without water,
education is meaningless if you are not discipline. If you don’t respect others
then there is no meaning of education. In our primary studies, in our school
first they teach us how to be a good person. Anyone can be educated but
everyone can’t be a discipline person.
Money- anyone
can earn money & get success. But earning money in a discipline way
is rare to find, but it’s not hard. But question is how to get money &
success in a discipline way.
with self disciple – go back & just see our past heroes & great
personalities, you will find- they always maintain self discipline. Self discipline makes
you a good person even if successful. Self discipline makes your life worth
living even makes you kind, lovable person.
Now a day’s
people lack self discipline, so today I choose this topic to share my view
with the world. I found many people whose mentality is education is everything.
Even if some people take it as an old process. Don’t live in dark or foggy
thoughts, self discipline is not an old custom, now also world need
it. We all need it. Now a day’s people lack self discipline that’s why you can
find violence, drug related violence, crime & many unusual cases are
happening in our society .Even I have seen how people behave their own parents
& other people. I feel those people who are doing like this they all lack
self discipline. Even I have seen many good educated & rich people also
lack self discipline. Do you think what they are doing, that’s right ! .But I
believe it has a great importance in our life , even our world badly need this.
Now I gonna tell how we can get it or how to stick with this. It’s not hard but
we have to work a lot.
So now my
question is how to stick with discipline life ?
I gonna
share my ideas here, hope you all agree with me .
I give more
importance on discipline than education & money. I am not a too
talented student but I love to maintain discipline in everywhere. I
have not so much money still I never followed wrong path. My discipline life is
more important than anything. As it make your life worth living.
how to cultivate the trait of self-discipline is one of the most important
success skills that you could ever learn, as by taking the time to master it,
you will become a much more productive person who is able to accomplish more
with their life and waste less time in the process.
Don’t worry
if you currently lack self-discipline at the moment, as nobody is born a
naturally disciplined person. Just like any other skill it is something that
you can learn with practice, and the more you practice, the better you will
become at it.
What is
Self Discipline?
“The first
and best victory is to conquer self” – Plato
without discipline is like an octopus on roller skates. There’s plenty of
movement, but you never know where it’s heading. If you know you have talent,
and you moved a lot but seldom deliver – you may just lack of self
Take a look
back to last week for example. How much of your time did you devote to regular,
disciplined activities? Did you do anything to grow and improve yourself
professionally? Or dedicate yourself on savings? Living healthy life?
If you were
to ask ten people what self-discipline means, you would probably get ten
different answers. Some refer to it as a “power within” that enables
them to solve problems.
Some refer
to it as “self-control, self-improvement, self-restraint or will power”. Others
have called it the ability to stick with an objective, even when you lack the
motivation to do it. Whilst others simply refer to it as the ability to
overcome laziness and get on with the job.
discipline means that when you have something to do, you do it, regardless of
whether you like it or not. Since most of the things in life that will
bring you long-lasting success require many hours of hard work, just think how
much your life would change if you were able to ignore all the meaningless
distractions around you and stay focused on the achievement of your
Trust me,
it works, I am the example. I am not saying I am a successful person but I
always give more emphasize on discipline. You can be whoever you want, but
you have to bear the consequences. You can't achieve what you want, if you
satisfy your pleasures of the moment. You have to be ready to face
obstacles and to sacrifice. Before every person two lines are there
1) Do
you want to have fun and not fight for your future or are you ready to
do ,
2) Do
you want to be happy for a long term or a short term?
You have to
decide what to choose & what is not, choice is yours.
In order to
get a successful in life, you have to pay the price. If you want something
in life there is a price you must pay to get it. This price might be a few
minutes of your time, or it might be years of your time. You must therefore ask
yourself, “Am I truly willing to pay the price to get what I want?” If
you are, then eventually you will get it.
When you
eat in a restaurant, you pay after you have finished, but in this case you have
to be ready to pay the whole price before getting the success, you always
wanted. It’s not always a happy ending. The strength of your dream or goal
decides about your future. If you wanna achieve something worthy be
proper for the worst, because all worth things have higher cost. If you have
pay high if you are following right path or disciple path. Anyone can be thief
or anyone can cheat anyone but it has no meaning.
The most essential principle for having success is self-discipline. Self-discipline is the ability to do what you should do, whenever it takes, whether you feel like it or not. You should be able to put off satisfaction in the short term, in order to enjoy great success in the long-term. In other words, successful people are long-term thinkers.
So many people fail, because they lack this quality. The majority of people have dreams and plans and maybe they begin to act according to their plans, but they also give up very soon and lose hope, because they don't see the success immediately.
Successful people also have personal goals. They know what they want to achieve in their life, and work very hard, sometimes for many decades, to get what they want.
Goals give
their life meaning, direction and purpose, which then make it much easier for
them to make the sacrifices that are required to achieve those goals.
You can do it, everybody can, but only if you are ready to pay a high price and to sacrifice.
Do &
Don’t – To stick with self-discipline life
1)Don’t be afraid of failures and mistakes, because through them you learn and only this way you can get where you always wanted. The richest people in the world were not afraid of failures and every time they fell, they stood up and went further with the same mentality of a winner.
You have to go through these stages and every time you fall, keep in mind those mistakes and avoid them next time. Take it positively -Failures should strengthen you. So, you should never blame yourself and become weak, because you met some obstacles, learn to overcome those and you will become a valuable person, in which presence everybody feels happy.
Short-term pleasure often comes at the expense of long-term pain.
Sometimes you have to make sacrifices to get what you want in life.
4) The road
you walk tomorrow will be determined by the actions you take today.
5) Self
discipline is a balance of pleasure and pain.
6) Some
lessons in life can be very painful. But they have to be learned.
Keep in mind, that hard work requires self-discipline. Your inner-voice should always motivate you and whenever you feel like walking away from your plan, remember that you deserve what it's the best and that success is worth any hard work and effort.