Life is totally unpredictable, what we want we rarely get that. I am the most unlucky one, who always miss the golden opportunities.

I am talking about my today’s experience – today we have a placement drive for HP in LAKSHYA, I was happy as this is a MNC company, everyone’s dream to get a job in MNC. I am not an exceptional one. But this time my resume even my dressing sense everything was perfect + I reach in time, unfortunately I did blunder mistakes in my aptitude test. I don’t know while solving I felt that verbal and nonverbal part was quite easy, 2 questions I guess otherwise other questions I attempt mindfully. Yes, I am poor in technical but now I gonna rectify myself here. Have to prepare myself what I didn’t prepare within 4-5 years means engineering + gate. Technical means coding in C/C++/JAVA mainly as I am good in database, html, css, somehow in PHP (I think so) . I was good in java but I have to revise it again. I feel shame on myself today, when I tried to appear all question still I was confuse in some questions, as I never prepared for such kind of test till now. Frankly speaking. Yeah, I attempted once even selected; now I am thinking that may be due to my luck otherwise today question was quite easy. I feel shame on myself as I couldn’t understand where I actually did my mistakes, but I did that I am conform, may be my mind was in out of order, THINK SO.

But this is true when I was in my engineering for getting placement, placement training was given to us but I didn’t attend even one class except some English class as I love GD and English. I can’t blame my college here , they had given us even tried their best and many good companies also came but I didn’t have interest that’s why I didn’t sit even in 1 class , as I fear if I’ll sit then there may be a chance they can give my name for company placement , if I’ll deny it then our college faculty may deduct my mark (MY HEART FELT WORDS WHICH I SHARE TODAY), blew , many things were rooming in my mind at that time , as I didn’t have interest in job career I wanna do something different like M-TECH OR LAW. But now I feel, I am the dumpiest one in this whole world. Who always do the dump kind of work? Huh. Seriously, now I feel shame on myself. But this is true that I didn’t have interest in company job IN PAST.

No doubt in today HP recruitment time the recruiter told us the luxurious life of software engineer ,I agree with him, but at that time one thing came in my mind – do anyone know me for my work except my family and my friends. I’ll earn lots of money for my family they’ll be happy and enjoy but what I’ll get in return money , lots of money , WHAT’S ABOUT MY DREAM :- TO GAIN A NAME IN SOCIETY or make my unique name in society .No one is permanent in this world, no one , one day everyone will left you alone even your shadow too (when bad time comes) so for whom I’ll care and give up my dream no doubt now I am alone and I don’t get any supporter but when I think about Modi ji (Our PM) , kejerawal and many people like them who gained name from ZERO level , did they were from a reputed or richest family then why I can’t dream high. But in this present world to make my dream real in the first step : MONEY IS THE ONLY SOLUTION . That I can get through a good company. This also true, in good companies you can flourish your talent, that’s why I am interested.

If I’ll talk about my present status, now I need a good company badly, Forget about name and fame, that’ll come after. I can earn it even after marriage if I’ll get a supportive family then otherwise no marriage for my dream. But Now I badly need to well establish myself in society. I still remember when I was in IIIT college, In my 2nd  and 3rd year time I started my preparation for law and I also have CLAD book till now with me, I had decided to left IIIT and join in Sociology and law to get what I want (My roommates may heard about it when I talk about this with my parents or my close friends may see the CLAD BOOK while I was preparing or with me). Then I think , if I’ll go through this career then I’ll be old to reach at my goal that’s why I try to concentrate on my engineering career and try to get what I want in different way , but now I think I was fool. Now I don’t know which step I should take to get a peaceful life , I run after peace now , as failure after failure due to my high dream everyone get frustrated from me except myself , who still have hope. I still have faith one day I’ll get what I want J

Now my present goal is get placed in a company then make my own name in society either through writing or through social work or through business or all of these ,THAT MY TIME AND MY SITUATION WILL DECIDE. Gonna concentrate on one, as HP recruiter told us today “CONCENTRATE ON ONE GOAL FIRST” , now my goal is to get placed in a MNC Then further life let MY TIME WILL DECIDE , as I know what I want in my life . I can’t spoil my life for others  as no one gonna cry for you when you will old and realize what I did in my life except EARN MONEY , But now I need a job for me to get peace but it doesn’t mean I’ll be mean , all are mean , I am not the exceptional  wherever I go I try to do something good for them. NOW MY PRESENT STATUS SAYS I NEED A JOB BADLY L

I m the true dumpiest one - this things tells everything ABOUT ME !!!



I can refer diff. sites for my blog but can't read properly for my own !!!

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