Life is what and what’s your purpose of life have you ever asked this question to yourself,. If not try to find out before it find out you , because when your purpose of living find out you at that time you become old and you have less energy and time to make it real. I means to say – I have seen many people when they become old they share their life and dreams with their loved people like grand children or their sons and daughters that they wanted to do something, alas how time passed and they missed their dream they can’t understand, they repent and judge themselves if they would do like this then they can reach at their destination, but they never tried it , their all answers end with either in “fear the failure” or “they were so happy with their life and family they forget what actually they wanna be” but when they become old they realize they should follow their dream first, If they wanted they can also manage their personal and professional life too but they never tried as they were happy with their family and money. I love to talk with old people even I judged many old people who share their story like this. So I love to judge people but don’t wanna hurt anyone. I know about everyone but don’t wanna give anyone pain either directly or through indirectly. But one lesson I learnt from my past if you never try to hurt anyone then people will take advantage of it and give you pain more than you think , that’s why now a days I am trying to change my personality but still can’t as I don’t like to hurt anyone. But Yes! I hate those who are rowdy type or don’t know how to behave well or too jealous type.
If you’ll judge you will find everyone’s life is painful, some show it whereas some hide their pain within their heart till their death. Whenever I feel I am the unhappiest person at that time I look at those people or think about those who are below then me, I feel my life is far better than those who spend their life in slum or who have no shelter. Yes, my life is painful only due to me. first I prepared for medical but couldn’t secure within 300 rank that’s why I joined in engineering even I had no interest ,I can join in private college even I got letter from HI-TECH MEDICAL COLLEGE too , forget about that. Even this time my gate also gave me heart attack kind of result, now also I have chance to get a private college but I am not interested. I believe, whatever I do that should be best one that’s why, may I from Oriya medium background but that was a good school in my time, I also got awards from intra school competitions too. Now I wanna Forget all about that and wanna live in my present status and wanna move forward with future hope.
I hate to tell lie, no matter what I do, what my marks all are true even open before all. my time and luck always bad for me even not support me at all , in my 10th board time western odisha result was worst , even when I appeared my 12th in 2008-9 , at that time whole odisha result was only 50% , students who were in 7th position in all over odisha were secured 86% , don’t believe me blindly , search by yourself too , at that time odisha result was worst due to new change in 12th board rules - the first year student appear the 1st year exam and 2nd year students appear the board exam but previously 1st year and 2nd  year were appearing exam in same time board exam means 1200 marks even Oriya medium result always worst than CBSE AND ICSE , everyone knows . Cheese!!! I wanted to change myself to English medium in my 12th board but due to some problem I further enter into Oriya medium and my hostel life started further, now I suggest my all brothers and sisters , Government CBSE  Medium school is cheaper than ORIYA Private schools as i was in Oriya private school in early stage Saraswati sisu mandir which is costly than government CBSE school but due to some reason i was in Oriya medium school due to better study pattern. In my time Oriya medium was purely worthless due to it's strict marking system and exam system now our odisha state board has changed it’s pattern like CBSE Board both in 10th and 12th that’s why people are getting better marks. My first schooling was in English medium latter I switched to oriya medium with drooping 2 classes (3rd and 4th - directly jump to English medium from standard III to standard V )due to -my papa’s transfer and place, that’s why I had to read in Oriya medium. But I studied in BEST COLLEGES IN ODISHA , 12th KIIT (Private college) and Engineering College IIIT , Whole credit goes to my parents as they helped me a lot to achieve my goal.

So my life is painful due to my bad luck. I am not criticizing state boards but what is true I told that. If anyone has any doubt, go and search about this, I am not lying; these are about government studies anyone got to know about it even collecting information about it.

Now I wanna forget my past and results, what I didn’t or why I didn’t etc , now I wanna live in present . already my life is spoiled but I judged one thing from my past even from some successful personalities – education truly doesn’t matter  , I have seen people from ordinary college even general backgrounds still they are more successful either in company job or in real life (the fields where they actually strong). Live example our PM – he is more successful and popular leader till now in Indian politics. So education is really doesn’t matter, forget about our PM he is a great personality, now I wanna share about my friends my all friends placed in good companies whose percentage was below me in career still they are successful, in our college even in my branch 98% were placed, those who are not placed they are diploma students even I was from a science background I was not placed as that was my choice not to sit in placement drive as my dream was different, that’s it. I had secured 5000 rank, so I got IIIT on my basis of my general background, as that is a good government college. but my time is bad , that’s why I couldn’t success in my engineering career , I have seen those who succeed in their life either they planned for their future from their Graduation career or before graduation but my bad luck is I always listen my family , my teachers and fear all , that’s why now my life is painful . I learnt one lesson from my past life what you wanna do don’t listen anyone even your parents too as they don’t know where you are strong and what you wanna be? So better follow your dream, but all are not so lucky to follow, when they spoiled their life in end at that time their parents realize.  Now I am in that state , I wanna give up my B-tech and wanna join in LAW and SOCIOLOGY in my 3rd semester .but unfortunately couldn’t , now I don’t know what I gonna do , onside I wanna do something different but my luck don’t support me another side rumors + lots of haters . I have seen many people who succeed in their life in early age due to their luck or someone’s help that’s why they can’t understand , what is struggling life is? 

1st - Some also use shortcuts like studying in one place you can get a good job in another place even can do your job perfect and can get certificates too, one time you can achieve many things. But my bad luck I was in Government College even was staying in hostel so no chance to do.

2nd -  I don’t have any supporter in my life who’ll help me to get success like in other Big Joint families , my family is a very small family as it is one son generation family .

3rd - I always live with my principles no matter whatever situation comes in my life like I promise myself no shortcuts to get success means NO SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE AND NO ANY WRONG STEPS TO GET SUCCESS, otherwise if you will judge now a day’s maximum successful women already lose their virginity to get success, it’s ordinary now a days. The path which I never follow that’s why I wants to marry as soon as possible means after just establishing myself in proper way.

4th - cheating is also another issue to get success, what now a day’s also very popular either in love or in your field like steal someone’s work or credit etc. most of the people are doing.

5th - the place you are belongs to , I am from an ordinary family , may my forefathers were from LANDLORD family but now we are ordinary so why people will support me . but those who have money people support them , most important point is I am from Odisha where one person drag another down , I am not from Bengali or from talgu  or from behari family where people can give their life for their own people or community people , that also one of my greatest drawback , that’s why I promise to myself I’ll never marry any Oriya guy no matter how good that person is but for my future I’ll chose either Bengali or telgu / all-south Indian :P , my all time best choice. Man purposes, god disposes. if god chose any Oriya guy for me better I’d live single throughout my life than chose any Oriya guy just because of my future . As after marriage I’ll start doing that work which I can’t now like daring kind.

So I have lots of drawbacks, still have faith one day I’ll get success. I am not saying my heart says. people laugh at me due to my present status , I am job seeker , further I didn’t get Gate now I can’t placed in good companies that’s why some take me as worthless kind even my own people too except my parents . But seriously, saying now I don’t have any patience to explain everyone, already I explained a lot. Now let me do my work with plan that's why I gonna move to Bangalore as soon as possible for my JOB and For my Future Dream as within Odisha you may die but can't make your dream True due to non co-operational people even gonna appear placement exams too . after get my first success in my life , I’ll think about marriage but not before that as I don’t know whom I gonna marry whether that person allow me to make my dream real or not so better once you achieve then marry, because after that no one gonna stop as it’s all about name and money not about company jobs, after become mother or someone’s wife better live at home. It’s all about getting name in society in better way in my own career either in social work or in my IT field, that’s why my marriage will be a contract marriage for my dream, No one gonna interfere here. Lets god decide that, who knows what gonna be someone’s future. those who laugh at me in my college life they are living same boring life , I wanna be different and I love to take risk , I love adventurous work . I have seen many people who got success after a very long time , many actors and politics are there examples OUR HONORABLE PM , another example RAHUL GANDHI , whose luck is very bad , he is trying but no one support him , KEJRIWAL – he is trying his best but his own friends don’t . Many examples are there who got success in very old age but those who success in late due to their own labor they place their name in history. I don’t know what gonna be my future but I love to take risk , now I gonna take my all decisions by own and no one gonna interfere here . I don’t know my future but I have faith on myself one day it’ll be a eye opening type if god give me chance to live a longer life (normal human age). I GONNA ACHIEVE MY DREAM USING MY OWN TALENT WITH NO SHORTCUTS.

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