A new Life begins with a child’s first cry and end with? We can’t say even predict. We all enter into life through same process but day by day time by time everything change. We can’t even predict our future; you even don’t know when everything will change which can change your whole life too. I asked many people what is life is? And I got many different kinds of answers like
Some answered me - Life is mixture of pain and pleasure and sometimes it’s very painful too and some answered something different like it’s mysterious like a woman, means they are trying to say all women are complicated and secretive, ha, I agree but not 100%. Its ok! life is mysterious, we all know it even we can’t imagine our life too, what gonna be happen next ,we can’t say? Neither I nor anyone else. but when we’ll ask someone to define the pain then we will get lots of explanation – my view on pain is – pain is what your heart can feel but it’s not necessary eye should shade tears or feelings which you can share with others. most painful moment when some pain gives you lots of pain inside still you have to smile, if someone is going to die I feel his/her pain is less than those who have no one as at least that person is conformed that he/she is going to die and no one can avoid it but when it comes to having no one, this moment is very painful neither you can show nor you can share otherwise this cruel world eat your flesh in pieces in living mode, bitter true fact. Just look at those girls who have no one – their final destination is prostitution or slave or made servant , if you are boy then your final destination is criminal or prostitution or non paid laborer , have you ever think about them , can you imagine their life , their life is beyond of our imagination as we are living in a beautiful environment . these are the people who born unlucky or can say they come this world with some kind of punishment of their previous birth’s sin, but what about those who have everyone still they are facing same – many examples are there - in this competitive world no one can see your success, no one means no one , forget about friends even your very close people too,  whom you love a lot, that can be anyone either your husband or brother or sister or relatives etc. no one is truly yours. Real Problem arise even you try to detach yourself from all sorts of emotions still you can’t even you know fake emotions have no value in this world it only can spoil your value and time. Now days competitions are too high, children’s are born with complicated minds where from the beginning we teach them how to be a good competitor not a good lover. No value of human but value of achievements. How to be superior to all , now a day’s everywhere we teach this as a prime study from beginning means when a kids start learning . I have seen now a day’s how parents trying to change the minds of children into complicated one like example-

see your class topper , he can do anything , don’t you feel shame you call him your friend but your mark is less

Don’t play with him; your standard is below to him.

I always wish to that child (class topper) as my son/daughter. At least I’ll feel proud of myself.

How much money I have spend for your study, what you did. 

Don’t you feel shame to call him/her your friend, see his result and yours?

Like this many examples are there, which ultimately change the minds of children not a good competitor manner but it turn into complicated.
These are the silly things; I hope you all know about it. But nobody express so openly like me. Ok let it is. But this is the only reason, why now a day’s humanity value is going to vanish from world, which is not a good symbol.
So here I explained about pain from my point of view, life is mixture of pain and pleasure. Everyone knows even we all face it in our daily life, nothing new, Right!!!
Now I gonna write a story on a person- how that person got success in the end  , how life played game with that person , everything about that person , it’s a corporate story , how corporate sectors actually works , competitions in corporate fields everything based on corporate field ,but whether that person is boy or girl , that you can got to know after reading my story . Hope you all enjoy it. My all stories are different , so this time I thought to write a story on business and corporate sector and competitions to prove yourself superior among all. It’s a kind of challenging , when you are a woman as very few gonna help you , if you always stick with your strict principle.
Hmmm, it’s an imaginary one.
First read then you can got to know!!!

11th February 1989

A screaming sound and 2 doctors and 3 nurses run to ward number -205 – a mental patient, only 33 years old– who were getting treatment from last 1 year still no recovery or can say no change.
Who was that lady?
Why she is shouting?
What was her story?
Adam - a foreign Scottish writer even a mentalist too , who came India for a unique story , which can help him to built his career in a new direction  , he came India with high hope , he was sure that here at least he’ll get a story which can touch everyone’s heart. He roam here and there, visited different place he even didn’t left any hospital too as he was searching a different story. He spend his 1 year 6 moths time for 1 story which can make him satisfaction , finally when he thought about give up and left India suddenly his eyes fall on a big xxxxyyyy mental hospital , he thought it’s useless to try even his flight was next day morning 7 AM and it’s already 4 o’clock evening. But his heart told him to try once more- he entered into hospital, he even got permission too, but there he didn’t get anything , while returning he saw a room closed from outside – ward number -205 – he tried to see from window, who was there, he saw a woman writing something and she looked normal, he confused – why? she was inside, one nurse told she is a dangerous patient that’s why they can’t give him permission to meet with her. Adam, feel like he got a new life for his story, he thought her life must be interesting. He tried to convince all but when nobody allowed him and reject his appeal, he thought it’s better to break the rule and meet with her illegally. Night 10 Pm all door closed even lights shut up, Adam entered into that room through a master key. He found that that lady was busy in writing and her room lights are not off. When she saw him, she started screaming and told
“I’ll kill you, let me go from here. I am ok! Please let me go, I need Nothing neither my property nor anyone. I just leave from here and I want my kid back. Please let me go”
She sounds normal. Adam astonished, if she is ok then then why she is in mental hospital, he told her “he can help her if she will stop crying”.
In introduction he told his name is Shiva, he is a new member in hospital, and he can help her if she will tell her story and problems. He’ll complain before head of the department, after listing this she told “all are Fraud, don’t say to anyone. No one is with me. All are wearing the mask of human behind the face of wolf. She is alive now due to her property and secretes codes, which she only knows.”
Adam felt happy inside as here he might got a new mysterious story for which he was roaming here and there from last 1 and ½ year.
He told her to tell her story from birth, as he also wanna know her life history then only he can help her to find out the real culprit, he also wanna be a part of her life.
After a long time she smiled and hugged him tightly and told after a long time in my life someone wanna listen my story , someone wanna know about her as till now all came because of her property or to get profit.

She started her story –

My name is Sephali , I was born in a small town in Kolkata, I was belongs to a middle class family, not too high not too low. Like all I also raised within a very pleasant environment , I touched peak of success when I was in school , I was kind of all rounder , I was poor in game but in rest I was quit smart. I was like an example before all at my time, but may be time couldn’t see my smile. I was the topper till my 10th my papa was my big supporter he wanted I should get high success so her spend lots of money and send me private college for study , that was the number one private college in my time . But like always I face lots of obstacles there, there I learn how to face problems and how to handle it. I also misjudged, misunderstood even there was also one time came when I was telling truth but in the end I had to suffer. at first I had all friends but day by day when competition level rise I lost my one friend still I have some , I passed then I prepared for NASA and IIT but didn’t get anything , my papa had high hope that one day I’ll get success , further I failed and I failed just for few marks. Which hurt me badly, but this is the starting period of painful life then I entered to engineering there I learn what actually life is, which changed my life totally. For my all achievements, I give a big thanks to my papa as he didn’t care anyone and tried his best to give me best education. I am a girl, may be that was my biggest mistake, girl with high hope or dream may be my biggest mistake, which was the starting point of real painful life. How the time passed, I started to explore myself. many dreams are there in my eyes but I didn’t have any supporter , who ever come to help me either that person is fake or people take that person from me like my god himself don’t want I should win or get success in my life . I tried many times even criticized too , onetime came when I don’t have anyone , forget about my near dear people nobody wants to see my success as they knew if I’ll get a single support I can rise very high because what I was due to my father and his support . That’s why nobody wants to help me even in single small things as no one wanna see my success, not even close people too. I was purely alone , but whom I can say , my papa also left his hope from me that one day I’ll make him feel proud due to my serial failure , onetime also came I couldn’t sleep one night for dream that one day my dreams will come true . I was just like crazy, of course it’s the obvious situation as I secrifsed a lot for achieve my dream. I tried a lot, I work hard even tried to modify myself for my future. Every time I failed , instead of getting help I became target before many , I didn’t get a single job as per my qualification I don’t get job which can satisfy me . Sometimes I knowingly disqualify myself and sometimes my luck left me alone. I know some decisions many hard to take still I took only for my future , as I know I can’t fight with high profile people better not to enter into their life as that was spoiling my career and my dream or can say my life became like a challenging mode , I don’t have anything private . neither me nor my family issues, onetime also came when my own family members fear to talk with me and identify them as my family members as nobody wanna face problem for me, it doesn’t mean I did anything wrong for that they feel shame but they fear as wherever I go my problems attach with my life just like an important part and nobody wants to face problem. even I didn’t do any mistake I face problem , even I tried to rise I felt like some people knowingly pull my legs down and never let me rise further , I had lots of dreams but not getting any support neither from family side nor from government to start up my own business. My life was totally horrible, even I never thought for a good life. I knew that I am the unluckiest one but didn’t know the level; I may be in top level. Especially I unlucky for myself not for others, I am very controversial person, if someone say anything against me then he/she got lots of support. There was a time when I felt like lost even I lost everyone, even everyone love me from heart but don’t wanna express outside as they wanna get success. I want to give up my life, but then I decide to change my god and my situation. I worked hard, much hard then I got a job in a good company after a long time through one of my friend who helped me a lot  , who came in my life as an angel in this competitive world where my own also left me alone and refused me to help, I felt that now my life may be going to be ok! But that was just starting point of my struggle. I may be a good employee but there also I face lots of problems , people stole my work and blame me and spoiled my name to down my image and position , as I worked good but still I was happy due to my friend who was just like my two eyes and two hands .but one thing always astonished me -what I should do wherever I go my problems are running after me just like we both made for each other. many nights I spend in crying but I was purely alone no one was in my side except my friend, there was a time came when I decided to give up my life even knew that’s not good even illegal still I chose that path to get peace, while thinking about give up, I meet a mysterious man “Sohil Khanna”who changed my life, my name too. He is now CEO of B&G Company. Till now what I told that just a blink of my struggling life, my real life starts from him .
15th October 1983
Like always I was busy to reach at my office time, there was a client meeting I had to attend and another meeting with our co-partnership company “SIBON Co” where Sohil khanna was the right hand of his boss, my boss told me that we have to get the contract from “SIBON Co” by hook or by crook, that’s why he told me to impress Sohil Khanna and got the contact with minimum price. I tried my best , I tried from social media to impressed him as I knew if we make partnership with that company we will be benefited finally successes in my goal ,of course he is a man not a saint . I know for that first time I cheat someone, impress always doesn’t mean physically impress as most of the time in IT company’s women are treated as showcase but I was against that. I wanna do everything for my company but within my limit, I never tried to cross my limit. But my friend was agaist it , he always warn me not to do this as this may be risky , but I need promotion in my job and I wanna do something in my life , that’s why I chose this way may be my path is wrong but this is common in corporate sector , I was not doing anything wrong even not sell me for profit , I just use my brain to get profit that’s it .I tried to show fake love Sohil Khanna but his arrogant behavior and rude wordings always change my mind , Inside I hate him but it was quit a difficult task for me to be a double face, I had to show my fake love for our profit. Onside I fear if my truth will revels before all then, no doubt Sohil Khanna was handsome even smart even flirt kind of person too and most important quality is he can attract anyone towards him through his critical thinking. He was quit cleaver which actually attracts me, even I always try to know successful working principles from him. Maybe we both cheat each other at that time, but one time came I came to know he is starting to love me when he proposed me before all in his b’day and gave me a ring for future engagement.  I was totally stuck at that moment , I didn’t love him , I flirt for our profit but I didn’t know my situation will be so worst . He may be a successful personality but I couldn’t think he is fit with me. My mentality was totally different from him. My boss became happy as he also wanted that, he wanted profit only but I was the victim between love and profit. Whenever I tried to tell him truth a fear arise in my heart what gonna be my future if I say no. He is very powerful and I am nothing before him, if he’ll kill me then nobody also come to help me as I am ordinary even having no sufficient money. Onside I don’t wanna love him another side I didn’t have any other option even my friend also left me alone for this , as he also loved me , I was in terrible state , what I gonna do. I also didn’t know why he choose me , many beautiful girls were there who were much better than me , work even in beauty , one question always arise in my mind why he chose me – is he trying to take revenge from me due to fake love or for what ? my mind was out of order from the day when he proposed me , he meet me with his family but he always told me to meet him with my family – at first I told him lie about my family as I didn’t love him so why should I tell him truth. Finally one day I decided to tell him that whatever I told that was lie even my love –I wanna tell him but suddenly that day due to a car accident he was hospitalized and he need A+ blood, I was the only person who gave him nearly 2 bottle blood, I did it for humanity or love I also didn’t know but can’t see him in pain. his family members quit impress as I saved his life, I felt like now my marriage with that arrogant Sohil Khanna is 100% sure, he also got to know that whatever I told about my family all were lie still he wanna marry as he knew I was doing drama in first but he didn’t know I never loved him neither in past not now due to his arrogant behavior. I tried a lot but always failed. But after marriage I decided to give up my job as I wanna be loyal and concentrate on my family and dream . I always have a dream to start my own company, own business, that’s why after my marriage I started focus on my ideas for my own business. Finally I succeed B&G company is the real fruit of my hard work , after finishing my whole complete project with model I showed my husband “Sohil Khanna” he quit impress on my idea and decided to lunch on my b’day , I was happy as after a long time my dream is going to true. Just two day before my b’day I got a phone call and a lady requested me to come to xxxxyyy hospital as she need my help , I didn’t know who is she but as a humanity I reached there , I saw a pregnant lady laid on a bed may be she is going to deliver her child , she told me this child is Sohil Khanna’s baby if she will die then take care of that baby , her words astonished me , for a few second I couldn’t understand what to say , felt like my whole body paralyzed , then I called Sohil Khanna and told him to come hospital but b4 he reached that women already died after giving birth a baby boy , but Sohil Khanna confess that he had relationship with that lady even he loved her a lot but unfortunately couldn’t marry due to some internal reason. He didn’t tell me anything clearly even I was not in mood to ask him anything. As per her request I came home with her baby, I told Sohil Khanna not to celebrate my b’day, as I was already lost. I didn’t celebrate my b’day for the first time in my life, I tried to overcome from pain but couldn’t where as my husband already lunched our new company but didn’t inform me about it .after 7 days of lunching of B&G company I got to know about it, it hurt me badly as I worked hard even whole idea even model was mine but he didn’t inform me during lunch. I hide my pain , but whom I say and what , it took a long time to overcome , slowly slowly I tried to concentrate on my second project which I wanna do by own , he might be my husband but we are like 2 separate human where I don’t know him and he don’t know me. That’s why my diary became my best friend, in past I was alone and now too. No change, yes! Only one change that’s my life style. I was trying to go back to cooperate sector again after 1 year of our marriage life , even this time as per the agreement I was getting 15% interest from B&G company profit which was stuffiest for my new project start up but still not enough, as I wanna start up my social work too along with that. I had numerous projects which always roaming in my head, I always looking for an opportunity. in my company – “josh” was a honest and hard working new fresher who always wish to explore himself , I always search a person who’ll help me as my husband not going to help me in this small projects specially socialwrok kind of works , he helped me a lot but one day he found dead in mysterious way. He had no enemies even no girl friend issues too , he wants to rise in his life like I had dream when I joined in a company , I helped him as I knew the meaning of dream . Police doubt on me as he was helping me in my project, I also felt like lost as I lost my right hand. His death quit break me inside still I was suborn to complete my project. But before that my prime duty was to get the murderer , no doubt police said this is suicide case but I knew that , that’s a murder case as he was very strong and why he’ll do suicide everything was fine in his life, there must be any reason to do suicide and I couldn’t find anything. I felt like something is going very wrong, which I didn’t know. After that , Police also close that case even I also become busy in my small project on student , I had 2 small projects , one is student project which I wanna make big another my orphan where I kept those kids who have no one , as I knew how it feel when everyone left you alone. I always try to give these kids a homely environment , for this I spend my all profit money from my company , I didn’t have any bank balance neither for myself nor for my family. My husband was sufficient for our family , I was investing money in my dream work , I always pray one thing before my lord that before my actual death I wish to make some of my dreams true , within those most important was giving home to homeless kids or old parents. Time passed , 2 years passed of our marriage but I couldn’t understand why I married , sometimes I even doubt that why sohil Khanna married me , I was alone in my past life even now too . Yes! One thing changed that previously I always dream but now I can implement it, which is my greatest achievement otherwise I felt like I was born lonely, no one was before even now too. I always try to busy myself within my work so that I can avoid my pain , but one day I got to know that my husband has relationship with his Personal assistance , which hurt me and this time I asked him directly , he told me “this is corporate sector , even you also experienced this . How you cheat me before to get profit for your company, she is also doing same for her profit. This is the profit having brain, money with beauty. Don’t correlate office work with personal, I never interfere your life so better you should not too. I am happy for your success so you should too. I want to see my company in top level and she is helping me but that’s not easy if you will take all issues by heart.” Then I became silent and promised to myself in future I’ll never interfere In his any issues .one day his Personal assistance found dead and police suspect my husband even I too but that case also closed as suicide case. Another side my project work was going to publish in international market, I couldn’t forget March -5-1887 because that day my project was accepted by some foreign investors and I was happy that very soon I gonna work on that and how much profit I’ll get that much big my orphan will be another reason which add value in my life that’s I was pregnant  , which gave me hope to live and smile . Just few days after of my new project work start , I faced an accident but I was safe even my baby too, after coming from hospital I felt some kind of abnormalities in my head , that affected on my work too , I felt like I may be suffer from any big disease but no doctor can detect anything . day by day my behavior quit change which affect my business even family life also , one day also came in my life I lose my everything due to loss of my business , I behave much abnormal way no one can understand my state of mind , everyone thought maybe I became mad due to high loss , from that day I am in this mental hospital , doctors took my baby from me , I couldn’t spend even one day with my baby , even I also don’t know what’s wrong with me , I am not mad even not mentally unstable , I still remember everything , but don’t know who is doing this , who will get befitted from this ?  After coming here nobody came here to see me and show my baby. I wanna escape from here. Can you please help me? I need your help.
After listening this Adam decided to help her first, which was his duty but he was a foreigner, how could he help her, who gonna believe him. There may be a chance he may face problem for her, still he decided to help her. He knowingly meets with the head of the hospital but nobody wants to talk about her, finally he decided to meet Sohil Khanna, sephli’s husband. But he couldn’t meet him as he was always busy in his work, his company was too big. He planned how to get to know the entire truth. Finally one day he got to chance to meet Sohil Khanna, he told him he is a writer , he is trying to write the success stories so if he can give him some time then he’ll be very happy . He’ll publish his story, finally Sohil Khanna told him to meet in his home on Sunday morning. Adam reached in time, Sohil Khanna was also perfect in his time, he started his story how he raised in his life, he was from a simple family and how a lady sephali changed his life, and then Sohil Khanna described his family life with Sephali. He always love her too much but never show before her but he didn’t know one day will come he had to left her alone in mental hospital. From Sohil Khanna’s story, Adam got to know that may be any third person in their life who can’t see their success, but who? Another side sephali always blamed Sohil Khanna for her this kind of life. After lots of research he got to know that, this is very complicated. So he took the help of a famous advocate through one of his Indian friend, they both start their work. …………………………………………………………
In the end they both conclude that one of the friend of sephali , she is a lady, who couldn’t see her success. but what  was her relation with sephali , what she wanna  ruin her life. is she loved Sohil Khanna ……………………………………………..
In the end Adam killed but his work published and he got many prices for his writing. He contribute his life for cephalic and Soil Hanna……………………
Story is not end here, wait for complete story!!!
What happened next is more mysterious than your thought, as it’s all about corporate life where success matters most than any relation…………………

PART ONE FEW – next I gonna complete after 24th … wait till that day ,

Now you all can get my story in series format in my blog , this is not copy paste , my real work but now I don’t have capability to write and publish my own book , so I wanna explore my ideas through my blog .
Thanks for read !!!


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