Love bazar means Love is kind of business now a days, where most us are it’s part. Mainly now a day’s people prefer this, easiest way to get the attention and get the things done.

But does it effects in our real life? If yes! Then how? Does it has any disadvantage?

However it’s now big popular in media and society. People using joing name to get profit and get the shit publicity. It also best way to get the publicity easily.

Now a day’s world is so competitive , even you have talent and good educational background you can’t do better than those who don’t even that much as they have money power , Now a days Money plays a big role then education even education and talent has no much effect in our life. Just example “simply diploma passed student get the chance to go foreign for job in the same time an IITCIAN too. so does it matters who read what and which institution”, sometimes our luck favors and sometimes our family background  like if my father or mother are good journalist or having good connection with journal world or acting career then I can get better position as per them If I have talent, that’s why you may find same surname people or same place people are in huge number in some industries, it can IT or JOURNAL OR WRITING OR MEDIA OR ACTING ETC. but if you are from a ordinary background and try to compete with them then it’s not less than any Big challenge for you. You have to face injustice and face struggle too. forget that , take simple school and college issue , some guys who are very obedient and attend all  the class still not getting concession  for shortage of  1% or 5% attendance or any mark , whereas if you are from high profile , then you can easily get attendance and mark , without doing hard labor . This is not fake, happening everywhere, but we ignore it as we don’t have any option. So now a day’s getting attention is better way to get what you want. , that only you can get either due to your work or any love kind of issues. People are now much interest in others life then their own, that’s why loving a controversial person is best way to get publicity. In this publicity world, what is true and what is fake is difficult to know.  Real problem arise when someone become victim for your show up. Now a day’s people are too busy in concentrating on themselves they have no time to think about others and their emotions too. So I feel become selfish is best way to escape out from here.

Does this Love issues affects your career?

I think yes! Sometimes it helps you get the things done or get what you want and sometimes it also act as wall. till now I meet with many guys but I never try to be committed or engage in love because for me my career matters a lot and I am from ordinary family and I am a girl too , so it’s too difficult to rise by own without others support , in the same time I can’t handle this love issues . I also have a dream , I am always looking for the people who can help me , it’s not a writing issues where you can write your own book and get publish , it’s not doctors work who can do his/her work alone and not a painter where I can paint and sell it , as I am belongs to Computer career , I need communication and support for my work. For this reason I am still single as I know it’s not easy , forget about outsiders , when your own people also left you alone then what you can do , I am suborn kind of personality , I can left everyone but not my dream. Sometimes I think like , may God has planned to make me a boy but suddenly his mind chanced and send me as a girl , that’s why my mentality is a kind of Boy , what everyone say ? I act like boy. I take it as a best compliment for me.  IF I DID N’T RUN AFTER MY DREAM THEN I CAN MARRY AFTER PASSING MY ENGINEERING, I STILL REMEMBER MY PARENTS CHOOSE SOME BEST CANDIDATES LIKE ONE USA BASED DOCTOR, IAS OFFICER AND IITCIAN WHO ALSO ESTABLISHED IN USA, best choice from my side too, they all are my relative’s relative, so no chance of cheating too, even our family background also good, as my family is from Landlord family background even well named too but At that time I am in engineering 2nd and 3 rd year that’s why I refused to marry, as I also have dream. I don’t want to get publicity using their names. Even I can’t give guaranty that I can rise there or not, if they are conservative types then? even I know about ORIYA GUYS and THEIR MENTALITY , they can allow their sisters to work not their wives .when you marry a high profile person ,you can’t give guaranty that you can rise as that person already have huge money , why they want you should work , I don’t know if someone among them will be open minded how actually I want. That’s why I refuse, as I feel like my future is uncertain, if I’ll marry .  so marrying someone is not that much important as building myself , if in case while building myself I don’t get the chance to marry , I can stay single like some politicians and celebrities , who didn’t marry for their own developments . I also prefer that then to marry. Marrying is best way to get a family and pleasant life. if I’ll not marry , I’ll make orphans which will for old parents and poor abandon kids , I want a family and they will be my family . that’s my final decision , I wants to marry as I want a loving supportive family and pleasant life . If I can get that from these poor kids and parents then what the need of marry. But I hate when people spoil my name in fake love issues. I am not only very controversial person for my words but also in love issues too. From my childhood days I am like this.
Now I gonna discuses about my love issues from beginning (TRUTH ABOUT ME)

I hate love issues till I complete my 12th. no doubt many guys came in my life  as a friend not as a lover but end up with love but that was not accepted by me , MAY BE FOR THAT ALL REASON NOW I CAN’T GET WHAT I WANT NOW (Love):P  but which cases actually affects my life , now I gonna discuss that

In my school time , I face many love related problems , I even remember I didn’t talk with a guy for 4 years (6th – 10th )when I got to know he loves me ,I am very suborn kind of person. One time also came, my friends stop talking with me due to this issues. I don’t know why people force you to love someone, but I was different, no one can force me. I can leave everyone for my principle. I knew after school, I don’t have relation with that guy then why I’ll cheat him. But some take it as CAST issues, which actually hurt me. People always misinterpreted me , I knew that’s not cast that’s my principle issue , I can’t cheat anyone . but for that I had to lose many of my friends , as I can’t obey everyone’s order or I can’t obey all . That was beyond my principle. I hate that, when someone forces to love someone, its ok! If I had relation then you can say it’s cheating but I never talk then when this cheating issue actually comes.

In my college time also there was guy who loves me , but I didn’t love that guy , he is good but I don’t like him . My luck is so bad , always in my group either its school or college all time my group partners are boys. My roll number always in last as per alphabet (SWETA). He was also my lab partner; at least he was my good friend in first but end up with my enemy, as I don’t like such issues. But for him I scolded by my friends even one mam– she told me “you always have complain, if a guy looks at you then what’s your problem. Let him look. Blew. “

In medical preparation time, for the first time I felt the feeling of love. But that was for temporary period, I shared this matter with my friend who was very close with me in AAKASH. she told me to concentrate on study , I thought it’s true , after that I concentrate on my study . I found that my love feelings are just like water bubble that burst easily :P

Last one -my engineering life. From my engineering life, my life mode changed. Maximum time I engaged myself in controversy. Some guys take it advantage too. till engineering I have love issues with those whom I love or who are my friends before , after engineering my love issues are on airs means with whom I never talk , my love rumors spread with them . that’s the reason I stop talking with all guys except my 2 lab partners , my all lab partners are guys but guys are better lab partner , they can help you more than girls , my experience . That’s why I always looking for guy/boy partner for my work as I know all guys are not so series or responsible kind of people but they can be a good supportive work partner. Till now my all guys partner are too good, but I always face problem for this love kind of issues. Engineering was the starting period of my love issues in air means everything starts with social media and ends with social media, some guys use my name to make their girl friends jealous as I was free or can say single. Which ultimately spoils my career and life? But it helps them to become in spotlight, but I have no answer. People always blame me like I cheat the guys . Oh , how can I cheat? is it through coding , with whom I never talk in real life , it doesn’t matter whether that person is our campus or outside campus  , if I never talk with a  guy then how love is possible , is it through social media to get publicity . I use social media for my business, my main purpose behind use social media to become better communicator and trying to get help for my business or project. About flirt in social media, it’s common. I know where I’ll get benefit if I’ll flirt in social media, where I don’t. Sometimes social media also affects our real life, when the matters became too serious. Now a day’s marriage through social media or social networking sites is going to be common. But I hate those who unnecessarily use others name for get publicity.

I am talking about my recent issues , many guys are there who are my crush or can say from whom I actually expect help from real life not through social media  but end up with facing problem , real truth is forget about help ,  they don’t have even guts to talk with me . I hate such kind of close mentality guys, who run from you in real life like I am a tiger who wnnna kill them but in social media they show they are TRUE MAN. Huh, I hate such kind of guys, be open minded and be explorative. I don’t like such kind of guys as I know they can’t help you. But they have guts to spoil your name in social media. Recently, people spoiling name with a guy who has no guts to talk with me forget about discuss about my project. I need a man, who is open minded and extrovert kind not a silent and introvert type. Because I don’t know about my marriage but I am sure about my project, I need partners for my projects. I hate when people spread rumors joining some guy’s name.

We are now in 21th century, in this era where we give much preference to experimental work and true facts where people spreading fake rumors and accept it and further spread it. I hate this. Before spreading about someone ask those people, who are with them or who are the real evidences. I am sure if anyone asks about my love issues to my friends who were with me, they can give better answer.

I hate when people spread rumors and for that you have to suffer.

First I wants to say – I don’t have interest to marry now , till I get what I want . If for fulfilling my dream, if time will come to spend whole life alone, I also accept that.

Second – I want to marry a man, who may not help me at least never try to down me and act as a wall between me and my career.
I am from a ordinary family with extraordinary dream , I don’t have sufficient money to make myself successful or get things done even I don’t have any supportive hands except my PARENTS  who can help me either from my family side or outside family. People also there who can’t see my success, maybe it’s due to I am a girl. Some spread rumors; I take them illiterate who spread rumors but don’t have guts to prove them. People have now many different kind of perception about me, which actually spoiling my name. Last one is my place and some illiterate people, who spoil your name. I know I can’t fight with all , who spread what , but whenever I go to my near dear people’s house and they ask me some question , which actually astonished me like , what ! Am I. no! Who said this? my life is like now in this state , I am a such kind of girl who loves journey and meet with different people but now some people spoil my name in such a way wherever I go I get harassment and become alone, like some kind of negative rumors which are actually downing my image, but I can’t do anything for this. Now I fear to journey any where alone within odisha. Where I born, now that palace become insecure for me and become a big reason behind my failure , nothing is much painful than this. Wherever I’ll go I’ll work for that place, doesn’t matter whether that’s within odisha or outside odisha or India.
I have confidence, one day I can reach at my goal. God is not so blind. I may be alone now; no longer will I be alone. Whole world is with me, I don’t care where I get help or support , now simple help also a big miracle for me. I am going to pursue my career either in M-TECH OR MBA that time will say. Hope my real journey start after that. Getting a job doesn’t prove you that you are good in your career but how much it helps you in your real life that matters most. I don’t  want any sympathy , some people show me sympathy now, I don’t need this , even I am not such terrible state too . I know how to handle myself alone, as I am habituated with such kind of life from last 5 years.  From my past I learnt- how to be alone and work without any expectation. Every life has a story and every story begins with some starting point. My story already started when I entered into engineering, I am on my way to my destination. I am not saying slow and steady wins the race , but when times goes wrong you have to slow your race so that you can able to cope with all. My situation is also like that. if my dream was to get  job then marry , then I can get it 3 years before means , after my 12th I joined in engineering then job then marry , I lost my 3 years running after my dream . So if I can spoil my 3 years why can’t take risk for 1-2 year.



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