Forget the Past and Move On?

Everyone experienced happiness and unhappiness in his or her life. I am sure we all have, had some unpleasant memories too, perhaps some which are of real painful ones? Well, forget the past and move on and let time heal your pain, a lot would advise you. If I’ll ask, I am sure you can still name me a pretty lot of those unpleasant memories of yours?
Well, we humans are by nature affectionate with feelings and emotions and to be feeling down and unhappy at times is inevitable. But then, this is the gift from our god to grow more. Take your past experience as a lesson means in positive way and move on, the presence of unpleasant memories has got to just be part and parcel of your life. You see, it is only when you actually went through unhappiness, will you be able to then understand and truly appreciate the gift of happiness. Until you forget the past, you can’t live in present moment and can’t accept the reality.
You have to learn to let go of the unpleasant past. But to get it clear, by asking you to let go is not asking you to try and forget the past. As mentioned, it is not going to be easy for you to just forget all those past unpleasantness. Yes, you may claim that you are able to forget some though. But here, you have to understand that those are just the insignificant events that have got not at all any harsh impact on you and which is why you are able to forget them very easily. In short, you have understood their insignificance and let go of them. And hence to be saying, for those that that still haunt you, you have yet to understand them enough; you are still unwilling to accept the fact that they actually happened.
Now, everything in life happen for a reason and the reason for going through these unhappiness is actually to help you to better understand yourself, to allow you to grow wiser and to move on and progress in life.
If you have had that courage to stand up again and again despite all those hurtful falls when you were a baby, I am sure you can once again stand up on your feet to walk on and move on? Don't let your unpleasant past be an obstacle to you, let it be instead a driving force for you to move on and progress in life. Let go of the unpleasant past now, happiness is what you should deserve.
How to overcome the Past

Accept that the past is the past

Whatever happened, happened and there is absolutely nothing you can do to change it. Accepting the fact that there is nothing you can do about something is not always easy because it makes you feel powerless. However, realizing and accepting the fact that things that happened in the past are not your responsibility anymore, sometimes we do mistake without our mistake and sometimes we do unknowingly.
It’s completely okay to let things go, and this also includes things you feel guilty about, so stop beating yourself up about past events that you cannot change and concentrate on the present instead. The more you concentrating your present the more it beautiful become. Accept the past and move on, but don’t try to hide it, the more you try to hide the more it expose before others in rumor form. That’s why I open to all and I feel I should say the truth no matter how hard it is and how bitter it is.

Stop Basing Everything on Your Experience

No matter how experienced and knowledgeable you may be in whatever situation, all situations are different, even if only slightly. Sure, you can learn from the past, but it is highly unlikely that anything is going to happen in the exact same way twice.
Let’s say you ate a bad pizza– are you going to sit there and think ‘That pizza hut was so disgusting, I hate that pizza, why did it have to be so disgusting? I bet every single pizza I’m ever going to eat in the future is going to be just as disgusting if not even more. Seriously though, I’m going to start avoiding all pizza like the plague Or maybe if I’m really careful about which pizza end up on my plate in the future I might be able to only get the good ones.’?
If you do that each time life serves you a pizza, you’re probably going to end up staring at it with your fork in hand, wondering if it’s going to taste bad because the last one you ate did and if you really want to go through the same thing again.

Through this example I am trying to say, we can’t judge or comment on all mankind based on some. world is consists of some bad and some good , give chance and open your heart again and look good people still exists and good things will happens once in your life , wait and do your job perfectly. This case more appropriate for LOVE MATTERS, especially those who cheated once they feel all girls or boys are same type, this is obvious thinking specially those who love from heart.
When you base your actions completely on your experience, you are limiting yourself and probably missing out on a bunch of good stuff.

Engage with your fears and alter your habits.
Sometimes we develop habits that keep us from confronting and moving beyond unresolved experiences. They can keep us from incorporating their effects into our decisions in the present. Part of incorporating these effects is breaking these habits to confront your feelings.
Face your fear and move on, once you win over your fear you can win anyone, what I learnt from my past life otherwise you’ll live like Dumbo.

Focus on the present the here and now and joy.

Now it’s time to let go. Let go of the past, and stop reliving it. Stop telling yourself that story where the protagonist you is forever the victim of this other person’s horrible actions. You can’t undo the past, all you can do is to make today the best day of your life.
When you focus on the here and now, you have less time to think about the past. When the past memories creep into your consciousness (as they are bound to do from time to time), acknowledge them for a moment. And then bring yourself gently back into the present moment. Some people find it easier to do this with a conscious cue, such as saying to yourself, “It’s alright. That was the past, and now I’m focused on my own happiness and doing.”
Remember, if we crowd our brains and lives with hurt feelings, there’s little room for anything positive. It’s a choice you’re making to continue to feel the hurt, rather than welcoming joy back into your life.

PS :- My open diary blog is my memory diary , it’s now going to be 500 posts and more than I lakh viewers in my blog . This is an open diary blog, where I wrote my all experiences, if anyone read my whole blog he/she can gotta know 80-90% of my life story till now, I never edit my past articles, if I edit then if there is any grammatical mistake or put any image otherwise I never ever edit my past articles, as it act like my memory . So don’t ever think I edit my past posts and I do modifications, what was my mental status I wrote in that way. I rarely care about what other think but now I really care so I promise I’ll not do again that stupid mistakes. Because sometimes people got to know about your weakness and sometimes you wrote something in anger and people take it seriously then you face problem for that. No one can save you when you cut your own leg. So Don’t judge me based on my past articles , I can’t shout and can’t scold anyone if I face any injustices or problem , I take writing and my blogger as main weapon to fight. Because I broadcast myself before world, hopefully! Now onward you’ll never get any articles like some of my past articles based on failure issues and pain . 

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