“Don’t promise to yourself for excessive happiness or successful life, Live and let people show you can do it, deliver that’ll be the best example before everyone in your life. True life must be found somewhere else.”
I promise myself “not to care or care less.”
But why?
Is there any reason behind or I am frustrated from this life. The reason is simple – I just want to live my life in my way and make my life worth living.
“Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.” – Lao Tzu
It is human nature to want to be liked and accepted. However, this often leads to people worrying too much about what others are thinking about us.
Not caring what people think is the hockey pokey to getting through each and every day—it’s what it’s all about. I don’t know if not caring what people think comes before or after liking yourself, but I think learning to do either will help with the other.
Self-esteem is the kind of thing that sucks basically for everyone, no matter what your circumstances, probably because you are constantly told you can and should be better. “Be yourself!”- That’s the best way to care less or don’t care to this society. Do what you love - wearing what you want, you’re physical self, and your internal self. Damn, but be careful that shouldn’t destroy the environment or society.

Care what other people will think, kind of excessive worrying can have a negative effect on your life. It can be so debilitating that it interferes with your ability to feel at ease with yourself and around others. Do not let it prevent you from living your life to the fullest potential.

Caring about what others think getting you down
The problem with most people is that they care too much about what others think.
It’s a very common psychological issue among us.
More often than not, when most think about what others think of them, it’s always on the negative side. We tend to worry about others’ opinions and pre-judgement as if we’re doing something wrong. Thinking about what others think brings you down as you start to focus your energy on others and not yourself. That’s the reason most of the people in this world can’t follow their dream due to this society and “what people say” or in Hindi “LOG KYA KAHENGE” kind of word .
We can’t help it - And this is a very uncontrollable issue. It’s literally in our subconscious.
We’re only human and we just want to be happy. We want to be well-liked by those around us and not create any unnecessary problems. Not all of us have such great self-mastery that we can be completely in our own world. Furthermore, there is this conflict in the mind when it comes to caring about what others think, that is, what may actually happen to us when we don’t care about what others think.
Society has a lot of rules to follow in order to survive, so how can we not care about what others think?
Simply out: You should both care and not care about it.
When you should not care:
Is caring about what others thinks taking control of your life?
If your thoughts are going awry and getting out of control, then it’s time to step back and really reflect on why you’re doing this. I am talking about getting paranoid in your head, where you care so much about what others think you’re literally making things up!
Stop caring when it’s pulling you down. There’s no reason to.
Stop caring when your full potential and capability cannot be reached.
Why let the words or looks from others affect you?
There’s no reason why you cannot be yourself and hit your highest self just because of others. You’re you. So be it.
But the reason why you need to care: Is that we still play by the world’s rules.
You need to understand the concept of face value. Not caring about what others think is good for you, but it’s also very important to understand what you’re portraying to the world.
People are judgemental, face it.
You do not want to come across as extremely deviant or even rebellious. That may sound discouraging and even contradictory, but let’s take it to a more practical level.
Ask yourself: Can you really handle the additional stress of say, quitting your high-paying job to follow your dream? Can you take the sudden drop in income and what others’ have to say?
Remember, we live in this world still. So give yourself the extra trouble.
-Find out how to gain the confidence to do what you love.
-Learn how to talk to others and be yourself.
Why you should not care or less care about others -
1. it’s Not Their Life, so it’s None of Their Business
People always interfere in your life no matter whatever you do with them or not, People are entitled to think whatever they want, just as you are entitled to think what you want. What people think of you cannot change who you are or what you are worth, unless you allow them to.
This is your life to live. At the end of the day you are the only person who needs to approve of your own choices, not others.
2. They don’t know what’s best for you
Nobody will ever be as invested in your life as you , nobody going to live this life for you , nobody going to suffer for you . Only you know what is best for you, and that entails learning from your own choices. The only way you will ever truly learn is through making your own decisions, taking full responsibility for them, and that way if you do fail, at least you can learn from it wholeheartedly, as opposed to blaming somebody else.
3. What’s Right For Someone Else May Be Completely Wrong For You
It’s important to recognize that someone’s opinion is often based on what they would do. This alone is the problem. What is best for somebody else, can be the worst thing for you. What one person considers garbage can be another person’s treasure. We are all so unique. Only you know what is right for you.
4. It Will Keep You From Your Dreams
If you are constantly worried about what other people think, you will never get to where you need to go in life. This popular word “Log kya kahenga, killed many dreams till now “ You are going to have to do things that don’t always meet people’s standards. You will come into situations where you have to put your pride, and your reputation on the line to get what you want. If you are constantly worried about what people are thinking, you will never have the will to do what’s right.
5. People’s Thoughts Change On A Regular Basis
People’s thoughts, ideas and views change on a regular basis not your life so why you live in others life.
That means even if somebody does think badly of you at the moment, there is a good chance they will think differently in the near future. So basically, people’s thoughts don’t really matter.
6. Life Is Simply Too Short
You only have one life to live, so why would you spend it worrying about other people’s opinions? Do whatever you want, be whoever you want. You’re not going to see these people after you’re dead. You probably won’t even see them in a year from now. Live your life without worrying about other people’s thoughts and opinion, and you will live your life to the maximum.
7. You Reap What You Sow
Worrying too much about what other people think of you can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Frequently, people indulge their need to be liked so much so that it actually dictates to the way they behave. Some become people-pleasers or so submissive that many people are turned off. The behavior you use as an attempt to ensure you are liked may actually cause you to be disliked.
8. Others Don’t Care As Much As You Think
People generally don’t think outside themselves a great deal of time. It is a sad but simple truth that the average person filters their world through their ego, meaning that they think about most things in terms of “me” or “my”.
This means that, unless who you are or what you have done directly affects another person or their life, they are unlikely to spend much time thinking about you at all.
9. The Hard Truth: It’s Impossible To Please Everybody
You can’t please all of the people all of the time. It is impossible to live up to everyone’s expectations so there is no point in burning yourself out trying to do so. Just make sure that one of the people you please is yourself!
10. My story
I am talking about me, I am a very controversial person and my life is very unique than others. I am not bluffing, it’s true about me. I judge my life better still I always confuse how to deal with others and with my life as I tried all methods and still something I can’t make perfect no matter how much I try . there was a time I care a lot what other people will think about me – if I’ll do this , if I’ll do that but now I am really careless as I understand how to live my life better . I most probably the person who always suffer due to the RUMORS than the TRUTH, I always face the bad people than good one. I surfaced a lot mentally due to my rumour related circumstances than my own life real problems. Still I have faith one day I am going to win in my life through my own labour , I learn one lesson from my life – NOBODY IS PERFECT STILL THEY ALWAYS SHOW FINGERS TOWARDS YOU ,IF YOU BECOME A FAILURE PERSONALITY THEN NOBODY GONNA CRY FOR YOU OR SUFFER FOR YOU , YOU COME WITH YOUR OWN FATE , WHAT YOU HAVE TO FACE SO WHY YOU SPOIL YOUR TIME IN “LOG KYA KAHENGE” .
I am responsible of my own choices either it’s come to marriage or career. When people ask me you are now 24+ or 25 years in Brahmin Hindu family then how can you dare to refuse to marry as some people think marriage is a kind of compulsory for everyone else , in this age but I always answer one thing – marriage is important for me too but success is more important , age is a number for me as success doesn’t come with age , it comes with experience and knowledge . I do my work as per my responsibility. That’s why now I am careless about this society and everything, as now I am fully concentrate about my future and end of my life. I don’t want to make my end of life bad life, I want to make it memorable through my work.
So I learnt one lesson from my near past and I promise to myself I’ll move according to that - Nobody is yours, until unless you get success. Those whom you call yours even they also can’t see your progress in certain time period. who help you to rise they forget your age , who help you to get knowledge they forget your weightage , Time plays a big game with all, so don’t be fooled by others . Better listen all but follow none except your own heart.
I don’t know what will be my future and what I going to do , whether I can make my dream true or not but one thing I am sure – I want to make my rest of my best of my life and do something for myself and for some people unconditionally . I want to be a women and child protector, that’s my final dream as I feel now world need this badly. That’s why I am really care less what other are thinking but before that I have to make myself that much strong. I just want to go somewhere where I can built myself better in a perfect way, I know all places don’t suits all. That’s my only pray and wish before my lord – take me to so far and somewhere else where I can get strength to make my dream true because time has all answer and it makes you strong so you have to work accordingly . I can’t change my fate but I can change myself which indirectly can change my fate. In my prayer I always ask 2 things to my lord.
1) Love

2) Strength /support 

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